REAL is set
NAT is non empty V21() V22() V23() non finite V79() V80() M2(K19(REAL))
K19(REAL) is set
NAT is non empty V21() V22() V23() non finite V79() V80() set
K19(NAT) is set
K19(NAT) is set
{} is set
1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
{{},1} is set
K236() is set
K19(K236()) is set
K237() is M2(K19(K236()))
K277() is non empty V92() L10()
the carrier of K277() is non empty set
K240( the carrier of K277()) is non empty M19( the carrier of K277())
K276(K277()) is M2(K19(K240( the carrier of K277())))
K19(K240( the carrier of K277())) is set
K20(K276(K277()),NAT) is Relation-like set
K19(K20(K276(K277()),NAT)) is set
K20(NAT,K276(K277())) is Relation-like set
K19(K20(NAT,K276(K277()))) is set
BOOLEAN is non empty set
2 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
2 -tuples_on BOOLEAN is FinSequenceSet of BOOLEAN
K20((2 -tuples_on BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN) is Relation-like set
K19(K20((2 -tuples_on BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN)) is set
3 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
3 -tuples_on BOOLEAN is FinSequenceSet of BOOLEAN
K20((3 -tuples_on BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN) is Relation-like set
K19(K20((3 -tuples_on BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN)) is set
K379() is Relation-like Function-like V18(2 -tuples_on BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN ) boolean-valued M2(K19(K20((2 -tuples_on BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN)))
0 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f -tuples_on BOOLEAN is FinSequenceSet of BOOLEAN
K20((f -tuples_on BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN) is Relation-like set
K19(K20((f -tuples_on BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN)) is set
g is Relation-like Function-like V18(f -tuples_on BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN ) boolean-valued M2(K19(K20((f -tuples_on BOOLEAN),BOOLEAN)))
n is Relation-like Function-like V44(f) V64() set
1GateCircStr (n,g) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
1GateCircuit (n,g) is strict non-empty gate`2=den MSAlgebra over 1GateCircStr (n,g)
f is non empty finite V79() set
g is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
g -tuples_on f is FinSequenceSet of f
K20((g -tuples_on f),f) is Relation-like set
K19(K20((g -tuples_on f),f)) is set
n is Relation-like Function-like V44(g) V64() set
S is Relation-like Function-like V18(g -tuples_on f,f) M2(K19(K20((g -tuples_on f),f)))
1GateCircStr (n,S) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2=den ManySortedSign
the carrier' of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) is non empty set
1GateCircuit (n,S) is strict non-empty finite-yielding gate`2=den MSAlgebra over 1GateCircStr (n,S)
the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) is Relation-like the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) -defined Function-like total set
the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) is non empty set
K184( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S))) is functional V77() V78() set
A is M2( the carrier' of (1GateCircStr (n,S)))
x is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S))))
A depends_on_in x is M2( Args (A,(1GateCircuit (n,S))))
Args (A,(1GateCircuit (n,S))) is M2( proj2 ( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) #))
the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) # is Relation-like the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) * -defined Function-like total set
the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) * is FinSequenceSet of the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))
proj2 ( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) #) is set
n * x is Relation-like Function-like set
the_arity_of A is Relation-like Function-like V64() M12( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)), the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) * )
(the_arity_of A) * x is Relation-like Function-like set
f is non empty finite V79() set
g is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
g -tuples_on f is FinSequenceSet of f
K20((g -tuples_on f),f) is Relation-like set
K19(K20((g -tuples_on f),f)) is set
n is Relation-like Function-like V44(g) V64() set
S is Relation-like Function-like V18(g -tuples_on f,f) M2(K19(K20((g -tuples_on f),f)))
1GateCircStr (n,S) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2=den ManySortedSign
1GateCircuit (n,S) is strict non-empty finite-yielding gate`2=den MSAlgebra over 1GateCircStr (n,S)
the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) is Relation-like the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) -defined Function-like total set
the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) is non empty set
K184( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S))) is functional V77() V78() set
x is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S))))
Following x is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S))))
Following (Following x) is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S))))
proj1 (Following x) is set
proj2 n is set
[n,S] is non empty pair set
{[n,S]} is Relation-like Function-like set
(proj2 n) \/ {[n,S]} is set
InputVertices (1GateCircStr (n,S)) is M2(K19( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))))
K19( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))) is set
the ResultSort of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of (1GateCircStr (n,S)), the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of (1GateCircStr (n,S)), the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)))))
the carrier' of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of (1GateCircStr (n,S)), the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of (1GateCircStr (n,S)), the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)))) is set
K422( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)), the ResultSort of (1GateCircStr (n,S))) is M2(K19( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))))
K28( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)),K422( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)), the ResultSort of (1GateCircStr (n,S)))) is M2(K19( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))))
InnerVertices (1GateCircStr (n,S)) is M2(K19( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))))
A2 is set
proj1 x is set
n * x is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 (n * x) is set
proj1 n is set
n * (Following x) is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 (n * (Following x)) is set
s is set
n . s is set
(n * (Following x)) . s is set
(Following x) . (n . s) is set
(n * x) . s is set
x . (n . s) is set
AA is M2( the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)))
(Following (Following x)) . AA is set
(Following x) . AA is set
action_at AA is M2( the carrier' of (1GateCircStr (n,S)))
Den ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S))) is Relation-like Function-like V18( Args ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S))), Result ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S)))) M2(K19(K20((Args ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S)))),(Result ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S)))))))
Args ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S))) is M2( proj2 ( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) #))
