X is set
Y is set
[X,Y] is set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
X is set
{X} is non empty set
Y is set
x is set
{Y,x} is non empty set
X is set
{X} is non empty set
Y is set
x is set
{Y,x} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
{X,Y} is non empty set
x is set
x1 is set
{x,x1} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
x is set
x1 is set
[x,x1] is () set
{x,x1} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,x1},{x}} is non empty set
{{x},{x}} is non empty set
{{x}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
[Y,x] is () set
{Y,x} is non empty set
{Y} is non empty set
{{Y,x},{Y}} is non empty set
x1 is set
x2 is set
[x1,x2] is () set
{x1,x2} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x2},{x1}} is non empty set
x1 is set
x2 is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
[x1,x2] is () set
{x1,x2} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x2},{x1}} is non empty set
x1 is set
x2 is set
X is set
Y is set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
([X,Y]) is set
([X,Y]) is set
the set is set
[ the set , the set ] is () set
{ the set , the set } is non empty set
{ the set } is non empty set
{{ the set , the set },{ the set }} is non empty set
X is () set
(X) is set
(X) is set
[(X),(X)] is () set
{(X),(X)} is non empty set
{(X)} is non empty set
{{(X),(X)},{(X)}} is non empty set
Y is set
x is set
[Y,x] is () set
{Y,x} is non empty set
{Y} is non empty set
{{Y,x},{Y}} is non empty set
[Y,(X)] is () set
{Y,(X)} is non empty set
{{Y,(X)},{Y}} is non empty set
X is () set
(X) is set
Y is () set
(Y) is set
(X) is set
(Y) is set
[(X),(X)] is () set
{(X),(X)} is non empty set
{(X)} is non empty set
{{(X),(X)},{(X)}} is non empty set
[(Y),(Y)] is () set
{(Y),(Y)} is non empty set
{(Y)} is non empty set
{{(Y),(Y)},{(Y)}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
x is set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
(X,Y,x) is set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
(X,Y,x) is () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
x1 is set
x2 is set
x3 is set
(x1,x2,x3) is () set
[x1,x2] is () set
{x1,x2} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x2},{x1}} is non empty set
[[x1,x2],x3] is () set
{[x1,x2],x3} is non empty set
{[x1,x2]} is non empty set
{{[x1,x2],x3},{[x1,x2]}} is non empty set
the set is set
( the set , the set , the set ) is () set
[ the set , the set ] is () set
{ the set , the set } is non empty set
{ the set } is non empty set
{{ the set , the set },{ the set }} is non empty set
[[ the set , the set ], the set ] is () set
{[ the set , the set ], the set } is non empty set
{[ the set , the set ]} is non empty set
{{[ the set , the set ], the set },{[ the set , the set ]}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
(Y,x,x1) is () set
[Y,x] is () set
{Y,x} is non empty set
{Y} is non empty set
{{Y,x},{Y}} is non empty set
[[Y,x],x1] is () set
{[Y,x],x1} is non empty set
{[Y,x]} is non empty set
{{[Y,x],x1},{[Y,x]}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
((X,Y,x)) is set
((X,Y,x)) is set
(((X,Y,x))) is set
([[X,Y],x]) is set
(([[X,Y],x])) is set
((X,Y,x)) is set
(((X,Y,x))) is set
([[X,Y],x]) is set
(([[X,Y],x])) is set
((X,Y,x)) is set
([[X,Y],x]) is set
X is () () set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
(X) is set
((X),(X),(X)) is () () set
[(X),(X)] is () set
{(X),(X)} is non empty set
{(X)} is non empty set
{{(X),(X)},{(X)}} is non empty set
[[(X),(X)],(X)] is () set
{[(X),(X)],(X)} is non empty set
{[(X),(X)]} is non empty set
{{[(X),(X)],(X)},{[(X),(X)]}} is non empty set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
(Y,x,x1) is () () set
[Y,x] is () set
{Y,x} is non empty set
{Y} is non empty set
{{Y,x},{Y}} is non empty set
[[Y,x],x1] is () set
{[Y,x],x1} is non empty set
