f is V1() Function-like set
a is set
b is set
c is set
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
f . [a,b,c] is set
f is non empty set
a is non empty set
b is non empty set
[:f,a,b:] is non empty set
c is non empty set
[:[:f,a,b:],c:] is non empty set
bool [:[:f,a,b:],c:] is non empty set
d is V1() V4([:f,a,b:]) V5(c) Function-like V18([:f,a,b:],c) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b:],c:]
c6 is Element of f
z1 is Element of a
y1 is Element of b
(d,c6,z1,y1) is set
[c6,z1,y1] is V15() V16() set
K83(c6,z1) is V15() set
K83(K83(c6,z1),y1) is V15() set
d . [c6,z1,y1] is set
[c6,z1,y1] is V15() V16() Element of [:f,a,b:]
d . [c6,z1,y1] is Element of c
f is non empty set
a is set
b is set
c is set
[:a,b,c:] is set
[:[:a,b,c:],f:] is set
bool [:[:a,b,c:],f:] is non empty set
d is V1() V4([:a,b,c:]) V5(f) Function-like V18([:a,b,c:],f) Element of bool [:[:a,b,c:],f:]
c6 is V1() V4([:a,b,c:]) V5(f) Function-like V18([:a,b,c:],f) Element of bool [:[:a,b,c:],f:]
z1 is set
d . z1 is set
c6 . z1 is set
y1 is set
x1 is set
t is set
[y1,x1,t] is V15() V16() set
K83(y1,x1) is V15() set
K83(K83(y1,x1),t) is V15() set
f is non empty set
a is non empty set
b is non empty set
[:f,a,b:] is non empty set
c is non empty set
[:[:f,a,b:],c:] is non empty set
bool [:[:f,a,b:],c:] is non empty set
d is V1() V4([:f,a,b:]) V5(c) Function-like V18([:f,a,b:],c) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b:],c:]
c6 is V1() V4([:f,a,b:]) V5(c) Function-like V18([:f,a,b:],c) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b:],c:]
z1 is set
y1 is set
x1 is set
[z1,y1,x1] is V15() V16() set
K83(z1,y1) is V15() set
K83(K83(z1,y1),x1) is V15() set
d . [z1,y1,x1] is set
c6 . [z1,y1,x1] is set
f is non empty set
a is non empty set
b is non empty set
[:f,a,b:] is non empty set
c is non empty set
[:[:f,a,b:],c:] is non empty set
bool [:[:f,a,b:],c:] is non empty set
d is V1() V4([:f,a,b:]) V5(c) Function-like V18([:f,a,b:],c) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b:],c:]
c6 is V1() V4([:f,a,b:]) V5(c) Function-like V18([:f,a,b:],c) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b:],c:]
z1 is Element of f
y1 is Element of a
x1 is Element of b
[z1,y1,x1] is V15() V16() Element of [:f,a,b:]
K83(z1,y1) is V15() set
K83(K83(z1,y1),x1) is V15() set
d . [z1,y1,x1] is Element of c
c6 . [z1,y1,x1] is Element of c
(f,a,b,c,d,z1,y1,x1) is Element of c
[z1,y1,x1] is V15() V16() set
d . [z1,y1,x1] is set
(f,a,b,c,c6,z1,y1,x1) is Element of c
c6 . [z1,y1,x1] is set
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
F3() is non empty set
F4() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2(),F3():] is non empty set
[:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():] is non empty set
bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():] is non empty set
f is Element of [:F1(),F2(),F3():]
a is set
b is set
c is set
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
z1 is Element of F1()
c6 is Element of F2()
d is Element of F3()
y1 is Element of F4()
x1 is Element of F1()
t is Element of F2()
x is Element of F3()
[x1,t,x] is V15() V16() Element of [:F1(),F2(),F3():]
K83(x1,t) is V15() set
K83(K83(x1,t),x) is V15() set
f is V1() V4([:F1(),F2(),F3():]) V5(F4()) Function-like V18([:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4()) Element of bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():]
a is Element of F1()
b is Element of F2()
c is Element of F3()
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() Element of [:F1(),F2(),F3():]
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
f . [a,b,c] is Element of F4()
F1() is non empty set
[:F1(),F1(),F1():] is non empty set
[:[:F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():] is non empty set
bool [:[:F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():] is non empty set
f is Element of F1()
a is Element of F1()
b is Element of F1()
c is Element of F1()
d is Element of F1()
f is V1() V4([:F1(),F1(),F1():]) V5(F1()) Function-like V18([:F1(),F1(),F1():],F1()) Element of bool [:[:F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():]
a is Element of F1()
b is Element of F1()
c is Element of F1()
