{} is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty set
the Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty set is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty set
proj1 {} is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty set
proj2 {} is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty trivial with_non-empty_elements set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
f is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 f is set
proj2 f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding x -defined A -valued Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Element of bool [:x,x:]
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Element of bool [:x,x:]
x is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 x is set
proj2 x is set
[:(proj1 x),(proj2 x):] is Relation-like set
bool [:(proj1 x),(proj2 x):] is non empty set
A is Relation-like proj1 x -defined proj2 x -valued Element of bool [:(proj1 x),(proj2 x):]
rng A is Element of bool (proj2 x)
bool (proj2 x) is non empty set
x is set
A is Relation-like Function-like set
proj2 A is set
proj1 A is set
[:(proj1 A),x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:(proj1 A),x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like proj1 A -defined x -valued Element of bool [:(proj1 A),x:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 f is set
proj2 f is set
g is set
y is set
f . y is set
[:(proj1 f),A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:(proj1 f),A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like proj1 f -defined A -valued Element of bool [:(proj1 f),A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g . f is set
rng g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g . f is set
rng g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
F1() is set
F2() is set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
x is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 x is set
proj2 x is set
A is Relation-like F1() -defined F2() -valued Function-like (F1(),F2()) Element of bool [:F1(),F2():]
f is set
A . f is set
F1() is set
F2() is set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
x is set
F3(x) is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty Element of bool (bool [:x,A:])
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool (bool [:x,A:]) is non empty set
f is set
g is set
y is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 y is set
proj2 y is set
g is set
a is set
a is set
[a,a] is V23() set
{a,a} is non empty set
{a} is non empty set
{{a,a},{a}} is non empty set
y . a is set
f is set
g is set
y is set
g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 g is set
proj2 g is set
g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 g is set
proj2 g is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
(x,A) is set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
(x,x) is set
x is set
A is non empty set
(x,A) is set
x is set
(x,x) is set
x is non empty set
A is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty set
(x,A) is set
the Element of (x,A) is Element of (x,A)
f is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 f is set
proj2 f is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
g is set
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
y is set
f . y is set
y is set
f . y is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Relation-like A -defined f -valued (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
g * y is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
dom (g * y) is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom y is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
rng g is Element of bool A
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
y is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
rng y is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
y * g is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
rng (y * g) is Element of bool f
dom y is Element of bool A
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g . f is set
y is Relation-like Function-like set
g * y is Relation-like x -defined Function-like set
(g * y) . f is set
y . (g . f) is set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
g is set
[:A,g:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,g:] is non empty set
y is Relation-like A -defined g -valued Function-like (A,g) Element of bool [:A,g:]
y * f is Relation-like x -defined g -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,g:]
[:x,g:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,g:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined g -valued Function-like (A,g) Element of bool [:A,g:]
g * f is Relation-like x -defined g -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,g:]
dom y is Element of bool A
dom g is Element of bool A
g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 g is set
y is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 y is set
f * g is Relation-like x -defined Function-like set
f * y is Relation-like x -defined Function-like set
proj2 g is set
proj2 y is set
(proj2 g) \/ (proj2 y) is set
[:A,((proj2 g) \/ (proj2 y)):] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,((proj2 g) \/ (proj2 y)):] is non empty set
x is set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
id A is Relation-like A -defined A -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (A,A) Element of bool [:A,A:]
[:A,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Element of bool [:x,A:]
(id x) * f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Element of bool [:x,A:]
f * (id A) is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
id A is Relation-like A -defined A -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (A,A) Element of bool [:A,A:]
[:A,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
f * g is Relation-like A -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,A:]
rng (f * g) is Element of bool A
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is set
y is set
f . g is set
f . y is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
y * g is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
dom y is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
