:: Examples of Category Structures. Subcategories
:: by Andrzej Trybulec
:: Received January 22, 1996
:: Copyright (c) 1996-2024 Association of Mizar Users

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:1
for X1, X2, a1, a2 being set holds [:(X1 --> a1),(X2 --> a2):] = [:X1,X2:] --> [a1,a2]
proof end;

let I be set ;
cluster EmptyMS I -> Function-yielding ;
EmptyMS I is Function-yielding

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:2
for f, g being Function holds ~ (g * f) = g * (~ f)
proof end;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:3
for f, g, h being Function holds ~ (f * [:g,h:]) = (~ f) * [:h,g:]
proof end;

let f be Function-yielding Function;
cluster ~ f -> Function-yielding ;
~ f is Function-yielding
proof end;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:4
for I being set
for A, B, C being ManySortedSet of I st A is_transformable_to B holds
for F being ManySortedFunction of A,B
for G being ManySortedFunction of B,C holds G ** F is ManySortedFunction of A,C
proof end;

let I be set ;
let A be ManySortedSet of [:I,I:];
cluster ~ A -> [:I,I:] -defined ;
~ A is [:I,I:] -defined

let I be set ;
let A be ManySortedSet of [:I,I:];
cluster ~ A -> [:I,I:] -defined total for [:I,I:] -defined Function;
for b1 being [:I,I:] -defined Function st b1 = ~ A holds
b1 is total

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:5
for I1 being set
for I2 being non empty set
for f being Function of I1,I2
for B, C being ManySortedSet of I2
for G being ManySortedFunction of B,C holds G * f is ManySortedFunction of B * f,C * f
proof end;

let I be set ;
let A, B be ManySortedSet of [:I,I:];
let F be ManySortedFunction of A,B;
:: original: ~
redefine func ~ F -> ManySortedFunction of ~ A, ~ B;
~ F is ManySortedFunction of ~ A, ~ B
proof end;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:6
for I1, I2 being non empty set
for M being ManySortedSet of [:I1,I2:]
for o1 being Element of I1
for o2 being Element of I2 holds (~ M) . (o2,o1) = M . (o1,o2)
proof end;

let I1 be set ;
let f, g be ManySortedFunction of I1;
cluster g ** f -> I1 -defined ;
g ** f is I1 -defined
proof end;

let I1 be set ;
let f, g be ManySortedFunction of I1;
cluster g ** f -> total ;
g ** f is total
proof end;

let f, g be Function;
pred f cc= g means :: ALTCAT_2:def 1
( dom f c= dom g & ( for i being set st i in dom f holds
f . i c= g . i ) );
for f being Function holds
( dom f c= dom f & ( for i being set st i in dom f holds
f . i c= f . i ) )

:: deftheorem defines cc= ALTCAT_2:def 1 :
for f, g being Function holds
( f cc= g iff ( dom f c= dom g & ( for i being set st i in dom f holds
f . i c= g . i ) ) );

let I, J be set ;
let A be ManySortedSet of I;
let B be ManySortedSet of J;
:: original: cc=
redefine pred A cc= B means :: ALTCAT_2:def 2
( I c= J & ( for i being set st i in I holds
A . i c= B . i ) );
( A cc= B iff ( I c= J & ( for i being set st i in I holds
A . i c= B . i ) ) )
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines cc= ALTCAT_2:def 2 :
for I, J being set
for A being ManySortedSet of I
for B being ManySortedSet of J holds
( A cc= B iff ( I c= J & ( for i being set st i in I holds
A . i c= B . i ) ) );

theorem Th7: :: ALTCAT_2:7
for I, J being set
for A being ManySortedSet of I
for B being ManySortedSet of J st A cc= B & B cc= A holds
A = B
proof end;

theorem Th8: :: ALTCAT_2:8
for I, J, K being set
for A being ManySortedSet of I
for B being ManySortedSet of J
for C being ManySortedSet of K st A cc= B & B cc= C holds
A cc= C
proof end;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:9
for I being set
for A, B being ManySortedSet of I holds
( A cc= B iff A c= B ) ;

scheme :: ALTCAT_2:sch 1
OnSingletons{ F1() -> non empty set , F2( set ) -> set , P1[ set ] } :
{ [o,F2(o)] where o is Element of F1() : P1[o] } is Function
proof end;