the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) # is Relation-like the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) * -defined Function-like total set
the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S)) * is FinSequenceSet of the carrier of (1GateCircStr (n,S))
proj2 ( the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) #) is set
Result ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S))) is M2( proj2 the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)))
proj2 the Sorts of (1GateCircuit (n,S)) is set
K20((Args ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S)))),(Result ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S))))) is Relation-like set
K19(K20((Args ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S)))),(Result ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S)))))) is set
(action_at AA) depends_on_in (Following x) is M2( Args ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S))))
(Den ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S)))) . ((action_at AA) depends_on_in (Following x)) is set
(action_at AA) depends_on_in x is M2( Args ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S))))
(Den ((action_at AA),(1GateCircuit (n,S)))) . ((action_at AA) depends_on_in x) is set
(Following (Following x)) . A2 is set
(Following x) . A2 is set
proj1 (Following (Following x)) is set
f is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like ManySortedSign
g is non-empty finite-yielding MSAlgebra over f
the Sorts of g is Relation-like the carrier of f -defined Function-like total set
the carrier of f is non empty set
K184( the Sorts of g) is functional V77() V78() set
n is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
Following (n,S) is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
Following (Following (n,S)) is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
S + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
Following (n,(S + 1)) is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
Following (n,0) is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
f is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like ManySortedSign
g is non-empty finite-yielding MSAlgebra over f
the Sorts of g is Relation-like the carrier of f -defined Function-like total set
the carrier of f is non empty set
K184( the Sorts of g) is functional V77() V78() set
n is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
Following (n,S) is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
A is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
Following (n,A) is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
x is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
S + x is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
Following ((Following (n,S)),S9) is Relation-like Function-like M2(K184( the Sorts of g))
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2() is set
[F1(),F2()] is non empty pair set
f is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 f is set
f . 0 is set
g is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
g . 0 is set
n . 0 is set
(f . 0) `1 is set
(f . 0) `2 is set
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
g . S is set
n . S is set
S + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
g . (S + 1) is set
n . (S + 1) is set
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
x is set
F3(A,x,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F4(x,S) is set
f . S is set
(f . S) `2 is set
(f . S) `1 is set
f . (S + 1) is set
F3(A,(n . S),S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F4((n . S),S) is set
[F3(A,(n . S),S),F4((n . S),S)] is non empty pair set
(f . (S + 1)) `1 is set
(f . (S + 1)) `2 is set
F3() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F3() . 0 is set
F4() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F4() . 0 is set
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F3() . f is set
F4() . f is set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F3() . (f + 1) is set
F4() . (f + 1) is set
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F1(g,(F4() . f),f) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2((F4() . f),f) is set
f is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g is set
F4() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F4() . 0 is set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F5() . 0 is set
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F5() . f is set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F5() . (f + 1) is set
g is set
F3(g,f) is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4() . n is set
A is set
F5() . n is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4() . n is set
A is set
F5() . n is set
n + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F4() . (n + 1) is set
F2(S,A,n) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5() . (n + 1) is set
F3(A,n) is set
F4() . f is set
n is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2() is set
f is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
f . 0 is set
g is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
g . 0 is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . n is set
A is set
g . n is set
f . F5() is set
n is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . S is set
x is set
g . S is set
S + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
f . (S + 1) is set
F3(A,x,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g . (S + 1) is set
F4(x,S) is set
F5() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2() is set
f is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n . F5() is set
n . 0 is set
S is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S . 0 is set
x is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
n . A is set
S9 is set
S . A is set
A + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
n . (A + 1) is set
F3(x,S9,A) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S . (A + 1) is set
F4(S9,A) is set
x is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
n . A is set
S9 is set
S . A is set
A is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
A . F5() is set
A . 0 is set
x is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
x . 0 is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
A . S9 is set
A2 is set
x . S9 is set
S9 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
A . (S9 + 1) is set
F3(A9,A2,S9) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
x . (S9 + 1) is set
F4(A2,S9) is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
A . S9 is set
A2 is set
x . S9 is set
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
S . S9 is set
x . S9 is set
n . S9 is set
S9 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
S . (S9 + 1) is set
F4((S . S9),S9) is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A . S9 is set
x . (S9 + 1) is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S9 is set
S . S9 is set
x . S9 is set
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
n . S9 is set
A . S9 is set
S . S9 is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S9 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
n . (S9 + 1) is set
F3(A9,(S . S9),S9) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A . (S9 + 1) is set
F5() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2() is set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F3() is set
f is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
g . F5() is set
g . 0 is set
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n . 0 is set
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
g . S is set
x is set
n . S is set