rng g is Element of bool A
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is set
[:g,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:g,x:] is non empty set
y is Relation-like g -defined x -valued Function-like (g,x) Element of bool [:g,x:]
f * y is Relation-like g -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:g,A:]
[:g,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:g,A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like g -defined x -valued Function-like (g,x) Element of bool [:g,x:]
f * g is Relation-like g -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:g,A:]
rng y is Element of bool x
rng g is Element of bool x
dom y is Element of bool g
bool g is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool g
g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj2 g is set
y is Relation-like Function-like set
proj2 y is set
proj1 g is set
proj1 y is set
[:(proj1 g),x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:(proj1 g),x:] is non empty set
g * f is Relation-like A -valued Function-like set
y * f is Relation-like A -valued Function-like set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
y is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
y * g is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
rng (y * g) is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
dom y is Element of bool A
rng y is Element of bool f
x is set
x is set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
g * f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng (g * f) is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng g is Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
y is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
y * g is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
dom y is Element of bool A
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
f " is Relation-like Function-like set
proj2 (f ") is set
g is set
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
proj1 (f ") is set
g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Element of bool [:A,x:]
dom g is Element of bool A
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g " is Relation-like Function-like set
g . f is set
(g ") . (g . f) is set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is non empty set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like total (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
y * g is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
rng g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom y is Element of bool A
rng (y * g) is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
rng y is Element of bool f
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
f " is Relation-like Function-like set
g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool A
x is set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
id A is Relation-like A -defined A -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (A,A) Element of bool [:A,A:]
[:A,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
f " is Relation-like Function-like set
f * (f ") is Relation-like x -defined Function-like set
(f ") * f is Relation-like A -valued Function-like set
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
f " is Relation-like Function-like set
g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
g * f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool A
x is set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
g * f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:f,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:f,A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g | f is Relation-like x -defined f -defined x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom (g | f) is Element of bool x
rng (g | f) is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
y is Relation-like f -defined A -valued Element of bool [:f,A:]
dom y is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g | f is Relation-like x -defined f -defined x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is set
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y . f is set
g |` y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued g -valued A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
(g |` y) . f is set
dom y is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom (g |` y) is Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g .: f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
y is set
g is set
g . g is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
f is set
g .: f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g " f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
y is set
g . y is set
g is set
g . g is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
f is set
g " f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
f " A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
(rng f) /\ A is Element of bool A
f " (rng f) is Element of bool x
dom f is Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
g is set
{g} is non empty set
f " {g} is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g .: f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
g " (g .: f) is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
f .: x is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
f " (f .: x) is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom f is Element of bool x
rng f is Element of bool A
f " (rng f) is Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is set
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y " g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
g * y is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
g .: g is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
(g * y) " (g .: g) is Element of bool x
dom g is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
rng y is Element of bool A
x is set
[:{},x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:{},x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding {} -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty total ( {} ,x) Element of bool [:{},x:]
A is set
f .: A is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