scheme :: ALTCAT_2:sch 2
DomOnSingletons{ F1() -> non empty set , F2() -> Function, F3( set ) -> set , P1[ set ] } :
dom F2() = { o where o is Element of F1() : P1[o] }
A1: F2() = { [o,F3(o)] where o is Element of F1() : P1[o] }
proof end;

scheme :: ALTCAT_2:sch 3
ValOnSingletons{ F1() -> non empty set , F2() -> Function, F3() -> Element of F1(), F4( set ) -> set , P1[ set ] } :
F2() . F3() = F4(F3())
A1: F2() = { [o,F4(o)] where o is Element of F1() : P1[o] } and
A2: P1[F3()]
proof end;

theorem Th10: :: ALTCAT_2:10
for C being Category
for i, j, k being Object of C holds [:(Hom (j,k)),(Hom (i,j)):] c= dom the Comp of C
proof end;

theorem Th11: :: ALTCAT_2:11
for C being Category
for i, j, k being Object of C holds the Comp of C .: [:(Hom (j,k)),(Hom (i,j)):] c= Hom (i,k)
proof end;

let C be non empty non void CatStr ;
func the_hom_sets_of C -> ManySortedSet of [: the carrier of C, the carrier of C:] means :Def3: :: ALTCAT_2:def 3
for i, j being Object of C holds it . (i,j) = Hom (i,j);
ex b1 being ManySortedSet of [: the carrier of C, the carrier of C:] st
for i, j being Object of C holds b1 . (i,j) = Hom (i,j)
proof end;
for b1, b2 being ManySortedSet of [: the carrier of C, the carrier of C:] st ( for i, j being Object of C holds b1 . (i,j) = Hom (i,j) ) & ( for i, j being Object of C holds b2 . (i,j) = Hom (i,j) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def3 defines the_hom_sets_of ALTCAT_2:def 3 :
for C being non empty non void CatStr
for b2 being ManySortedSet of [: the carrier of C, the carrier of C:] holds
( b2 = the_hom_sets_of C iff for i, j being Object of C holds b2 . (i,j) = Hom (i,j) );

theorem Th12: :: ALTCAT_2:12
for C being Category
for i being Object of C holds id i in (the_hom_sets_of C) . (i,i)
proof end;

let C be Category;
func the_comps_of C -> BinComp of (the_hom_sets_of C) means :Def4: :: ALTCAT_2:def 4
for i, j, k being Object of C holds it . (i,j,k) = the Comp of C | [:((the_hom_sets_of C) . (j,k)),((the_hom_sets_of C) . (i,j)):];
ex b1 being BinComp of (the_hom_sets_of C) st
for i, j, k being Object of C holds b1 . (i,j,k) = the Comp of C | [:((the_hom_sets_of C) . (j,k)),((the_hom_sets_of C) . (i,j)):]
proof end;
for b1, b2 being BinComp of (the_hom_sets_of C) st ( for i, j, k being Object of C holds b1 . (i,j,k) = the Comp of C | [:((the_hom_sets_of C) . (j,k)),((the_hom_sets_of C) . (i,j)):] ) & ( for i, j, k being Object of C holds b2 . (i,j,k) = the Comp of C | [:((the_hom_sets_of C) . (j,k)),((the_hom_sets_of C) . (i,j)):] ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def4 defines the_comps_of ALTCAT_2:def 4 :
for C being Category
for b2 being BinComp of (the_hom_sets_of C) holds
( b2 = the_comps_of C iff for i, j, k being Object of C holds b2 . (i,j,k) = the Comp of C | [:((the_hom_sets_of C) . (j,k)),((the_hom_sets_of C) . (i,j)):] );

theorem Th13: :: ALTCAT_2:13
for C being Category
for i, j, k being Object of C st Hom (i,j) <> {} & Hom (j,k) <> {} holds
for f being Morphism of i,j
for g being Morphism of j,k holds ((the_comps_of C) . (i,j,k)) . (g,f) = g * f
proof end;

theorem Th14: :: ALTCAT_2:14
for C being Category holds the_comps_of C is associative
proof end;

theorem Th15: :: ALTCAT_2:15
for C being Category holds
( the_comps_of C is with_left_units & the_comps_of C is with_right_units )
proof end;

let C be Category;
func Alter C -> non empty strict AltCatStr equals :: ALTCAT_2:def 5
AltCatStr(# the carrier of C,(the_hom_sets_of C),(the_comps_of C) #);
AltCatStr(# the carrier of C,(the_hom_sets_of C),(the_comps_of C) #) is non empty strict AltCatStr