F2(A,x,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
x is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
g . A is set
S9 is set
n . A is set
A + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
g . (A + 1) is set
F2(x,S9,A) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n . (A + 1) is set
F4(S9,A) is set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F3() is set
f is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
g is set
n is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(g,n) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
f +* F2(g,n) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
S is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
A is set
x is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(A,x) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
S +* F2(A,x) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
S9 is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
A9 is set
A2 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(A9,A2) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
S9 +* F2(A9,A2) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
AA is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
s is set
s3 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(s,s3) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
AA +* F2(s,s3) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
s0 is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
s2 is set
c15 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(s2,c15) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
s0 +* F2(s2,c15) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
c16 is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
c17 is set
c18 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(c17,c18) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
c16 +* F2(c17,c18) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
F5() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2() is set
f is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n . F5() is set
n . 0 is set
S is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S . 0 is set
g is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
A is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
A . F5() is set
A . 0 is set
x is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
x . 0 is set
f is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f +* g is non empty V58() strict ManySortedSign
InputVertices (f +* g) is M2(K19( the carrier of (f +* g)))
the carrier of (f +* g) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of (f +* g)) is set
the ResultSort of (f +* g) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of (f +* g), the carrier of (f +* g)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of (f +* g), the carrier of (f +* g))))
the carrier' of (f +* g) is set
K20( the carrier' of (f +* g), the carrier of (f +* g)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of (f +* g), the carrier of (f +* g))) is set
K422( the carrier of (f +* g), the ResultSort of (f +* g)) is M2(K19( the carrier of (f +* g)))
K28( the carrier of (f +* g),K422( the carrier of (f +* g), the ResultSort of (f +* g))) is M2(K19( the carrier of (f +* g)))
InputVertices f is M2(K19( the carrier of f))
the carrier of f is non empty set
K19( the carrier of f) is set
the ResultSort of f is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of f, the carrier of f) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of f, the carrier of f)))
the carrier' of f is set
K20( the carrier' of f, the carrier of f) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of f, the carrier of f)) is set
K422( the carrier of f, the ResultSort of f) is M2(K19( the carrier of f))
K28( the carrier of f,K422( the carrier of f, the ResultSort of f)) is M2(K19( the carrier of f))
InnerVertices g is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
the carrier of g is non empty set
K19( the carrier of g) is set
the ResultSort of g is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g)))
the carrier' of g is set
K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g)) is set
K422( the carrier of g, the ResultSort of g) is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
(InputVertices f) \ (InnerVertices g) is set
InputVertices g is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
K28( the carrier of g,K422( the carrier of g, the ResultSort of g)) is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
InnerVertices f is M2(K19( the carrier of f))
(InputVertices g) \ (InnerVertices f) is set
((InputVertices f) \ (InnerVertices g)) \/ ((InputVertices g) \ (InnerVertices f)) is set
proj2 the ResultSort of f is set
proj2 the ResultSort of g is set
(proj2 the ResultSort of f) \/ (proj2 the ResultSort of g) is set
the carrier of f \ ((proj2 the ResultSort of f) \/ (proj2 the ResultSort of g)) is set
the ResultSort of f +* the ResultSort of g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj2 ( the ResultSort of f +* the ResultSort of g) is set
the carrier of (f +* g) \ (proj2 ( the ResultSort of f +* the ResultSort of g)) is set
the carrier of f \/ the carrier of g is set
( the carrier of f \/ the carrier of g) \ (proj2 ( the ResultSort of f +* the ResultSort of g)) is set
( the carrier of f \/ the carrier of g) \ ((proj2 the ResultSort of f) \/ (proj2 the ResultSort of g)) is set
the carrier of g \ ((proj2 the ResultSort of f) \/ (proj2 the ResultSort of g)) is set
( the carrier of f \ ((proj2 the ResultSort of f) \/ (proj2 the ResultSort of g))) \/ ( the carrier of g \ ((proj2 the ResultSort of f) \/ (proj2 the ResultSort of g))) is set
f is non with_pair set
g is Relation-like set
f \ g is non with_pair set
f /\ g is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V25() V26() V27() V28() V76() V77() non with_pair V121() ext-real non negative set
f is Relation-like set
n is set
g is set
g \ n is set
f \ g is Relation-like set
f \ n is Relation-like set
f /\ (g \ n) is Relation-like set
S is set
f \ (g \ n) is Relation-like set
(g \ n) \/ n is set
f \ ((g \ n) \/ n) is Relation-like set
g is set
f is set
f \ g is set
n is Relation-like set
f \ n is set
n \ g is Relation-like set
(n \ g) /\ (f \ g) is Relation-like set
S is set
(f \ g) \ (n \ g) is set
(n \ g) \/ g is set
f \ ((n \ g) \/ g) is set
F1() is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InnerVertices F1() is M2(K19( the carrier of F1()))
the carrier of F1() is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F1()) is set
the ResultSort of F1() is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F1(), the carrier of F1()) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F1(), the carrier of F1())))
the carrier' of F1() is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F1(), the carrier of F1()) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F1(), the carrier of F1())) is set
K422( the carrier of F1(), the ResultSort of F1()) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1()))
InputVertices F1() is M2(K19( the carrier of F1()))
K28( the carrier of F1(),K422( the carrier of F1(), the ResultSort of F1())) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1()))
F2(0) is set
F3() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F3() . 0 is set
F4((F3() . 0),0) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InnerVertices F4((F3() . 0),0) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0)))
the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0)) is set