{[Y,x]} is non empty set
{{[Y,x],x1},{[Y,x]}} is non empty set
((Y,x,x1)) is set
((Y,x,x1)) is set
(((Y,x,x1))) is set
((Y,x,x1)) is set
(((Y,x,x1))) is set
((Y,x,x1)) is set
X is () () set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is () () set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) is set
(Y) is set
((X),(X),(X)) is () () set
[(X),(X)] is () set
{(X),(X)} is non empty set
{(X)} is non empty set
{{(X),(X)},{(X)}} is non empty set
[[(X),(X)],(X)] is () set
{[(X),(X)],(X)} is non empty set
{[(X),(X)]} is non empty set
{{[(X),(X)],(X)},{[(X),(X)]}} is non empty set
((Y),(Y),(Y)) is () () set
[(Y),(Y)] is () set
{(Y),(Y)} is non empty set
{(Y)} is non empty set
{{(Y),(Y)},{(Y)}} is non empty set
[[(Y),(Y)],(Y)] is () set
{[(Y),(Y)],(Y)} is non empty set
{[(Y),(Y)]} is non empty set
{{[(Y),(Y)],(Y)},{[(Y),(Y)]}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
x1 is set
[(X,Y,x),x1] is () set
{(X,Y,x),x1} is non empty set
{(X,Y,x)} is non empty set
{{(X,Y,x),x1},{(X,Y,x)}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
(X,Y,x,x1) is set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
[(X,Y,x),x1] is () set
{(X,Y,x),x1} is non empty set
{(X,Y,x)} is non empty set
{{(X,Y,x),x1},{(X,Y,x)}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
(X,Y,x,x1) is () set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
[(X,Y,x),x1] is () set
{(X,Y,x),x1} is non empty set
{(X,Y,x)} is non empty set
{{(X,Y,x),x1},{(X,Y,x)}} is non empty set
x2 is set
x3 is set
y3 is set
y4 is set
(x2,x3,y3,y4) is () set
(x2,x3,y3) is () () set
[x2,x3] is () set
{x2,x3} is non empty set
{x2} is non empty set
{{x2,x3},{x2}} is non empty set
[[x2,x3],y3] is () set
{[x2,x3],y3} is non empty set
{[x2,x3]} is non empty set
{{[x2,x3],y3},{[x2,x3]}} is non empty set
[(x2,x3,y3),y4] is () set
{(x2,x3,y3),y4} is non empty set
{(x2,x3,y3)} is non empty set
{{(x2,x3,y3),y4},{(x2,x3,y3)}} is non empty set
the set is set
( the set , the set , the set , the set ) is () set
( the set , the set , the set ) is () () set
[ the set , the set ] is () set
{ the set , the set } is non empty set
{ the set } is non empty set
{{ the set , the set },{ the set }} is non empty set
[[ the set , the set ], the set ] is () set
{[ the set , the set ], the set } is non empty set
{[ the set , the set ]} is non empty set
{{[ the set , the set ], the set },{[ the set , the set ]}} is non empty set
[( the set , the set , the set ), the set ] is () set
{( the set , the set , the set ), the set } is non empty set
{( the set , the set , the set )} is non empty set
{{( the set , the set , the set ), the set },{( the set , the set , the set )}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
(Y,x,x1,x2) is () set
(Y,x,x1) is () () set
[Y,x] is () set
{Y,x} is non empty set
{Y} is non empty set
{{Y,x},{Y}} is non empty set
[[Y,x],x1] is () set
{[Y,x],x1} is non empty set
{[Y,x]} is non empty set
{{[Y,x],x1},{[Y,x]}} is non empty set
[(Y,x,x1),x2] is () set
{(Y,x,x1),x2} is non empty set
{(Y,x,x1)} is non empty set
{{(Y,x,x1),x2},{(Y,x,x1)}} is non empty set
([Y,x],x1,x2) is () () set
[[[Y,x],x1],x2] is () set
{[[Y,x],x1],x2} is non empty set
{[[Y,x],x1]} is non empty set
{{[[Y,x],x1],x2},{[[Y,x],x1]}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
(((X))) is set
(((X))) is set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
(X,Y,x,x1) is () () () set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
[(X,Y,x),x1] is () set
{(X,Y,x),x1} is non empty set
{(X,Y,x)} is non empty set
{{(X,Y,x),x1},{(X,Y,x)}} is non empty set
((X,Y,x,x1)) is set
((X,Y,x,x1)) is set
(((X,Y,x,x1))) is set
((((X,Y,x,x1)))) is set
([(X,Y,x),x1]) is set
(([(X,Y,x),x1])) is set
((([(X,Y,x),x1]))) is set
((X,Y,x)) is set
((X,Y,x)) is set
(((X,Y,x))) is set
((X,Y,x,x1)) is set
((((X,Y,x,x1)))) is set
([(X,Y,x),x1]) is set