(F1(),F1(),F1(),F1(),f,a,b,c) is Element of F1()
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
f . [a,b,c] is set
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
F3() is non empty set
F4() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2(),F3():] is non empty set
[:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():] is non empty set
bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():] is non empty set
f is Element of F1()
a is Element of F2()
b is Element of F3()
F5(f,a,b) is Element of F4()
f is V1() V4([:F1(),F2(),F3():]) V5(F4()) Function-like V18([:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4()) Element of bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():]
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
F3() is non empty set
F4() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2(),F3():] is non empty set
[:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():] is non empty set
bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():] is non empty set
f is V1() V4([:F1(),F2(),F3():]) V5(F4()) Function-like V18([:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4()) Element of bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3():],F4():]
a is Element of F1()
b is Element of F2()
c is Element of F3()
(F1(),F2(),F3(),F4(),f,a,b,c) is Element of F4()
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
f . [a,b,c] is set
F5(a,b,c) is Element of F4()
f is V1() Function-like set
a is set
b is set
c is set
d is set
[a,b,c,d] is V15() V16() V17() set
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
K83([a,b,c],d) is V15() set
f . [a,b,c,d] is set
f is non empty set
a is non empty set
b is non empty set
c is non empty set
[:f,a,b,c:] is non empty set
d is non empty set
[:[:f,a,b,c:],d:] is non empty set
bool [:[:f,a,b,c:],d:] is non empty set
c6 is V1() V4([:f,a,b,c:]) V5(d) Function-like V18([:f,a,b,c:],d) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b,c:],d:]
z1 is Element of f
y1 is Element of a
x1 is Element of b
t is Element of c
(c6,z1,y1,x1,t) is set
[z1,y1,x1,t] is V15() V16() V17() set
[z1,y1,x1] is V15() V16() set
K83(z1,y1) is V15() set
K83(K83(z1,y1),x1) is V15() set
K83([z1,y1,x1],t) is V15() set
c6 . [z1,y1,x1,t] is set
[z1,y1,x1,t] is V15() V16() V17() Element of [:f,a,b,c:]
c6 . [z1,y1,x1,t] is Element of d
f is non empty set
a is set
b is set
c is set
d is set
[:a,b,c,d:] is set
[:[:a,b,c,d:],f:] is set
bool [:[:a,b,c,d:],f:] is non empty set
c6 is V1() V4([:a,b,c,d:]) V5(f) Function-like V18([:a,b,c,d:],f) Element of bool [:[:a,b,c,d:],f:]
z1 is V1() V4([:a,b,c,d:]) V5(f) Function-like V18([:a,b,c,d:],f) Element of bool [:[:a,b,c,d:],f:]
y1 is set
c6 . y1 is set
z1 . y1 is set
x1 is set
t is set
x is set
y is set
[x1,t,x,y] is V15() V16() V17() set
[x1,t,x] is V15() V16() set
K83(x1,t) is V15() set
K83(K83(x1,t),x) is V15() set
K83([x1,t,x],y) is V15() set
f is non empty set
a is non empty set
b is non empty set
c is non empty set
[:f,a,b,c:] is non empty set
d is non empty set
[:[:f,a,b,c:],d:] is non empty set
bool [:[:f,a,b,c:],d:] is non empty set
c6 is V1() V4([:f,a,b,c:]) V5(d) Function-like V18([:f,a,b,c:],d) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b,c:],d:]
z1 is V1() V4([:f,a,b,c:]) V5(d) Function-like V18([:f,a,b,c:],d) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b,c:],d:]
y1 is set
x1 is set
t is set
x is set
[y1,x1,t,x] is V15() V16() V17() set
[y1,x1,t] is V15() V16() set
K83(y1,x1) is V15() set
K83(K83(y1,x1),t) is V15() set
K83([y1,x1,t],x) is V15() set
c6 . [y1,x1,t,x] is set
z1 . [y1,x1,t,x] is set
f is non empty set
a is non empty set
b is non empty set
c is non empty set
[:f,a,b,c:] is non empty set
d is non empty set
[:[:f,a,b,c:],d:] is non empty set
bool [:[:f,a,b,c:],d:] is non empty set
c6 is V1() V4([:f,a,b,c:]) V5(d) Function-like V18([:f,a,b,c:],d) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b,c:],d:]
z1 is V1() V4([:f,a,b,c:]) V5(d) Function-like V18([:f,a,b,c:],d) Element of bool [:[:f,a,b,c:],d:]
y1 is Element of f
x1 is Element of a
t is Element of b
x is Element of c
[y1,x1,t,x] is V15() V16() V17() Element of [:f,a,b,c:]
[y1,x1,t] is V15() V16() set
K83(y1,x1) is V15() set
K83(K83(y1,x1),t) is V15() set
