K99() is set
bool K99() is set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
{x1,e} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1,x2} is Element of bool the Points of G
{e,x2,x1} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x1,e,x2} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x1,x2,e} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x2,e,x1} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x2,x1,e} is Element of bool the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
H is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
e is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
{x1,x2,p1} is Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
p1 is Element of the Points of G
{x1,p1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1,p2} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x2,p1,p2} is Element of bool the Points of G
H is Element of the Lines of G
I is Element of the Lines of G
L1 is Element of the Lines of G
L2 is Element of the Lines of G
L is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
e is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
{x1,x2,p1} is Element of bool the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Points of G
I is Element of the Lines of G
L1 is Element of the Lines of G
L2 is Element of the Lines of G
L is Element of the Lines of G
{e,x2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
{x1,p1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
{e,x1,p2} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x2,p1,p2} is Element of bool the Points of G
r is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1,x2} is Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
H is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
p2 is IncProjStr
the Points of p2 is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of p2 is V4() set
H is Element of the Points of p2
I is Element of the Points of p2
L1 is Element of the Points of p2
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
G is IncProjStr
the Lines of G is V4() set
the Points of G is V4() set
the Element of the Points of G is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
{x2,p1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Points of G
{p1,p2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
H is Element of the Points of G
I is Element of the Points of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
{e,x1,x2} is Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
{x2,x1,e} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x1,x2,e} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x2,e,x1} is Element of bool the Points of G
{e,x2,x1} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x1,e,x2} is Element of bool the Points of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
{x2,p1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
H is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Points of G
{p1,p2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
H is Element of the Points of G
{x2,H} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
[: the Points of G, the Points of G, the Points of G, the Points of G:] is set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
[e,x1,x2,p1] is Element of [: the Points of G, the Points of G, the Points of G, the Points of G:]
p2 is Element of [: the Points of G, the Points of G, the Points of G, the Points of G:]
p2 `3_4 is Element of the Points of G
p2 `1_4 is Element of the Points of G
p2 `2_4 is Element of the Points of G
p2 `4_4 is Element of the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
(G,e,x1) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x1,e) is Element of the Lines of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
x2 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
x2 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,p1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
H is Element of the Lines of G
I is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
H is Element of the Lines of G
I is Element of the Lines of G
L1 is Element of the Lines of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Lines of G
{x1,x2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
H is Element of the Lines of G
{x1,p2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
I is Element of the Lines of G
{x1,p1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
L1 is Element of the Lines of G
L2 is Element of the Points of G
L is Element of the Points of G
r is Element of the Points of G
{L2,L,r} is Element of bool the Points of G
{x2,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
H is Element of the Lines of G
{x2,p2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
I is Element of the Lines of G
{x2,p1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
L1 is Element of the Lines of G
L2 is Element of the Points of G
L is Element of the Points of G
r is Element of the Points of G
{L,L2,r} is Element of bool the Points of G
{p1,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
H is Element of the Lines of G
{p1,p2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
I is Element of the Lines of G
{p1,x2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
L1 is Element of the Lines of G
L2 is Element of the Points of G
L is Element of the Points of G
r is Element of the Points of G
{L,L2,r} is Element of bool the Points of G
H is Element of the Points of G
I is Element of the Points of G
L1 is Element of the Points of G
{H,I,L1} is Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
L2 is Element of the Points of G
L is Element of the Points of G
r is Element of the Points of G
{L2,L,r} is Element of bool the Points of G
c13 is Element of the Points of G
c14 is Element of the Points of G
c15 is Element of the Points of G
{c13,c14,c15} is Element of bool the Points of G
G is IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
{e,x1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
e is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
H is Element of the Points of G
{x1,x2,H} is Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
I is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Points of G
{p1,p2,H} is Element of bool the Points of G
L1 is Element of the Lines of G
{x1,p1} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
L2 is Element of the Lines of G
{x2,p2} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
L is Element of the Lines of G
r is Element of the Points of G
c13 is Element of the Points of G
c14 is Element of the Points of G
c15 is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
e is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Lines of e is V4() set
the Points of e is V4() set
x1 is Element of the Lines of e
x2 is Element of the Lines of e
p1 is Element of the Points of e
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
the Points of G is V4() set
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x1,x2) is Element of the Points of G
(G,x2,x1) is Element of the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
(G,x1,e) is Element of the Lines of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x2,p1) is Element of the Points of G
(G,(G,x1,e),p1) is Element of the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
(G,e,x2) is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
x1 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
(G,x1,p1) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x2,p1) is Element of the Lines of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
(G,e,x2) is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
x1 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
(G,x1,p1) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x2,p1) is Element of the Lines of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
(G,x1,e) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x2,e) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,e,x1) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,e,x2) is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
(G,p1,(G,x1,e)) is Element of the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Lines of G
p1 is Element of the Lines of G
x1 is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x1,x2) is Element of the Points of G
(G,x1,p1) is Element of the Points of G
(G,x2,x1) is Element of the Points of G
(G,p1,x1) is Element of the Points of G
{e,(G,x1,x2)} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
(G,e,(G,x1,x2)) is Element of the Lines of G
{e,(G,x1,p1)} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
x2 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
(G,e,x1) is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
p1 is Element of the Points of G
(G,e,p1) is Element of the Lines of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
x2 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
(G,e,x1) is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
(G,e,x2) is Element of the Lines of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
x2 is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
(G,e,x2) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x1,p1) is Element of the Lines of G
p2 is Element of the Lines of G
(G,(G,e,x2),p2) is Element of the Points of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
(G,x1,x2) is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
(G,x2,e) is Element of the Lines of G
{x2,e} is V4() Element of bool the Points of G
bool the Points of G is set
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
e is Element of the Points of G
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
(G,x1,x2) is Element of the Lines of G
the Lines of G is V4() set
(G,x1,e) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,x2,x1) is Element of the Lines of G
G is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional IncProjStr
the Points of G is V4() set
the Lines of G is V4() set
x1 is Element of the Points of G
x2 is Element of the Points of G
e is Element of the Points of G
p1 is Element of the Points of G
p2 is Element of the Points of G
(G,e,x1) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,e,x2) is Element of the Lines of G
(G,p1,p2) is Element of the Lines of G
I is Element of the Lines of G
H is Element of the Lines of G
r is Element of the Points of G