[:{},x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:{},x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding {} -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty total ( {} ,x) Element of bool [:{},x:]
A is set
f " A is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty non proper Element of bool {}
bool {} is non empty set
x is set
{x} is non empty set
A is set
[:{x},A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:{x},A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like {x} -defined A -valued Function-like ({x},A) Element of bool [:{x},A:]
f . x is set
dom f is Element of bool {x}
bool {x} is non empty set
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
{(f . x)} is non empty set
x is set
{x} is non empty set
A is set
[:{x},A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:{x},A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like {x} -defined A -valued Function-like ({x},A) Element of bool [:{x},A:]
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
f . x is set
{(f . x)} is non empty set
dom f is Element of bool {x}
bool {x} is non empty set
x is set
{x} is non empty set
A is set
[:{x},A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:{x},A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like {x} -defined A -valued Function-like ({x},A) Element of bool [:{x},A:]
g .: f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
g . x is set
{(g . x)} is non empty set
rng g is Element of bool A
x is set
A is set
{A} is non empty set
[:x,{A}:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,{A}:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined {A} -valued Function-like total (x,{A}) Element of bool [:x,{A}:]
g . f is set
x is set
A is set
{A} is non empty set
[:x,{A}:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,{A}:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined {A} -valued Function-like total (x,{A}) Element of bool [:x,{A}:]
g is Relation-like x -defined {A} -valued Function-like total (x,{A}) Element of bool [:x,{A}:]
y is set
f . y is set
g . y is set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
dom A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
f * g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom (f * g) is Element of bool x
g " x is Element of bool x
dom g is Element of bool x
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
A is set
[:A,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,A:] is non empty set
x is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
f is Relation-like A -defined A -valued Function-like total (A,A) Element of bool [:A,A:]
f * g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom (f * g) is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g " A is Element of bool x
dom g is Element of bool x
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng f is Element of bool x
f * A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng (f * A) is Element of bool x
A .: x is Element of bool x
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f * A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom f is Element of bool x
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A * f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom A is Element of bool x
dom f is Element of bool x
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
dom A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
f is set
g is set
A . f is set
A . g is set
x is set
A is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng (id x) is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is set
g is set
A . f is set
A . g is set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like (x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like (x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A * f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng f is Element of bool x
rng (A * f) is Element of bool x
g is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f * A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
g is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
field A is set
dom A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng A is Element of bool x
(dom A) \/ (rng A) is Element of bool x
f is set
proj1 A is set
A . f is set
g is set
A . g is set
[f,f] is V23() set
{f,f} is non empty set
{f} is non empty set
{{f,f},{f}} is non empty set
[g,g] is V23() set
{g,g} is non empty set
{g} is non empty set
{{g,g},{g}} is non empty set
f is set
[f,f] is V23() set
{f,f} is non empty set
{f} is non empty set
{{f,f},{f}} is non empty set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A " is Relation-like Function-like one-to-one set
dom A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
proj2 (A ") is set
rng A is Element of bool x
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f * A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
rng A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom A is Element of bool x
dom f is Element of bool x
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f * A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
(x,A) is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
dom A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng A is Element of bool x
dom f is Element of bool x
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
(x,A) is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
(x,A) * A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A * (x,A) is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
dom A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng A is Element of bool x
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is set
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f " A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
f .: (f " A) is Element of bool x
f .: A is Element of bool x
f " (f .: A) is Element of bool x
dom f is Element of bool x
rng f is Element of bool x
x is set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
y * g is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
g is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
x is non empty set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of x
f . g is set
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
x is set
