:: BCIALG_1 semantic presentation

K121() is V26() V31() V36() V37() set
bool K121() is V31() set
1 is non empty set
[:1,1:] is Relation-like set
bool [:1,1:] is set
[:[:1,1:],1:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[:1,1:],1:] is set
{} is set
the Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding empty V26() V36() V38( {} ) set is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding empty V26() V36() V38( {} ) set
{{}} is non empty trivial V38(1) set
the non empty set is non empty set
[: the non empty set , the non empty set :] is Relation-like set
[:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :] is set
the Relation-like V6() V18([: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set ) Element of bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :] is Relation-like V6() V18([: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set ) Element of bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :]
( the non empty set , the Relation-like V6() V18([: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set ) Element of bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :]) is () ()
the carrier of ( the non empty set , the Relation-like V6() V18([: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set ) Element of bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :]) is set
X is ()
the carrier of X is set
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the non empty set is non empty set
[: the non empty set , the non empty set :] is Relation-like set
[:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :] is set
the Relation-like V6() V18([: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set ) Element of bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :] is Relation-like V6() V18([: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set ) Element of bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :]
the Element of the non empty set is Element of the non empty set
( the non empty set , the Relation-like V6() V18([: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set ) Element of bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :], the Element of the non empty set ) is () ()
the carrier of ( the non empty set , the Relation-like V6() V18([: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set ) Element of bool [:[: the non empty set , the non empty set :], the non empty set :], the Element of the non empty set ) is set
X is non empty ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
op2 is Relation-like V6() V18([:1,1:],1) Element of bool [:[:1,1:],1:]
op0 is Element of 1
(1,op2,op0) is () ()
() is ()
the carrier of () is non empty trivial V31() V38(1) set
X is Element of the carrier of ()
x is Element of the carrier of ()
((),X,x) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ()) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():]
[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is set
the of () . (X,x) is Element of the carrier of ()
y is Element of the carrier of ()
((),y,x) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of ()
((),((),X,x),((),y,x)) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (((),X,x),((),y,x)) is Element of the carrier of ()
((),X,y) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (X,y) is Element of the carrier of ()
((),((),((),X,x),((),y,x)),((),X,y)) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (((),((),X,x),((),y,x)),((),X,y)) is Element of the carrier of ()
0. () is V47(()) Element of the carrier of ()
the ZeroF of () is Element of the carrier of ()
the carrier of () is non empty trivial V31() V38(1) set
X is Element of the carrier of ()
x is Element of the carrier of ()
((),X,x) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ()) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():]
[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is set
the of () . (X,x) is Element of the carrier of ()
y is Element of the carrier of ()
((),((),X,x),y) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (((),X,x),y) is Element of the carrier of ()
((),X,y) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (X,y) is Element of the carrier of ()
((),((),X,y),x) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (((),X,y),x) is Element of the carrier of ()
((),((),((),X,x),y),((),((),X,y),x)) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (((),((),X,x),y),((),((),X,y),x)) is Element of the carrier of ()
0. () is V47(()) Element of the carrier of ()
the ZeroF of () is Element of the carrier of ()
the carrier of () is non empty trivial V31() V38(1) set
X is Element of the carrier of ()
((),X,X) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ()) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():]
[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is set
the of () . (X,X) is Element of the carrier of ()
0. () is V47(()) Element of the carrier of ()
the ZeroF of () is Element of the carrier of ()
the carrier of () is non empty trivial V31() V38(1) set
X is Element of the carrier of ()
x is Element of the carrier of ()
((),X,x) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ()) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():]
[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is set
the of () . (X,x) is Element of the carrier of ()
0. () is V47(()) Element of the carrier of ()
the ZeroF of () is Element of the carrier of ()
((),x,X) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () . (x,X) is Element of the carrier of ()
the carrier of () is non empty trivial V31() V38(1) set
0. () is V47(()) Element of the carrier of ()
the ZeroF of () is Element of the carrier of ()
X is Element of the carrier of ()
((),X) is Element of the carrier of ()
((),(0. ()),X) is Element of the carrier of ()
the of () is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ()) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():]
[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of (), the carrier of ():], the carrier of ():] is set
the of () . ((0. ()),X) is Element of the carrier of ()
X is non empty () () () () ()
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the carrier of X is non empty set
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X || the carrier of X is set
the of X | [: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
dom the of X is set
X is non empty ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,z),y),(X,(X,x,y),z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,z),y),(X,(X,x,y),z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(0. X)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(0. X)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z)))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z)))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,z)),z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,z)),z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z)))),(X,(X,x,(X,x,z)),z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z)))),(X,(X,x,(X,x,z)),z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z)))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z)))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z))),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z))),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,y),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,y),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,z,y),(X,z,x)),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,z,y),(X,z,x)),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,(X,x,y),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,(X,x,y),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z))),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z))),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,x,z)),(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z))),(X,x,z))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,x,z)),(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z))),(X,x,z))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,x,z)),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,z,y)),(X,x,z)),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(0. X)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(0. X)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,y),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,y),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,z,y),(X,z,x)),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,z,y),(X,z,x)),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,z),(X,x,y)),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),(X,y,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,y),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,y),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,x),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,x),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,z)),z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,z)),z) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z)))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z)))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,(X,x,y))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,z),(X,x,(X,x,y))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,z),y),(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,(X,x,y)))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,z),y),(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,(X,x,y)))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,z),(X,x,(X,x,y))),(X,(X,x,y),z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,z),(X,x,(X,x,y))),(X,(X,x,y),z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,z),y),(X,(X,x,y),z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,z),y),(X,(X,x,y),z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z))),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,z))),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),z),(X,(X,x,z),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,(X,x,y))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y)))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y)))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y)))),(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y)))),(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y)))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y)))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y))),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,(X,x,y))),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,y)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,y)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,y)),x),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,y)),x),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),x),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),x),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,x,y),x),(X,x,y)),