the ResultSort of F4((F3() . 0),0) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F4((F3() . 0),0), the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . 0),0), the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0))))
the carrier' of F4((F3() . 0),0) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . 0),0), the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . 0),0), the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0))) is set
K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . 0),0)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0)))
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(f) is set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F2((f + 1)) is set
F3() . f is set
F4((F3() . f),f) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices F4((F3() . f),f) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)))
the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)) is set
the ResultSort of F4((F3() . f),f) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f), the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f), the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f))))
the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f), the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f), the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f))) is set
K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . f),f)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)))
K28( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f),K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . f),f))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)))
{(F3() . f)} is set
(InputVertices F4((F3() . f),f)) \ {(F3() . f)} is set
F3() . (f + 1) is set
(f + 1) + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F2(((f + 1) + 1)) is set
F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))))
the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) is set
the ResultSort of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)), the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)), the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)))))
the carrier' of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)), the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)), the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)))) is set
K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))))
K28( the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)),K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))))
{(F3() . (f + 1))} is set
(InputVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) \ {(F3() . (f + 1))} is set
F3() . ((f + 1) + 1) is set
g is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
n is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices n is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
the carrier of n is non empty set
K19( the carrier of n) is set
the ResultSort of n is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n)))
the carrier' of n is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n)) is set
K422( the carrier of n, the ResultSort of n) is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
K28( the carrier of n,K422( the carrier of n, the ResultSort of n)) is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
InputVertices g is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
the carrier of g is non empty set
K19( the carrier of g) is set
the ResultSort of g is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g)))
the carrier' of g is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g)) is set
K422( the carrier of g, the ResultSort of g) is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
K28( the carrier of g,K422( the carrier of g, the ResultSort of g)) is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
(InputVertices g) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . f),f)) \ {(F3() . f)}) is set
InnerVertices n is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
(InputVertices n) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) \ {(F3() . (f + 1))}) is set
n +* F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
S is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices S is M2(K19( the carrier of S))
the carrier of S is non empty set
K19( the carrier of S) is set
the ResultSort of S is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of S, the carrier of S) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of S, the carrier of S)))
the carrier' of S is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of S, the carrier of S) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of S, the carrier of S)) is set
K422( the carrier of S, the ResultSort of S) is M2(K19( the carrier of S))
K28( the carrier of S,K422( the carrier of S, the ResultSort of S)) is M2(K19( the carrier of S))
InnerVertices S is M2(K19( the carrier of S))
(f + 1) + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F2(((f + 1) + 1)) is set
InnerVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))))
(InputVertices n) \ (InnerVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) is set
(InputVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) \ (InnerVertices n) is set
((InputVertices n) \ (InnerVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)))) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) \ (InnerVertices n)) is set
(InputVertices n) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1))) \ (InnerVertices n)) is set
A is non with_pair set
x is non with_pair set
A \/ x is non with_pair set
F3() . ((f + 1) + 1) is set
F5((F3() . (f + 1)),(f + 1)) is set
S9 is Relation-like set
A9 is Relation-like set
S9 \/ A9 is Relation-like set
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(f) is set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F2((f + 1)) is set
F3() . f is set
F4((F3() . f),f) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices F4((F3() . f),f) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)))
the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)) is set
the ResultSort of F4((F3() . f),f) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f), the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f), the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f))))
the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f), the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . f),f), the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f))) is set
K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . f),f)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)))
K28( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f),K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . f),f))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . f),f)))
{(F3() . f)} is set
(InputVertices F4((F3() . f),f)) \ {(F3() . f)} is set
F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0) is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)) is M2(K19( the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0))))
the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0))) is set
the ResultSort of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)), the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0))) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)), the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)))))
the carrier' of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)), the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0))) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)), the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)))) is set