A is Element of F2()
x is Relation-like F1() -defined F2() -valued Function-like total (F1(),F2()) Element of bool [:F1(),F2():]
A is Element of F1()
(F1(),F2(),x,A) is Element of F2()
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
x is Element of F1()
F3(x) is Element of F2()
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is set
f . y is set
g . y is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g .: f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
y is set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is set
g . g is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g .: f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
y is set
g is set
g . g is set
a is Element of x
g . a is set
x is set
A is set
(x,A) is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 g is set
proj2 g is set
F1() is set
F2() is set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
the Element of F1() is Element of F1()
F3( the Element of F1()) is set
x is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 x is set
proj2 x is set
A is set
f is set
x . f is set
F4(f) is set
F3(f) is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
<:f,x,A:> is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
A |` f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued A -valued Function-like set
(A |` f) | x is Relation-like x -defined x -defined A -valued Function-like set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
<:A,x,x:> is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
x |` A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued x -valued Function-like set
(x |` A) | x is Relation-like x -defined x -defined x -valued Function-like set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is set
g . y is set
f . y is set
the Element of A is Element of A
y is set
f . y is set
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is set
y . g is set
f . g is set
x is set
A is set
(x,A) is set
PFuncs (x,A) is functional non empty set
f is set
g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 g is set
proj2 g is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom g is Element of bool x
y is set
f . y is set
g . y is set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
dom A is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
g is set
A . g is set
f . g is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
g is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
TotFuncs f is set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
TotFuncs A is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
TotFuncs f is set
g is set
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
(x,A) is set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
TotFuncs f is set
g is set
x is set
A is set
<:{},x,A:> is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
A |` {} is Relation-like Function-like set
(A |` {}) | x is Relation-like Function-like set
TotFuncs <:{},x,A:> is set
(x,A) is set
f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
<:f,x,A:> is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
A |` f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued A -valued Function-like set
(A |` f) | x is Relation-like x -defined x -defined A -valued Function-like set
TotFuncs <:f,x,A:> is set
{f} is functional non empty set
x is set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
<:A,x,x:> is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
x |` A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued x -valued Function-like set
(x |` A) | x is Relation-like x -defined x -defined x -valued Function-like set
TotFuncs <:A,x,x:> is set
{A} is functional non empty set
x is set
A is set
{A} is non empty set
[:x,{A}:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,{A}:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined {A} -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,{A}:]
TotFuncs f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined {A} -valued Function-like total (x,{A}) Element of bool [:x,{A}:]
{g} is functional non empty set
y is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
TotFuncs f is set
TotFuncs g is set
y is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
dom f is Element of bool x
TotFuncs f is set
TotFuncs g is set
y is set
g . y is set
f . y is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
(dom f) /\ (dom g) is Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
TotFuncs f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
TotFuncs g is set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom f is Element of bool x
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom f is Element of bool x
y is set
g . y is set
{(g . y)} is non empty set
g is set
a is set
f . a is set
a is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
a is set
proj1 f is set
proj1 a is set
(proj1 f) /\ (proj1 a) is set
f . a is set
a . a is set
dom a is Element of bool x
(dom f) /\ (dom a) is Element of bool x
dom a is Element of bool x
(dom g) /\ (dom a) is Element of bool x
a . y is set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom f is Element of bool x
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom f is Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
TotFuncs f is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
TotFuncs g is set
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
F3() is Element of F1()
F4() is Element of F2()
x is Element of F1()
F5(x) is Element of F2()
A is Element of F2()
x is Relation-like F1() -defined F2() -valued Function-like non empty total (F1(),F2()) Element of bool [:F1(),F2():]
(F1(),F2(),x,F3()) is Element of F2()
A is Element of F1()
(F1(),F2(),x,A) is Element of F2()
F5(A) is Element of F2()
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
F3() is Element of F1()
F4() is Element of F1()
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
F5() is Element of F2()
F6() is Element of F2()
x is Element of F1()
F7(x) is Element of F2()
A is Element of F2()
f is Element of F2()
x is Relation-like F1() -defined F2() -valued Function-like non empty total (F1(),F2()) Element of bool [:F1(),F2():]
(F1(),F2(),x,F3()) is Element of F2()
(F1(),F2(),x,F4()) is Element of F2()