(([(X,Y,x),x1])) is set
((([(X,Y,x),x1]))) is set
((X,Y,x)) is set
((X,Y,x)) is set
(((X,Y,x))) is set
((X,Y,x,x1)) is set
(((X,Y,x,x1))) is set
([(X,Y,x),x1]) is set
(([(X,Y,x),x1])) is set
((X,Y,x,x1)) is set
([(X,Y,x),x1]) is set
X is () () () set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
(((X))) is set
(X) is set
(((X))) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
(X) is set
((X),(X),(X),(X)) is () () () set
((X),(X),(X)) is () () set
[(X),(X)] is () set
{(X),(X)} is non empty set
{(X)} is non empty set
{{(X),(X)},{(X)}} is non empty set
[[(X),(X)],(X)] is () set
{[(X),(X)],(X)} is non empty set
{[(X),(X)]} is non empty set
{{[(X),(X)],(X)},{[(X),(X)]}} is non empty set
[((X),(X),(X)),(X)] is () set
{((X),(X),(X)),(X)} is non empty set
{((X),(X),(X))} is non empty set
{{((X),(X),(X)),(X)},{((X),(X),(X))}} is non empty set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
(Y,x,x1,x2) is () () () set
(Y,x,x1) is () () set
[Y,x] is () set
{Y,x} is non empty set
{Y} is non empty set
{{Y,x},{Y}} is non empty set
[[Y,x],x1] is () set
{[Y,x],x1} is non empty set
{[Y,x]} is non empty set
{{[Y,x],x1},{[Y,x]}} is non empty set
[(Y,x,x1),x2] is () set
{(Y,x,x1),x2} is non empty set
{(Y,x,x1)} is non empty set
{{(Y,x,x1),x2},{(Y,x,x1)}} is non empty set
((Y,x,x1,x2)) is set
((Y,x,x1,x2)) is set
(((Y,x,x1,x2))) is set
((((Y,x,x1,x2)))) is set
((Y,x,x1,x2)) is set
((((Y,x,x1,x2)))) is set
((Y,x,x1,x2)) is set
(((Y,x,x1,x2))) is set
((Y,x,x1,x2)) is set
X is set
Y is set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
x is set
union x is set
union (union x) is set
X is set
Y is set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
x is set
union x is set
union (union x) is set
X is set
union X is set
union (union X) is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x,x1] is () set
{x,x1} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,x1},{x}} is non empty set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
[x1,x2] is () set
{x1,x2} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x2},{x1}} is non empty set
x2 is set
[x1,x2] is () set
{x1,x2} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x2},{x1}} is non empty set
union X is set
union (union X) is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x1,x] is () set
{x1,x} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x},{x1}} is non empty set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
[x2,x1] is () set
{x2,x1} is non empty set
{x2} is non empty set
{{x2,x1},{x2}} is non empty set
x2 is set
[x2,x1] is () set
{x2,x1} is non empty set
{x2} is non empty set
{{x2,x1},{x2}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x,x1] is () set
{x,x1} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,x1},{x}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x1,x] is () set
{x1,x} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x},{x1}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
X is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
x is set
[X,x] is () set
{X,x} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,x},{X}} is non empty set
x1 is set
[[X,x],x1] is () set
{[X,x],x1} is non empty set
{[X,x]} is non empty set
{{[X,x],x1},{[X,x]}} is non empty set
(X,x,x1) is () () set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
x1 is set
(x1) is set
(x1) is set
((x1)) is set
X is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
x is set
[x,X] is () set
{x,X} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,X},{x}} is non empty set
x1 is set
[[x,X],x1] is () set
{[x,X],x1} is non empty set
{[x,X]} is non empty set
{{[x,X],x1},{[x,X]}} is non empty set
(x,X,x1) is () () set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
x1 is set
(x1) is set
(x1) is set
((x1)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