K422( the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)), the ResultSort of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0))) is M2(K19( the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0))))
K28( the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)),K422( the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)), the ResultSort of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0)))) is M2(K19( the carrier of (F1() +* F4((F3() . 0),0))))
(InputVertices F1()) \ (InnerVertices F4((F3() . 0),0)) is set
InputVertices F4((F3() . 0),0) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0)))
K28( the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0),K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . 0),0))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . 0),0)))
(InputVertices F4((F3() . 0),0)) \ (InnerVertices F1()) is set
((InputVertices F1()) \ (InnerVertices F4((F3() . 0),0))) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . 0),0)) \ (InnerVertices F1())) is set
(InputVertices F1()) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . 0),0)) \ (InnerVertices F1())) is set
0 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F2((0 + 1)) is set
{(F3() . 0)} is set
(InputVertices F4((F3() . 0),0)) \ {(F3() . 0)} is set
F3() . (0 + 1) is set
S is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices S is M2(K19( the carrier of S))
the carrier of S is non empty set
K19( the carrier of S) is set
the ResultSort of S is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of S, the carrier of S) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of S, the carrier of S)))
the carrier' of S is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of S, the carrier of S) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of S, the carrier of S)) is set
K422( the carrier of S, the ResultSort of S) is M2(K19( the carrier of S))
K28( the carrier of S,K422( the carrier of S, the ResultSort of S)) is M2(K19( the carrier of S))
(InputVertices S) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . 0),0)) \ {(F3() . 0)}) is set
A is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices A is M2(K19( the carrier of A))
the carrier of A is non empty set
K19( the carrier of A) is set
the ResultSort of A is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of A, the carrier of A) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of A, the carrier of A)))
the carrier' of A is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of A, the carrier of A) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of A, the carrier of A)) is set
K422( the carrier of A, the ResultSort of A) is M2(K19( the carrier of A))
K28( the carrier of A,K422( the carrier of A, the ResultSort of A)) is M2(K19( the carrier of A))
InnerVertices A is M2(K19( the carrier of A))
0 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F2((0 + 1)) is set
A9 is set
n is non with_pair set
g is non with_pair set
n \/ g is non with_pair set
F3() . (0 + 1) is set
F5((F3() . 0),0) is set
S9 is Relation-like set
x is Relation-like set
x \/ S9 is Relation-like set
F3() . (f + 1) is set
g is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
n is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices n is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
the carrier of n is non empty set
K19( the carrier of n) is set
the ResultSort of n is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n)))
the carrier' of n is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n)) is set
K422( the carrier of n, the ResultSort of n) is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
K28( the carrier of n,K422( the carrier of n, the ResultSort of n)) is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
InputVertices g is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
the carrier of g is non empty set
K19( the carrier of g) is set
the ResultSort of g is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g)))
the carrier' of g is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g)) is set
K422( the carrier of g, the ResultSort of g) is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
K28( the carrier of g,K422( the carrier of g, the ResultSort of g)) is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
(InputVertices g) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . f),f)) \ {(F3() . f)}) is set
InnerVertices n is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
InnerVertices g is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
S + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
S + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
A is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(A) is set
A + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F2((A + 1)) is set
F3() . A is set
F4((F3() . A),A) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices F4((F3() . A),A) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A)))
the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A)) is set
the ResultSort of F4((F3() . A),A) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F4((F3() . A),A), the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . A),A), the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A))))
the carrier' of F4((F3() . A),A) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . A),A), the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F4((F3() . A),A), the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A))) is set
K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . A),A)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A)))
K28( the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A),K422( the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A), the ResultSort of F4((F3() . A),A))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F4((F3() . A),A)))
{(F3() . A)} is set
(InputVertices F4((F3() . A),A)) \ {(F3() . A)} is set
F3() . (A + 1) is set
x is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
S9 is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices S9 is M2(K19( the carrier of S9))
the carrier of S9 is non empty set
K19( the carrier of S9) is set
the ResultSort of S9 is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of S9, the carrier of S9) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of S9, the carrier of S9)))
the carrier' of S9 is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of S9, the carrier of S9) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of S9, the carrier of S9)) is set
K422( the carrier of S9, the ResultSort of S9) is M2(K19( the carrier of S9))
K28( the carrier of S9,K422( the carrier of S9, the ResultSort of S9)) is M2(K19( the carrier of S9))
InputVertices x is M2(K19( the carrier of x))
the carrier of x is non empty set
K19( the carrier of x) is set
the ResultSort of x is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of x, the carrier of x) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of x, the carrier of x)))
the carrier' of x is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of x, the carrier of x) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of x, the carrier of x)) is set
K422( the carrier of x, the ResultSort of x) is M2(K19( the carrier of x))
K28( the carrier of x,K422( the carrier of x, the ResultSort of x)) is M2(K19( the carrier of x))
(InputVertices x) \/ ((InputVertices F4((F3() . A),A)) \ {(F3() . A)}) is set
InnerVertices S9 is M2(K19( the carrier of S9))
F1(0) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InnerVertices F1(0) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1(0)))