A is Element of F1()
(F1(),F2(),x,A) is Element of F2()
F7(A) is Element of F2()
x is set
A is set
(x,A) is set
f is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 f is set
proj2 f is set
g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 g is set
proj2 g is set
F1() is non empty set
F2() is set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
x is set
F3(x) is set
x is Relation-like F1() -defined F2() -valued Function-like (F1(),F2()) Element of bool [:F1(),F2():]
x is Relation-like F1() -defined F2() -valued Function-like (F1(),F2()) Element of bool [:F1(),F2():]
A is Element of F1()
(F1(),F2(),x,A) is Element of F2()
F3(A) is set
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
x is Element of F1()
F3(x) is set
x is Relation-like F1() -defined F2() -valued Function-like non empty total (F1(),F2()) Element of bool [:F1(),F2():]
A is Element of F1()
(F1(),F2(),x,A) is Element of F2()
F3(A) is set
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
f is non empty set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like non empty set
[:x,[:A,f:]:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,[:A,f:]:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined [:A,f:] -valued Function-like non empty total (x,[:A,f:]) Element of bool [:x,[:A,f:]:]
pr1 g is Relation-like Function-like set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
proj1 (pr1 g) is set
dom g is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
proj2 (pr1 g) is set
y is set
g is set
(pr1 g) . g is set
g . g is set
(g . g) `1 is set
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
proj1 (pr1 g) is set
dom g is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is Element of x
(x,A,y,g) is Element of A
(x,[:A,f:],g,g) is Element of [:A,f:]
(x,[:A,f:],g,g) `1 is set
g is set
y . g is set
g . g is set
(g . g) `1 is set
dom y is non empty Element of bool x
pr2 g is Relation-like Function-like set
[:x,f:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
proj1 (pr2 g) is set
dom g is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
proj2 (pr2 g) is set
y is set
g is set
(pr2 g) . g is set
g . g is set
(g . g) `2 is set
y is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like non empty total (x,f) Element of bool [:x,f:]
proj1 (pr2 g) is set
dom g is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is Element of x
(x,f,y,g) is Element of f
(x,[:A,f:],g,g) is Element of [:A,f:]
(x,[:A,f:],g,g) `2 is set
g is set
y . g is set
g . g is set
(g . g) `2 is set
dom y is non empty Element of bool x
x is set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is non empty set
[:f,g:] is Relation-like set
bool [:f,g:] is non empty set
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like f -defined g -valued Function-like total (f,g) Element of bool [:f,g:]
dom y is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
a is Element of x
y . a is set
g . a is set
dom g is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
a is set
y . a is set
g . a is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Element of x
f . y is set
g . y is set
x is set
bool x is non empty Element of bool (bool x)
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
[:x,(bool x):] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,(bool x):] is non empty set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined bool x -valued Function-like total (x, bool x) Element of bool [:x,(bool x):]
[#] x is non proper Element of bool x
f is Element of x
A . f is set
[:([#] x),([#] x):] is Relation-like set
bool [:([#] x),([#] x):] is non empty set
f is Relation-like [#] x -defined [#] x -valued Element of bool [:([#] x),([#] x):]
g is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Element of bool [:x,x:]
y is set
Im (g,y) is set
A . y is set
x is set
bool x is non empty set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Element of bool x
(id x) " A is Element of bool x
(id x) .: A is Element of bool x
(id x) " ((id x) .: A) is Element of bool x
x is non empty set
bool x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool A is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of bool x
f .: g is Element of bool A
y is Element of bool A
f " y is Element of bool x
f " (f .: g) is Element of bool x
f .: (f " y) is Element of bool A
x is non empty set
bool x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is non empty Element of bool x
[:g,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:g,A:] is non empty set
f | g is Relation-like x -defined g -defined x -defined A -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Relation-like g -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (g,A) Element of bool [:g,A:]
g is Relation-like g -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (g,A) Element of bool [:g,A:]
a is Element of g
(g,A,g,a) is Element of A
(g,A,y,a) is Element of A
(x,A,f,a) is Element of A
x is Relation-like Function-like set
f is set
A is set
x .: f is set
x | A is Relation-like Function-like set
(x | A) .: f is set
id A is Relation-like A -defined A -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (A,A) (A) (A,A) Element of bool [:A,A:]
[:A,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,A:] is non empty set
(id A) * x is Relation-like A -defined Function-like set
((id A) * x) .: f is set
(id A) .: f is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
x .: ((id A) .: f) is set
x is Relation-like Function-like set
f is set
x " f is set
A is set
x | A is Relation-like Function-like set
(x | A) " f is set
id A is Relation-like A -defined A -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (A,A) (A) (A,A) Element of bool [:A,A:]
[:A,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,A:] is non empty set
(id A) * x is Relation-like A -defined Function-like set
((id A) * x) " f is set
(id A) " (x " f) is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2():] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:F1(),F2():] is non empty set
x is set
F3(x) is set
x is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 x is set
proj2 x is set
A is Relation-like F1() -defined F2() -valued Function-like non empty total (F1(),F2()) Element of bool [:F1(),F2():]
f is Element of F1()