X is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
x is set
[X,x] is () set
{X,x} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,x},{X}} is non empty set
x1 is set
[[X,x],x1] is () set
{[X,x],x1} is non empty set
{[X,x]} is non empty set
{{[X,x],x1},{[X,x]}} is non empty set
x2 is set
[[[X,x],x1],x2] is () set
{[[X,x],x1],x2} is non empty set
{[[X,x],x1]} is non empty set
{{[[X,x],x1],x2},{[[X,x],x1]}} is non empty set
(X,x,x1,x2) is () () () set
(X,x,x1) is () () set
[(X,x,x1),x2] is () set
{(X,x,x1),x2} is non empty set
{(X,x,x1)} is non empty set
{{(X,x,x1),x2},{(X,x,x1)}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
(X,Y,x,x1) is () () () set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
[(X,Y,x),x1] is () set
{(X,Y,x),x1} is non empty set
{(X,Y,x)} is non empty set
{{(X,Y,x),x1},{(X,Y,x)}} is non empty set
x2 is set
(x2) is set
(x2) is set
(x2) is set
((x2)) is set
((x2)) is set
([X,Y],x,x1) is () () set
[[[X,Y],x],x1] is () set
{[[X,Y],x],x1} is non empty set
{[[X,Y],x]} is non empty set
{{[[X,Y],x],x1},{[[X,Y],x]}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
x is set
[x,X] is () set
{x,X} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,X},{x}} is non empty set
x1 is set
[[x,X],x1] is () set
{[x,X],x1} is non empty set
{[x,X]} is non empty set
{{[x,X],x1},{[x,X]}} is non empty set
x2 is set
[[[x,X],x1],x2] is () set
{[[x,X],x1],x2} is non empty set
{[[x,X],x1]} is non empty set
{{[[x,X],x1],x2},{[[x,X],x1]}} is non empty set
(x,X,x1,x2) is () () () set
(x,X,x1) is () () set
[(x,X,x1),x2] is () set
{(x,X,x1),x2} is non empty set
{(x,X,x1)} is non empty set
{{(x,X,x1),x2},{(x,X,x1)}} is non empty set
X is set
Y is set
x is set
x1 is set
(X,Y,x,x1) is () () () set
(X,Y,x) is () () set
[X,Y] is () set
{X,Y} is non empty set
{X} is non empty set
{{X,Y},{X}} is non empty set
[[X,Y],x] is () set
{[X,Y],x} is non empty set
{[X,Y]} is non empty set
{{[X,Y],x},{[X,Y]}} is non empty set
[(X,Y,x),x1] is () set
{(X,Y,x),x1} is non empty set
{(X,Y,x)} is non empty set
{{(X,Y,x),x1},{(X,Y,x)}} is non empty set
x2 is set
(x2) is set
(x2) is set
(x2) is set
((x2)) is set
((x2)) is set
([X,Y],x,x1) is () () set
[[[X,Y],x],x1] is () set
{[[X,Y],x],x1} is non empty set
{[[X,Y],x]} is non empty set
{{[[X,Y],x],x1},{[[X,Y],x]}} is non empty set
X is () () () set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
(((X))) is set
Y is () () () set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(((Y))) is set
(X) is set
(((X))) is set
(Y) is set
(((Y))) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) is set
(Y) is set
((X),(X),(X),(X)) is () () () set
((X),(X),(X)) is () () set
[(X),(X)] is () set
{(X),(X)} is non empty set
{(X)} is non empty set
{{(X),(X)},{(X)}} is non empty set
[[(X),(X)],(X)] is () set
{[(X),(X)],(X)} is non empty set
{[(X),(X)]} is non empty set
{{[(X),(X)],(X)},{[(X),(X)]}} is non empty set
[((X),(X),(X)),(X)] is () set
{((X),(X),(X)),(X)} is non empty set
{((X),(X),(X))} is non empty set
{{((X),(X),(X)),(X)},{((X),(X),(X))}} is non empty set
((Y),(Y),(Y),(Y)) is () () () set
((Y),(Y),(Y)) is () () set
[(Y),(Y)] is () set
{(Y),(Y)} is non empty set
{(Y)} is non empty set
{{(Y),(Y)},{(Y)}} is non empty set
[[(Y),(Y)],(Y)] is () set
{[(Y),(Y)],(Y)} is non empty set
{[(Y),(Y)]} is non empty set
{{[(Y),(Y)],(Y)},{[(Y),(Y)]}} is non empty set
[((Y),(Y),(Y)),(Y)] is () set
{((Y),(Y),(Y)),(Y)} is non empty set
{((Y),(Y),(Y))} is non empty set
{{((Y),(Y),(Y)),(Y)},{((Y),(Y),(Y))}} is non empty set
X is empty set
(X) is set
Y is set
x is set
[Y,x] is () set
{Y,x} is non empty set
{Y} is non empty set
{{Y,x},{Y}} is non empty set
X is empty set
(X) is set
Y is set
x is set
[x,Y] is () set
{x,Y} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,Y},{x}} is non empty set
X is empty set
(X) is set
(X) is empty set
((X)) is empty set
X is empty set