the carrier of F1(0) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F1(0)) is set
the ResultSort of F1(0) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F1(0), the carrier of F1(0)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F1(0), the carrier of F1(0))))
the carrier' of F1(0) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F1(0), the carrier of F1(0)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F1(0), the carrier of F1(0))) is set
K422( the carrier of F1(0), the ResultSort of F1(0)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1(0)))
InputVertices F1(0) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1(0)))
K28( the carrier of F1(0),K422( the carrier of F1(0), the ResultSort of F1(0))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1(0)))
F2() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F2() . 0 is set
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F1(f) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
n is set
F2() . f is set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F1((f + 1)) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
F3(n,f) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
g +* F3(n,f) is non empty non void V58() strict ManySortedSign
F2() . (f + 1) is set
F4(n,f) is set
InputVertices F3(n,f) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,f)))
the carrier of F3(n,f) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F3(n,f)) is set
the ResultSort of F3(n,f) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F3(n,f), the carrier of F3(n,f)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F3(n,f), the carrier of F3(n,f))))
the carrier' of F3(n,f) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F3(n,f), the carrier of F3(n,f)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F3(n,f), the carrier of F3(n,f))) is set
K422( the carrier of F3(n,f), the ResultSort of F3(n,f)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,f)))
K28( the carrier of F3(n,f),K422( the carrier of F3(n,f), the ResultSort of F3(n,f))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,f)))
InnerVertices F3(n,f) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,f)))
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F1((f + 1)) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices F1((f + 1)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1((f + 1))))
the carrier of F1((f + 1)) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F1((f + 1))) is set
the ResultSort of F1((f + 1)) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F1((f + 1)), the carrier of F1((f + 1))) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F1((f + 1)), the carrier of F1((f + 1)))))
the carrier' of F1((f + 1)) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F1((f + 1)), the carrier of F1((f + 1))) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F1((f + 1)), the carrier of F1((f + 1)))) is set
K422( the carrier of F1((f + 1)), the ResultSort of F1((f + 1))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1((f + 1))))
K28( the carrier of F1((f + 1)),K422( the carrier of F1((f + 1)), the ResultSort of F1((f + 1)))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1((f + 1))))
F1(f) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices F1(f) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1(f)))
the carrier of F1(f) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F1(f)) is set
the ResultSort of F1(f) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F1(f), the carrier of F1(f)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F1(f), the carrier of F1(f))))
the carrier' of F1(f) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F1(f), the carrier of F1(f)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F1(f), the carrier of F1(f))) is set
K422( the carrier of F1(f), the ResultSort of F1(f)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1(f)))
K28( the carrier of F1(f),K422( the carrier of F1(f), the ResultSort of F1(f))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1(f)))
F2() . f is set
F3((F2() . f),f) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices F3((F2() . f),f) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f)))
the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f)) is set
the ResultSort of F3((F2() . f),f) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F3((F2() . f),f), the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F3((F2() . f),f), the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f))))
the carrier' of F3((F2() . f),f) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F3((F2() . f),f), the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F3((F2() . f),f), the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f))) is set
K422( the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f), the ResultSort of F3((F2() . f),f)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f)))
K28( the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f),K422( the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f), the ResultSort of F3((F2() . f),f))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3((F2() . f),f)))
{(F2() . f)} is set
(InputVertices F3((F2() . f),f)) \ {(F2() . f)} is set
(InputVertices F1(f)) \/ ((InputVertices F3((F2() . f),f)) \ {(F2() . f)}) is set
InnerVertices F1(f) is M2(K19( the carrier of F1(f)))
n is set
g is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2() . g is set
F3(n,g) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices F3(n,g) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,g)))
the carrier of F3(n,g) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F3(n,g)) is set
the ResultSort of F3(n,g) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F3(n,g), the carrier of F3(n,g)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F3(n,g), the carrier of F3(n,g))))
the carrier' of F3(n,g) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F3(n,g), the carrier of F3(n,g)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F3(n,g), the carrier of F3(n,g))) is set
K422( the carrier of F3(n,g), the ResultSort of F3(n,g)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,g)))
K28( the carrier of F3(n,g),K422( the carrier of F3(n,g), the ResultSort of F3(n,g))) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,g)))
{n} is set
(InputVertices F3(n,g)) \ {n} is set
InnerVertices H1( 0 ) is M2(K19( the carrier of H1( 0 )))
the carrier of H1( 0 ) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of H1( 0 )) is set
n is set
g is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F3(n,g) is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InnerVertices F3(n,g) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,g)))
the carrier of F3(n,g) is non empty set
K19( the carrier of F3(n,g)) is set
the ResultSort of F3(n,g) is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of F3(n,g), the carrier of F3(n,g)) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of F3(n,g), the carrier of F3(n,g))))
the carrier' of F3(n,g) is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of F3(n,g), the carrier of F3(n,g)) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of F3(n,g), the carrier of F3(n,g))) is set
K422( the carrier of F3(n,g), the ResultSort of F3(n,g)) is M2(K19( the carrier of F3(n,g)))
g is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
n is non empty non void V58() Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
InputVertices n is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
the carrier of n is non empty set
K19( the carrier of n) is set