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,x,y),x),(X,x,y)),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,x),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,x),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,x),y),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,x),y),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,x,x),y),(X,x,y)),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,x,x),y),(X,x,y)),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,y),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,y),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,y),(X,x,y)),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,y),(X,x,y)),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,y),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,y),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,y),(X,y)),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,y),(X,y)),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,y,(X,y,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x)))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x)))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,y,x)),(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,y,x)),(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))),(X,x,y)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(X,x,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))))),(X,x,y)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))),(X,x,y)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))),(X,x,y)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(X,y,(X,y,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(X,y,(X,y,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))),(X,x,y)),(X,y,(X,y,(X,y,x)))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(X,y,(X,y,x))),(X,x,y)),(X,y,(X,y,(X,y,x)))) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,x),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,x),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(0. X)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(0. X)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(0. X)),x),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(0. X)),x),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,(0. X))),(X,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,(0. X))),(X,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,y)),(X,y,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,x,y)),(X,y,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,y,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,y)),(X,y,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,z) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,z)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,y),(X,x,z)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,x,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,(X,x),x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,(X,x),x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,x,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,(X,x),x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,(X,x),x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,(X,x),x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,(X,x),x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,(X,x),(X,x,(0. X)))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,(X,x),(X,x,(0. X)))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,(X,x),x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,(X,x),x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x),(X,(X,x),x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x),(X,(X,x),x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the carrier of X is non empty set
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),(X,x,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : (X, 0. X,b1) } is set
bool the carrier of X is set
y is set
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the carrier of X is non empty set
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : (X, 0. X,b1) } is set
(X,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : (X, 0. X,b1) } is set
x is Element of (X)
y is Element of (X)
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(X,x,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(X,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : (X, 0. X,b1) } is set
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of (X)
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),y) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,x),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,x),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,y),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,y),x) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
the carrier of X is non empty set
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
dom the of X is set
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
the of X || the carrier of X is set
the of X | [: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
X is non empty () () () () ()
X is non empty () () () () ()
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : b1 is (X) } is set
bool the carrier of X is set
y is set
z is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the carrier of X is non empty set
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : b1 is (X) } is set
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : b1 is (X) } is set
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,y,(X,y,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,y,(X,y,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : b1 is (X) } is set
x is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,y),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,y),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,(X,z,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,y,(0. X)),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,y,(0. X)),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : b1 is (X) } is set
x is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,(X,z,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,z,y)),(X,y,(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,z,y)),(X,y,(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,(X,z,x)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),(X,z,y)),(X,y,(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),(X,z,y)),(X,y,(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,y,(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,y,(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,y,(X,z,x))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,y,(X,z,x))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,(X,z,y)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,y,(X,z,x))),(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,y,(X,z,x))),(X,(X,z,(X,z,y)),y)) is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(X,y,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(X,y,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,y,(0. X))),(X,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,y,(0. X))),(X,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(X,y,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(X,y,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : b1 is (X) } is set
x is Element of the carrier of X
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (x,x) is Element of the carrier of X
z is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,x),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,x),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,y,x),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,(X,z,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,x),(X,z,y)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,x),(X,z,y)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,(X,z,x)),x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),x),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),x),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),x),(X,z,y)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,z,(X,z,x)),x),(X,z,y)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (z,x) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,x),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,x)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,z,x),(X,z,x)),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,x)),(X,z,y)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,x)),(X,z,y)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,z,x),(X,z,y)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))),(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,y,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,z,x)),(X,(X,y,x),(X,z,x))),(X,(X,(X,z,x),(X,z,y)),(X,y,x))) is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . (y,x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (y,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,y,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(0. X)),(X,y,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((0. X),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(0. X)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(0. X)),(X,y,x)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(0. X)),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(0. X)),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,y,(0. X))),(X,(X,(0. X)),(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,y,(0. X))),(X,(X,(0. X)),(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,y,(0. X))),(X,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,y,(0. X))),(X,(0. X))) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,y,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,(X,x,(0. X)),(X,y,(0. X))),(0. X)) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(X,x,(0. X)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . ((X,x,(0. X)),y) is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X . (x,y) is Element of the carrier of X
X is non empty () () () () ()
the carrier of X is non empty set
(X) is non empty Element of bool the carrier of X
bool the carrier of X is set
{ b1 where b1 is Element of the carrier of X : b1 is (X) } is set
x is Element of the carrier of X
(X,x) is Element of the carrier of X
0. X is V47(X) Element of the carrier of X
the ZeroF of X is Element of the carrier of X
(X,(0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
the of X is Relation-like V6() V18([: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X) Element of bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:]
[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
[:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is Relation-like set
bool [:[: the carrier of X, the carrier of X:], the carrier of X:] is set
the of X . ((0. X),x) is Element of the carrier of X
y is Element of the carrier of X
(X,y) is Element of the carrier of X