(X) is set
(X) is empty set
((X)) is empty set
X is empty set
(X) is set
(X) is empty set
(X) is empty set
((X)) is empty set
((X)) is empty set
X is empty set
(X) is set
(X) is empty set
(X) is empty set
((X)) is empty set
((X)) is empty set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
X \/ Y is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
(Y) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x,x1] is () set
{x,x1} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,x1},{x}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
X /\ Y is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
(Y) is set
(X) /\ (Y) is set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
X \ Y is set
((X \ Y)) is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x,x1] is () set
{x,x1} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,x1},{x}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(X) \+\ (Y) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
(Y) \ (X) is set
((X) \ (Y)) \/ ((Y) \ (X)) is set
X \+\ Y is set
X \ Y is set
Y \ X is set
(X \ Y) \/ (Y \ X) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
((X \ Y)) \/ ((Y \ X)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
X \/ Y is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
(Y) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x1,x] is () set
{x1,x} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x},{x1}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
X /\ Y is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
(Y) is set
(X) /\ (Y) is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x1,x] is () set
{x1,x} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x},{x1}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
X \ Y is set
((X \ Y)) is set
x is set
x1 is set
[x1,x] is () set
{x1,x} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x},{x1}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(X) \+\ (Y) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
(Y) \ (X) is set
((X) \ (Y)) \/ ((Y) \ (X)) is set
X \+\ Y is set
X \ Y is set
Y \ X is set
(X \ Y) \/ (Y \ X) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
((X \ Y)) \/ ((Y \ X)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
X \/ Y is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
(((X \/ Y))) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
(((X) \/ (Y))) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
X /\ Y is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
(((X /\ Y))) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) /\ (Y) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
X \ Y is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
x is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
(x,x1,x2) is () () set
[x,x1] is () set
{x,x1} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,x1},{x}} is non empty set
[[x,x1],x2] is () set
{[x,x1],x2} is non empty set
{[x,x1]} is non empty set
{{[x,x1],x2},{[x,x1]}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \+\ (Y) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
(Y) \ (X) is set
((X) \ (Y)) \/ ((Y) \ (X)) is set
X \+\ Y is set
X \ Y is set
Y \ X is set
(X \ Y) \/ (Y \ X) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
(((X \+\ Y))) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
(((Y \ X))) is set
((X \ Y)) \/ ((Y \ X)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
X \/ Y is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
(((X \/ Y))) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
(((X) \/ (Y))) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
X /\ Y is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
(((X /\ Y))) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) /\ (Y) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
X \ Y is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