the ResultSort of n is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n)))
the carrier' of n is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of n, the carrier of n)) is set
K422( the carrier of n, the ResultSort of n) is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
K28( the carrier of n,K422( the carrier of n, the ResultSort of n)) is M2(K19( the carrier of n))
InputVertices g is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
the carrier of g is non empty set
K19( the carrier of g) is set
the ResultSort of g is Relation-like Function-like V18( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g) M2(K19(K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g)))
the carrier' of g is non empty set
K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g) is Relation-like set
K19(K20( the carrier' of g, the carrier of g)) is set
K422( the carrier of g, the ResultSort of g) is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
K28( the carrier of g,K422( the carrier of g, the ResultSort of g)) is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
(InputVertices g) \/ ((InputVertices F3((F2() . f),f)) \ {(F2() . f)}) is set
InnerVertices g is M2(K19( the carrier of g))
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2() is non-empty MSAlgebra over F1()
F3() is set
[F1(),F2()] is non empty pair set
[[F1(),F2()],F3()] is non empty pair set
f is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 f is set
f . 0 is set
(f . 0) `2 is set
g is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
g . 0 is set
S . 0 is set
n . 0 is set
(f . 0) `11 is set
(f . 0) `12 is set
A is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
g . A is set
S . A is set
n . A is set
A + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
g . (A + 1) is set
S . (A + 1) is set
n . (A + 1) is set
x is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S9 is non-empty MSAlgebra over x
A9 is set
F4(x,A9,A) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5(x,S9,A9,A) is set
F6(A9,A) is set
f . A is set
(f . A) `2 is set
(f . A) `12 is set
(f . A) `11 is set
f . (A + 1) is set
F4(x,(n . A),A) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5(x,S9,(n . A),A) is set
[F4(x,(n . A),A),F5(x,S9,(n . A),A)] is non empty pair set
F6((n . A),A) is set
[[F4(x,(n . A),A),F5(x,S9,(n . A),A)],F6((n . A),A)] is non empty pair set
(f . (A + 1)) `2 is set
(f . (A + 1)) `11 is set
(f . (A + 1)) `12 is set
F4() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F4() . 0 is set
F5() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F5() . 0 is set
F6() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F6() . 0 is set
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4() . f is set
F5() . f is set
F6() . f is set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F4() . (f + 1) is set
F5() . (f + 1) is set
F6() . (f + 1) is set
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n is non-empty MSAlgebra over g
S is set
F1(g,S,f) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2(g,n,S,f) is set
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
S9 is set
F3(S,f) is set
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4() . f is set
F5() . f is set
F6() . f is set
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n is non-empty MSAlgebra over g
S is set
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n is non-empty MSAlgebra over g
S is set
F4() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F4() . 0 is set
F6() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F6() . 0 is set
F5() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F5() . 0 is set
F7() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F7() . 0 is set
F8() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F8() . 0 is set
F9() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F9() . 0 is set
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4() . f is set
n is non-empty MSAlgebra over g
F6() . f is set
S is set
F8() . f is set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F4() . (f + 1) is set
F1(g,S,f) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F6() . (f + 1) is set
F2(g,n,S,f) is set
F8() . (f + 1) is set
F3(S,f) is set
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4() . S is set
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
F6() . S is set
S9 is set
F8() . S is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non-empty MSAlgebra over S
x is set
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2(S,A,x,S9) is set
F1(S,x,S9) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non-empty MSAlgebra over S
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F5() . S9 is set
A2 is non-empty MSAlgebra over A9
F7() . S9 is set
AA is set
F9() . S9 is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F5() . S9 is set
A2 is non-empty MSAlgebra over A9
F7() . S9 is set
AA is set
F9() . S9 is set
S9 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F5() . (S9 + 1) is set
F1(A9,AA,S9) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F7() . (S9 + 1) is set
F2(A9,A2,AA,S9) is set
F9() . (S9 + 1) is set
F3(AA,S9) is set
S9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A9 is non-empty MSAlgebra over S9
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F8() . S9 is set
F9() . S9 is set
F4() . S9 is set
F6() . S9 is set
S9 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F8() . (S9 + 1) is set
F3((F8() . S9),S9) is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A2 is non-empty MSAlgebra over A9
F5() . S9 is set
F7() . S9 is set
F9() . (S9 + 1) is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A2 is non-empty MSAlgebra over A9
S9 is set
F8() . S9 is set
F9() . S9 is set
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4() . S9 is set
F5() . S9 is set
F6() . S9 is set
F7() . S9 is set
A9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A2 is non-empty MSAlgebra over A9
S9 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F6() . (S9 + 1) is set
F8() . S9 is set
F2(A9,A2,(F8() . S9),S9) is set
F7() . (S9 + 1) is set
F4() . (S9 + 1) is set
F1(A9,(F8() . S9),S9) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5() . (S9 + 1) is set
S9 is set
F4() . S9 is set
F5() . S9 is set
A9 is set
F6() . A9 is set
F7() . A9 is set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F6() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F6() . 0 is set
F7() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F7() . 0 is set
F2() is non-empty MSAlgebra over F1()
F8() is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
F8() . 0 is set
f is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F6() . f is set
F8() . f is set
f + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F6() . (f + 1) is set
F8() . (f + 1) is set
g is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
n is set
F3(g,n,f) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5(n,f) is set
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F6() . S is set
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
F7() . S is set
S9 is set
F8() . S is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non-empty MSAlgebra over S
x is set
S9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4(S,A,x,S9) is set
F3(S,x,S9) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F6() . S is set
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
F7() . S is set
S9 is set
F8() . S is set
S + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
F6() . (S + 1) is set
F3(A,S9,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F7() . (S + 1) is set