(F1(),F2(),A,f) is Element of F2()
F3(f) is set
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of x
f /. g is Element of A
(x,A,f,g) is Element of A
dom f is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of x
f /. g is Element of A
(x,A,f,g) is Element of A
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool A is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of bool A
f " g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
(f " g) ` is Element of bool x
x \ (f " g) is set
g ` is Element of bool A
A \ g is set
f " (g `) is Element of bool x
g /\ (g `) is Element of bool A
(f " g) /\ (f " (g `)) is Element of bool x
{} A is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty Element of bool A
f " ({} A) is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty Element of bool x
(f " g) \/ (f " (g `)) is Element of bool x
g \/ (g `) is Element of bool A
f " (g \/ (g `)) is Element of bool x
[#] A is non proper Element of bool A
f " ([#] A) is Element of bool x
[#] x is non proper Element of bool x
(f " (g `)) ` is Element of bool x
x \ (f " (g `)) is set
((f " g) `) /\ ((f " (g `)) `) is Element of bool x
([#] x) ` is Element of bool x
x \ ([#] x) is set
{} x is Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding Function-like one-to-one constant functional empty Element of bool x
x is set
A is set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is non empty set
[:x,g:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,g:] is non empty set
y is Relation-like x -defined g -valued Function-like total (x,g) Element of bool [:x,g:]
y .: A is Element of bool g
bool g is non empty set
y | A is Relation-like x -defined A -defined x -defined g -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,g:]
dom y is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom (y | A) is Element of bool x
rng (y | A) is Element of bool g
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool A is non empty set
bool (bool A) is non empty set
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
g is Element of bool (bool A)
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Element of bool (bool x)
y is Element of bool (bool x)
g is Element of bool (bool x)
a is set
a is Element of bool x
A2 is Element of bool A
f " A2 is Element of bool x
a is Element of bool x
A2 is Element of bool A
f " A2 is Element of bool x
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool A is non empty set
bool (bool A) is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of bool (bool A)
y is Element of bool (bool A)
(x,A,f,g) is Element of bool (bool x)
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
(x,A,f,y) is Element of bool (bool x)
g is set
a is Element of bool x
a is Element of bool A
f " a is Element of bool x
a is Element of bool A
f " a is Element of bool x
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
bool A is non empty set
bool (bool A) is non empty set
g is Element of bool (bool x)
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
y is Element of bool (bool A)
y is Element of bool (bool A)
g is Element of bool (bool A)
a is set
a is Element of bool A
A2 is Element of bool x
f .: A2 is Element of bool A
a is Element of bool A
A2 is Element of bool x
f .: A2 is Element of bool A
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of bool (bool x)
y is Element of bool (bool x)
(x,A,f,g) is Element of bool (bool A)
bool A is non empty set
bool (bool A) is non empty set
(x,A,f,y) is Element of bool (bool A)
g is set
a is Element of bool A
a is Element of bool x
f .: a is Element of bool A
a is Element of bool x
f .: a is Element of bool A
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool A is non empty set
bool (bool A) is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of bool (bool A)
(x,A,f,g) is Element of bool (bool x)
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
(x,A,f,(x,A,f,g)) is Element of bool (bool A)
y is Element of bool A
union (x,A,f,(x,A,f,g)) is Element of bool A
union g is Element of bool A
g is set
a is set
a is Element of bool A
A2 is Element of bool x
f .: A2 is Element of bool A
c10 is Element of bool A
f " c10 is Element of bool x
f .: (f " c10) is Element of bool A
Y2 is set
a is set
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of bool (bool x)
(x,A,f,g) is Element of bool (bool A)
bool A is non empty set
bool (bool A) is non empty set
(x,A,f,(x,A,f,g)) is Element of bool (bool x)
y is Element of bool x
union g is Element of bool x
union (x,A,f,(x,A,f,g)) is Element of bool x
g is set
a is set
a is Element of bool x
f .: a is Element of bool A
f " (f .: a) is Element of bool x
dom f is non empty Element of bool x
a is set
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool A is non empty set
bool (bool A) is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of bool (bool A)
(x,A,f,g) is Element of bool (bool x)
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
(x,A,f,(x,A,f,g)) is Element of bool (bool A)
union (x,A,f,(x,A,f,g)) is Element of bool A
union g is Element of bool A
y is set
g is set
a is Element of bool A
a is Element of bool x
f .: a is Element of bool A
A2 is Element of bool A
f " A2 is Element of bool x
f .: (f " A2) is Element of bool A
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
bool x is non empty set
bool (bool x) is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Element of bool (bool x)
union g is Element of bool x
(x,A,f,g) is Element of bool (bool A)
bool A is non empty set
bool (bool A) is non empty set
(x,A,f,(x,A,f,g)) is Element of bool (bool x)
union (x,A,f,(x,A,f,g)) is Element of bool x
y is set
g is set
a is Element of bool x
f .: a is Element of bool A
a is Element of bool A
f " a is Element of bool x
dom f is non empty Element of bool x
A2 is Element of bool x
x is set
f is non empty set
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
A is set
g is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like total (x,f) Element of bool [:x,f:]
rng g is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
y is Relation-like A -valued Function-like set
proj1 y is set
g * y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
dom g is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom (g * y) is Element of bool x