x is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
(x1,x,x2) is () () set
[x1,x] is () set
{x1,x} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x},{x1}} is non empty set
[[x1,x],x2] is () set
{[x1,x],x2} is non empty set
{[x1,x]} is non empty set
{{[x1,x],x2},{[x1,x]}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \+\ (Y) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
(Y) \ (X) is set
((X) \ (Y)) \/ ((Y) \ (X)) is set
X \+\ Y is set
X \ Y is set
Y \ X is set
(X \ Y) \/ (Y \ X) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
(((X \+\ Y))) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
(((Y \ X))) is set
((X \ Y)) \/ ((Y \ X)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
X \/ Y is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
(((X \/ Y))) is set
(((X \/ Y))) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
(((X) \/ (Y))) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
X /\ Y is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
(((X /\ Y))) is set
(((X /\ Y))) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) /\ (Y) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
X \ Y is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
x is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
x3 is set
(x,x1,x2,x3) is () () () set
(x,x1,x2) is () () set
[x,x1] is () set
{x,x1} is non empty set
{x} is non empty set
{{x,x1},{x}} is non empty set
[[x,x1],x2] is () set
{[x,x1],x2} is non empty set
{[x,x1]} is non empty set
{{[x,x1],x2},{[x,x1]}} is non empty set
[(x,x1,x2),x3] is () set
{(x,x1,x2),x3} is non empty set
{(x,x1,x2)} is non empty set
{{(x,x1,x2),x3},{(x,x1,x2)}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \+\ (Y) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
(Y) \ (X) is set
((X) \ (Y)) \/ ((Y) \ (X)) is set
X \+\ Y is set
X \ Y is set
Y \ X is set
(X \ Y) \/ (Y \ X) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
(((X \+\ Y))) is set
(((X \+\ Y))) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
(((Y \ X))) is set
(((Y \ X))) is set
((X \ Y)) \/ ((Y \ X)) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
X \/ Y is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
((X \/ Y)) is set
(((X \/ Y))) is set
(((X \/ Y))) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
(X) \/ (Y) is set
(((X) \/ (Y))) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
X /\ Y is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
((X /\ Y)) is set
(((X /\ Y))) is set
(((X /\ Y))) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) /\ (Y) is set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
X \ Y is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
x is set
x1 is set
x2 is set
x3 is set
(x1,x,x2,x3) is () () () set
(x1,x,x2) is () () set
[x1,x] is () set
{x1,x} is non empty set
{x1} is non empty set
{{x1,x},{x1}} is non empty set
[[x1,x],x2] is () set
{[x1,x],x2} is non empty set
{[x1,x]} is non empty set
{{[x1,x],x2},{[x1,x]}} is non empty set
[(x1,x,x2),x3] is () set
{(x1,x,x2),x3} is non empty set
{(x1,x,x2)} is non empty set
{{(x1,x,x2),x3},{(x1,x,x2)}} is non empty set
X is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
(X) is set
((X)) is set
((X)) is set
Y is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
(Y) is set
((Y)) is set
((Y)) is set
(X) \+\ (Y) is set
(X) \ (Y) is set
(Y) \ (X) is set
((X) \ (Y)) \/ ((Y) \ (X)) is set
X \+\ Y is set
X \ Y is set
Y \ X is set
(X \ Y) \/ (Y \ X) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
((X \+\ Y)) is set
(((X \+\ Y))) is set
(((X \+\ Y))) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
((X \ Y)) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
(((X \ Y))) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
((Y \ X)) is set
(((Y \ X))) is set
(((Y \ X))) is set
((X \ Y)) \/ ((Y \ X)) is set