F4(A,x,S9,S) is set
F8() . (S + 1) is set
F5(S9,S) is set
F7() . f is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non-empty MSAlgebra over S
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F7() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F2() is non-empty MSAlgebra over F1()
F3() is set
f is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g is non-empty MSAlgebra over f
n is set
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F5(f,g,n,S) is set
F4(f,n,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
f . 0 is set
g is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
g . 0 is set
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n . 0 is set
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . S is set
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
g . S is set
S9 is set
n . S is set
f . F7() is set
g . F7() is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non-empty MSAlgebra over S
S9 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
x is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . x is set
A9 is non-empty MSAlgebra over S9
g . x is set
A2 is set
n . x is set
x + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
f . (x + 1) is set
F4(S9,A2,x) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g . (x + 1) is set
F5(S9,A9,A2,x) is set
n . (x + 1) is set
F6(A2,x) is set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F8() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F4() is set
F3() is non-empty MSAlgebra over F1()
f is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g is non-empty MSAlgebra over f
n is set
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F6(f,g,n,S) is set
F5(f,n,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
f . 0 is set
g is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
g . 0 is set
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n . 0 is set
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . S is set
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
g . S is set
S9 is set
n . S is set
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . S is set
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
g . S is set
S9 is set
n . S is set
f . F8() is set
g . F8() is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non-empty MSAlgebra over S
x is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
x . F8() is set
x . 0 is set
S9 is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S9 . 0 is set
x is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
x . F8() is set
x . 0 is set
S9 is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S9 . 0 is set
A2 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
x . A9 is set
AA is set
S9 . A9 is set
A9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
S9 . A9 is set
n . A9 is set
x . A9 is set
A9 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
S9 . (A9 + 1) is set
F7((S9 . A9),A9) is set
A2 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f . A9 is set
g . A9 is set
n . (A9 + 1) is set
A2 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
AA is non-empty MSAlgebra over A2
A9 is set
S9 . A9 is set
n . A9 is set
A9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . A9 is set
g . A9 is set
A2 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
AA is non-empty MSAlgebra over A2
x . A9 is set
A9 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
x . (A9 + 1) is set
S9 . A9 is set
F5(A2,(S9 . A9),A9) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f . (A9 + 1) is set
A9 is set
x . A9 is set
f . A9 is set
A9 is non-empty MSAlgebra over F2()
AA is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A2 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . A2 is set
s is non-empty MSAlgebra over AA
g . A2 is set
s3 is set
n . A2 is set
A2 + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
f . (A2 + 1) is set
F5(AA,s3,A2) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g . (A2 + 1) is set
F6(AA,s,s3,A2) is set
n . (A2 + 1) is set
F7(s3,A2) is set
F1() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F2() is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F8() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F3() is non-empty MSAlgebra over F1()
F4() is set
f is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g is non-empty MSAlgebra over f
n is set
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F6(f,g,n,S) is set
F5(f,n,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f is non-empty MSAlgebra over F2()
g is non-empty MSAlgebra over F2()
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n . F8() is set
S is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S . F8() is set
n . 0 is set
S . 0 is set
A is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
A . 0 is set
x is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
x . F8() is set
S9 is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S9 . F8() is set
x . 0 is set
S9 . 0 is set
A9 is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
A9 . 0 is set
F1() is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
F2() is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
F8() is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F6() is set
F3() is strict non-empty finite-yielding gate`2=den Boolean MSAlgebra over F1()
f is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
g is non-empty MSAlgebra over f
n is set
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
F5(f,g,n,S) is set
F4(f,n,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
f is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
f . 0 is set
g is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
g . 0 is set
n is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
n . 0 is set
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . S is set
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
g . S is set
S9 is set
n . S is set
S is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
f . S is set
g . S is set
n . S is set
S + 1 is non empty non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative M3( REAL , NAT )
A is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
x is non-empty MSAlgebra over A
S9 is set
F4(A,S9,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
F5(A,x,S9,S) is set
F7(S9,S) is set
A2 is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
AA is strict non-empty finite-yielding gate`2=den Boolean MSAlgebra over A2
A9 is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
AA is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
s is strict non-empty finite-yielding gate`2=den Boolean MSAlgebra over AA
F4(A9,S9,S) is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A2 is strict non-empty finite-yielding gate`2=den Boolean MSAlgebra over A9
F5(A9,A2,S9,S) is set
AA is non empty non void V58() strict Circuit-like unsplit gate`1=arity gate`2isBoolean gate`2=den ManySortedSign
f . F8() is set
g . F8() is set
S is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A is non-empty MSAlgebra over S
x is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
x . F8() is set
x . 0 is set
S9 is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S9 . 0 is set
x is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
x . F8() is set
x . 0 is set
S9 is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like total set
S9 . 0 is set
A2 is non empty V58() ManySortedSign
A9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
x . A9 is set
AA is set
S9 . A9 is set
A9 is non pair V21() V22() V23() V27() V28() V121() ext-real non negative set
S9 . A9 is