rng (g * y) is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
x is set
A is set
f is non empty set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
[:f,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:f,x:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like total (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
rng g is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
y is Relation-like f -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:f,x:]
dom y is Element of bool f
(A,x,f,g,y) is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
g is Element of A
(A,x,f,g,y) . g is set
g . g is set
y . (g . g) is set
y * g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,x:]
x is set
A is set
f is non empty set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
[:f,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:f,x:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like total (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
rng g is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
y is Relation-like f -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:f,x:]
dom y is Element of bool f
(A,x,f,g,y) is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
g is Element of A
(A,x,f,g,y) . g is set
g . g is set
y /. (g . g) is Element of x
y . (g . g) is set
x is set
A is set
[:A,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,A:] is non empty set
f is non empty set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
[:f,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:f,x:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like total (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
rng g is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
y is Relation-like f -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:f,x:]
dom y is Element of bool f
(A,x,f,g,y) is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
[:A,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined A -valued Function-like total (A,A) Element of bool [:A,A:]
(A,x,f,g,y) * g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
g * g is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like total (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
(A,x,f,(g * g),y) is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
rng (g * g) is Element of bool f
y * g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,x:]
(y * g) * g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,x:]
y * (g * g) is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,x:]
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng f is non empty Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom f is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
g is set
f . g is set
g is Element of A
a is Element of A
a is set
A2 is set
f . A2 is set
{a} is non empty set
g is Element of A
{g} is non empty set
y is set
proj1 f is non empty set
g is set
f . y is set
f . g is set
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Element of x
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
(x,A,g,f) is Element of A
rng g is non empty Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
dom g is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is set
A is set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
rng g is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
y is set
g . y is set
g is Element of A
g . g is set
x is set
A is non empty set
f is non empty set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like non empty total (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
rng g is non empty Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
y is set
g is Element of A
(A,f,g,g) is Element of f
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:A,x:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
f is set
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like non empty total (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
y is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
(A,f,x,g,y) is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Element of A
(A,f,(A,f,x,g,y),g) is Element of f
(A,x,g,g) is Element of x
y . (A,x,g,g) is set
dom y is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng g is non empty Element of bool x
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:A,x:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:A,x:] is non empty set
f is set
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined x -valued Function-like non empty total (A,x) Element of bool [:A,x:]
y is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:x,f:]
(A,f,x,g,y) is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like (A,f) Element of bool [:A,f:]
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is Element of A
(A,f,(A,f,x,g,y),g) is Element of f
(A,x,g,g) is Element of x
y /. (A,x,g,g) is Element of f
dom y is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng g is non empty Element of bool x
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is set
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng y is non empty Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
g is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,f:]
g | g is Relation-like A -defined g -defined A -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,f:]
dom (g | g) is Element of bool A
(x,f,A,y,(g | g)) is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like (x,f) Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
(x,f,A,y,g) is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like (x,f) Element of bool [:x,f:]
a is Element of x
(x,f,A,y,(g | g)) . a is set
(x,f,A,y,g) . a is set
dom g is Element of bool A
(x,A,y,a) is Element of A
(x,f,(x,f,A,y,(g | g)),a) is Element of f
(g | g) . (x,A,y,a) is set
g . (x,A,y,a) is set
(x,f,(x,f,A,y,g),a) is Element of f
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:A,f:] is non empty set
g is set
y is set
g is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
rng g is non empty Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
a is Relation-like A -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,f:]