K83([y1,x1,t],x) is V15() set
c6 . [y1,x1,t,x] is Element of d
z1 . [y1,x1,t,x] is Element of d
(f,a,b,c,d,c6,y1,x1,t,x) is Element of d
[y1,x1,t,x] is V15() V16() V17() set
c6 . [y1,x1,t,x] is set
(f,a,b,c,d,z1,y1,x1,t,x) is Element of d
z1 . [y1,x1,t,x] is set
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
F3() is non empty set
F4() is non empty set
F5() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():] is non empty set
[:[:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():],F5():] is non empty set
bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():],F5():] is non empty set
f is Element of [:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():]
a is set
b is set
c is set
d is set
[a,b,c,d] is V15() V16() V17() set
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
K83([a,b,c],d) is V15() set
x1 is Element of F1()
y1 is Element of F2()
z1 is Element of F3()
c6 is Element of F4()
t is Element of F5()
x is Element of F1()
y is Element of F2()
z is Element of F3()
s is Element of F4()
[x,y,z,s] is V15() V16() V17() Element of [:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():]
[x,y,z] is V15() V16() set
K83(x,y) is V15() set
K83(K83(x,y),z) is V15() set
K83([x,y,z],s) is V15() set
f is V1() V4([:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():]) V5(F5()) Function-like V18([:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():],F5()) Element of bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():],F5():]
a is Element of F1()
b is Element of F2()
c is Element of F3()
d is Element of F4()
[a,b,c,d] is V15() V16() V17() Element of [:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():]
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
K83([a,b,c],d) is V15() set
f . [a,b,c,d] is Element of F5()
F1() is non empty set
[:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():] is non empty set
[:[:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():] is non empty set
bool [:[:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():] is non empty set
f is Element of F1()
a is Element of F1()
b is Element of F1()
c is Element of F1()
d is Element of F1()
c6 is Element of F1()
f is V1() V4([:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():]) V5(F1()) Function-like V18([:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():],F1()) Element of bool [:[:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():]
a is Element of F1()
b is Element of F1()
c is Element of F1()
d is Element of F1()
(F1(),F1(),F1(),F1(),F1(),f,a,b,c,d) is Element of F1()
[a,b,c,d] is V15() V16() V17() set
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
K83([a,b,c],d) is V15() set
f . [a,b,c,d] is set
F1() is non empty set
F2() is non empty set
F3() is non empty set
F4() is non empty set
F5() is non empty set
[:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():] is non empty set
[:[:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():],F5():] is non empty set
bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():],F5():] is non empty set
f is Element of F1()
a is Element of F2()
b is Element of F3()
c is Element of F4()
F6(f,a,b,c) is Element of F5()
f is V1() V4([:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():]) V5(F5()) Function-like V18([:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():],F5()) Element of bool [:[:F1(),F2(),F3(),F4():],F5():]
F1() is non empty set
[:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():] is non empty set
[:[:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():] is non empty set
bool [:[:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():] is non empty set
f is V1() V4([:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():]) V5(F1()) Function-like V18([:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():],F1()) Element of bool [:[:F1(),F1(),F1(),F1():],F1():]
a is Element of F1()
b is Element of F1()
c is Element of F1()
d is Element of F1()
(F1(),F1(),F1(),F1(),F1(),f,a,b,c,d) is Element of F1()
[a,b,c,d] is V15() V16() V17() set
[a,b,c] is V15() V16() set
K83(a,b) is V15() set
K83(K83(a,b),c) is V15() set
K83([a,b,c],d) is V15() set
f . [a,b,c,d] is set
F2(a,b,c,d) is Element of F1()