K99() is set
bool K99() is set
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
the Points of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Lines of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Lines of IPP
X is Element of the Lines of IPP
X is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
the Points of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Lines of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Lines of IPP
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
X is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
the Points of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Lines of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Lines of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
the Points of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Lines of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Lines of IPP
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
X is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
{p,q,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
{p,c,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{q,p,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{q,c,p} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{c,p,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{c,q,p} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
{p,q,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
L is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
{p,L,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
{p,X,R} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
{X,L,z} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
{X,e,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
{L,e,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{z,K,R} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{q,e,R} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{q,e,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{e,e,z} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
C is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
a3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
o is Element of the Lines of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
{e,e,z} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
{z,e,e} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
O is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Lines of IPP
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Lines of IPP
A is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
a3 is Element of the Points of IPP
o is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
a3 is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
o is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
a3 is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
a3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
o is Element of the Lines of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
a3 is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
o is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() IncProjStr
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
the Points of IPP is V4() set
q is Element of the Points of IPP
p is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() Fanoian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
{z,c,X} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
C is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
{B,K,X} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{L,p,X} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{B,c,p} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{z,K,p} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
a3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
{L,c,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{z,B} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
o is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() Fanoian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
q is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
p is Element of the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
a3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
{L,p,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
{L,q,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
{R,q,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{R,p,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
{X,p,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
{X,c,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
{L,R} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
o is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() Fanoian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
q is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
p is Element of the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
a3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
{L,p,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
{L,q,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
{R,q,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{R,p,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
{X,p,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
{X,c,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
{L,R} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
o is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() Fanoian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
q is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
p is Element of the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
a3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
{L,p,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
{L,q,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
{R,q,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{R,p,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
{X,p,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
{X,c,K} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
{L,R} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
o is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() Fanoian IncProjStr
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
the Points of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Lines of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
the Points of IPP is V4() set
c is Element of the Points of IPP
p is Element of the Lines of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
L is set
R is set
X is set
A is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
a3 is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
o is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
a3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
a3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Points of IPP
o is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
L is set
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
R is set
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
L is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
dom L is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
R is Element of the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
L . R is set
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
L . R is set
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
dom K is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
L is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
dom L is Element of bool the Points of IPP
R is set
X is Element of the Points of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
R is Element of the Points of IPP
K . R is set
L . R is set
X is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,q,q,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
c is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,q,q,p) . c is set
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,c,K,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
(IPP,c,K,p) . q is set
dom (IPP,c,K,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
L is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,K,L,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
(IPP,K,L,p) . q is set
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
X is Element of the Points of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,c,K,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
rng (IPP,c,K,p) is set
dom (IPP,c,K,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
L is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,c,K,p) . L is set
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,c,K,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
dom (IPP,c,K,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
L is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,K,L,q) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
(IPP,c,K,p) * (IPP,K,L,q) is Relation-like Function-like set
dom ((IPP,c,K,p) * (IPP,K,L,q)) is set
rng ((IPP,c,K,p) * (IPP,K,L,q)) is set
rng (IPP,K,L,q) is set
R is set
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
dom (IPP,K,L,q) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
(IPP,c,K,p) . R is set
dom (IPP,K,L,q) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
rng (IPP,c,K,p) is set
R is set
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,c,K,p) . e is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,c,K,p) . e is set
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,q,c,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
K is Element of the Points of IPP
L is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,q,c,p) . K is set
R is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,q,c,p) . L is set
X is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Lines of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,c,K,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
(IPP,c,K,p) . q is set
L is Element of the Lines of IPP
IPP is V22() partial up-2-dimensional up-3-rank V73() 2-dimensional Desarguesian IncProjStr
the Points of IPP is V4() set
the Lines of IPP is V4() set
p is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
c is Element of the Points of IPP
K is Element of the Lines of IPP
L is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,K,L,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
[: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:] is set
R is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,L,R,q) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
(IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q) is Relation-like Function-like set
X is set
dom ((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) is set
rng ((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) is set
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
rng (IPP,L,R,q) is set
e is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
z is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
dom (IPP,K,R,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
bool the Points of IPP is set
e is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) . e is set
(IPP,K,R,p) . e is set
(IPP,R,R,q) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
(IPP,K,R,p) * (IPP,R,R,q) is Relation-like Function-like set
((IPP,K,R,p) * (IPP,R,R,q)) . e is set
(IPP,R,R,q) . ((IPP,K,R,p) . e) is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is set
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,e) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
dom (IPP,K,R,e) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is set
z is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,L,p) . e is set
z is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,L,R,q) . z is set
A is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,L,p) . C is set
B is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,L,R,q) . B is set
a3 is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,L,R,q) . c is set
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
(IPP,K,L,p) . c is set
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
o is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
q is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,o) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
q is Element of the Points of IPP
((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) . q is set
(IPP,K,R,o) . q is set
((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) . c is set
(IPP,K,L,p) . c is set
(IPP,L,R,q) . ((IPP,K,L,p) . c) is set
(IPP,L,R,q) . c is set
(IPP,K,L,p) . q is set
(IPP,L,R,q) . ((IPP,K,L,p) . q) is set
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,L,R,q) . e is set
B3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
A1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
{B,a3,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
B1 is Element of the Lines of IPP
{q,c,C} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
A3 is Element of the Lines of IPP
{B,p,C} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{B,e,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{p,e,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{a3,e,c} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{p,o,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{a3,o,C} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{e,e,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
{o,e,q} is Element of bool the Points of IPP
O is Element of the Lines of IPP
((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) . e is set
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is Element of the Lines of IPP
((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) . C is set
dom (IPP,K,R,o) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
q is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
q is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
q is set
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
q is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
q is set
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,q) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
dom (IPP,K,R,q) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
q is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
q is Element of the Points of IPP
((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) . q is set
(IPP,K,R,q) . q is set
(IPP,K,K,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
(IPP,K,K,p) * (IPP,K,R,q) is Relation-like Function-like set
((IPP,K,K,p) * (IPP,K,R,q)) . q is set
(IPP,K,K,p) . q is set
(IPP,K,R,q) . ((IPP,K,K,p) . q) is set
q is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,q) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
dom (IPP,K,R,q) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,e) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
B3 is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,B3) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
A1 is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,A1) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
e is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
e is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,q)) . e is set
(IPP,K,R,p) . e is set
(IPP,L,R,p) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
(IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,p) is Relation-like Function-like set
((IPP,K,L,p) * (IPP,L,R,p)) . e is set
(IPP,K,L,p) . e is set
(IPP,L,R,p) . ((IPP,K,L,p) . e) is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,L,R,p) . e is set
A is Element of the Lines of IPP
z is Element of the Points of IPP
C is Element of the Lines of IPP
B is Element of the Lines of IPP
e is set
dom (IPP,K,L,p) is Element of bool the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is set
e is Element of the Points of IPP
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,e) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]
e is Element of the Points of IPP
(IPP,K,R,e) is Relation-like the Points of IPP -defined the Points of IPP -valued Function-like Element of bool [: the Points of IPP, the Points of IPP:]