a | g is Relation-like A -defined g -defined A -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,f:]
dom (a | g) is Element of bool A
(x,f,A,g,(a | g)) is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like (x,f) Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
a | y is Relation-like A -defined y -defined A -defined f -valued Function-like Element of bool [:A,f:]
(x,f,A,g,(a | y)) is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like (x,f) Element of bool [:x,f:]
dom (a | y) is Element of bool A
(x,f,A,g,a) is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like (x,f) Element of bool [:x,f:]
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
f is non empty set
[:A,f:] is Relation-like non empty set
[:x,[:A,f:]:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,[:A,f:]:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like x -defined [:A,f:] -valued Function-like non empty total (x,[:A,f:]) Element of bool [:x,[:A,f:]:]
(x,A,f,g) is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
(x,A,f,g) is Relation-like x -defined f -valued Function-like non empty total (x,f) Element of bool [:x,f:]
[:x,f:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,f:] is non empty set
y is Element of x
(x,[:A,f:],g,y) is Element of [:A,f:]
(x,A,(x,A,f,g),y) is Element of A
(x,f,(x,A,f,g),y) is Element of f
[(x,A,(x,A,f,g),y),(x,f,(x,A,f,g),y)] is V23() set
{(x,A,(x,A,f,g),y),(x,f,(x,A,f,g),y)} is non empty set
{(x,A,(x,A,f,g),y)} is non empty set
{{(x,A,(x,A,f,g),y),(x,f,(x,A,f,g),y)},{(x,A,(x,A,f,g),y)}} is non empty set
(x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1 is set
(x,[:A,f:],g,y) `2 is set
[((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1),((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `2)] is V23() set
{((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1),((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `2)} is non empty set
{((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1)} is non empty set
{{((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1),((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `2)},{((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1)}} is non empty set
[((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1),(x,f,(x,A,f,g),y)] is V23() set
{((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1),(x,f,(x,A,f,g),y)} is non empty set
{{((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1),(x,f,(x,A,f,g),y)},{((x,[:A,f:],g,y) `1)}} is non empty set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is set
g is set
[:f,g:] is Relation-like set
bool [:f,g:] is non empty set
x /\ f is set
A /\ g is set
[:(x /\ f),(A /\ g):] is Relation-like set
bool [:(x /\ f),(A /\ g):] is non empty set
y is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
g is Relation-like f -defined g -valued Function-like (f,g) Element of bool [:f,g:]
y /\ g is Relation-like x -defined f -defined A -valued g -valued Function-like Element of bool [:f,g:]
dom (y /\ g) is Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
dom y is Element of bool x
dom g is Element of bool f
bool f is non empty set
(dom y) /\ (dom g) is Element of bool f
the Element of x /\ f is Element of x /\ f
y . the Element of x /\ f is set
rng y is Element of bool A
bool A is non empty set
g . the Element of x /\ f is set
rng g is Element of bool g
bool g is non empty set
a is set
y . a is set
[a,(y . a)] is V23() set
{a,(y . a)} is non empty set
{a} is non empty set
{{a,(y . a)},{a}} is non empty set
g . a is set
rng (y /\ g) is Element of bool A
(rng y) /\ (rng g) is Element of bool g
x is set
A is set
(x,A) is set
f is set
g is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 g is set
proj2 g is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
the Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:] is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
{ the Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]} is functional non empty set
f is functional non empty set
g is Relation-like Function-like Element of f
x is set
A is set
f is non empty (x,A)
g is set
x is set
A is set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
{f} is functional non empty set
g is Relation-like Function-like Element of {f}
x is set
A is non empty set
(x,A) is functional non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like Function-like Element of (x,A)
x is set
A is non empty set
(x,A) is functional non empty set
f is functional non empty (x,A)
[:x,A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
g is Relation-like Function-like Element of f
x is set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
[:x,x:] is Relation-like set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined Function-like set
x is non empty set
A is non empty set
[:x,A:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,A:] is non empty set
g is set
f is Relation-like x -defined A -valued Function-like non empty total (x,A) Element of bool [:x,A:]
f /. g is Element of A
f . g is set
y is Element of A
dom f is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
x is non empty set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like non empty total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Relation-like x -valued Function-like set
f * A is Relation-like x -valued Function-like set
proj1 (f * A) is set
proj1 f is set
dom A is non empty Element of bool x
bool x is non empty set
rng f is Element of bool x
x is non empty set
[:x,x:] is Relation-like non empty set
bool [:x,x:] is non empty set
id x is Relation-like x -defined x -valued reflexive symmetric antisymmetric transitive Function-like one-to-one non empty total (x,x) (x) (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
A is Relation-like x -defined x -valued Function-like non empty total (x,x) Element of bool [:x,x:]
f is Element of x
A . f is set
(id x) . f is set
(x,x,(id x),f) is Element of x
x is set
{x} is non empty set
A is set
[:{x},A:] is Relation-like set
bool [:{x},A:] is non empty set
f is Relation-like {x} -defined A -valued Function-like ({x},A) Element of bool [:{x},A:]
f . x is set
g is Relation-like {x} -defined A -valued Function-like ({x},A) Element of bool [:{x},A:]
g . x is set
y is set
f . y is set
g . y is set