:: deftheorem defines Alter ALTCAT_2:def 5 :
for C being Category holds Alter C = AltCatStr(# the carrier of C,(the_hom_sets_of C),(the_comps_of C) #);

theorem Th16: :: ALTCAT_2:16
for C being Category holds Alter C is associative
proof end;

theorem Th17: :: ALTCAT_2:17
for C being Category holds Alter C is with_units
proof end;

theorem Th18: :: ALTCAT_2:18
for C being Category holds Alter C is transitive
proof end;

let C be Category;
cluster Alter C -> non empty transitive strict associative with_units ;
( Alter C is transitive & Alter C is associative & Alter C is with_units )
by Th16, Th17, Th18;

cluster non empty strict for AltGraph ;
ex b1 being AltGraph st
( not b1 is empty & b1 is strict )
proof end;

let C be AltGraph ;
attr C is reflexive means :: ALTCAT_2:def 6
for x being set st x in the carrier of C holds
the Arrows of C . (x,x) <> {} ;

:: deftheorem defines reflexive ALTCAT_2:def 6 :
for C being AltGraph holds
( C is reflexive iff for x being set st x in the carrier of C holds
the Arrows of C . (x,x) <> {} );

let C be non empty AltGraph ;
redefine attr C is reflexive means :: ALTCAT_2:def 7
for o being Object of C holds <^o,o^> <> {} ;
( C is reflexive iff for o being Object of C holds <^o,o^> <> {} )
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines reflexive ALTCAT_2:def 7 :
for C being non empty AltGraph holds
( C is reflexive iff for o being Object of C holds <^o,o^> <> {} );

let C be non empty transitive AltCatStr ;
redefine attr C is associative means :Def8: :: ALTCAT_2:def 8
for o1, o2, o3, o4 being Object of C
for f being Morphism of o1,o2
for g being Morphism of o2,o3
for h being Morphism of o3,o4 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} & <^o3,o4^> <> {} holds
(h * g) * f = h * (g * f);
( C is associative iff for o1, o2, o3, o4 being Object of C
for f being Morphism of o1,o2
for g being Morphism of o2,o3
for h being Morphism of o3,o4 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} & <^o3,o4^> <> {} holds
(h * g) * f = h * (g * f) )
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def8 defines associative ALTCAT_2:def 8 :
for C being non empty transitive AltCatStr holds
( C is associative iff for o1, o2, o3, o4 being Object of C
for f being Morphism of o1,o2
for g being Morphism of o2,o3
for h being Morphism of o3,o4 st <^o1,o2^> <> {} & <^o2,o3^> <> {} & <^o3,o4^> <> {} holds
(h * g) * f = h * (g * f) );

let C be non empty AltCatStr ;
redefine attr C is with_units means :: ALTCAT_2:def 9
for o being Object of C holds
( <^o,o^> <> {} & ex i being Morphism of o,o st
for o9 being Object of C
for m9 being Morphism of o9,o
for m99 being Morphism of o,o9 holds
( ( <^o9,o^> <> {} implies i * m9 = m9 ) & ( <^o,o9^> <> {} implies m99 * i = m99 ) ) );
( C is with_units iff for o being Object of C holds
( <^o,o^> <> {} & ex i being Morphism of o,o st
for o9 being Object of C
for m9 being Morphism of o9,o
for m99 being Morphism of o,o9 holds
( ( <^o9,o^> <> {} implies i * m9 = m9 ) & ( <^o,o9^> <> {} implies m99 * i = m99 ) ) ) )
proof end;

:: deftheorem defines with_units ALTCAT_2:def 9 :
for C being non empty AltCatStr holds
( C is with_units iff for o being Object of C holds
( <^o,o^> <> {} & ex i being Morphism of o,o st
for o9 being Object of C
for m9 being Morphism of o9,o
for m99 being Morphism of o,o9 holds
( ( <^o9,o^> <> {} implies i * m9 = m9 ) & ( <^o,o9^> <> {} implies m99 * i = m99 ) ) ) );

cluster non empty with_units -> non empty reflexive for AltCatStr ;
for b1 being non empty AltCatStr st b1 is with_units holds
b1 is reflexive

cluster non empty reflexive for AltGraph ;
ex b1 being AltGraph st
( not b1 is empty & b1 is reflexive )
proof end;

cluster non empty reflexive for AltCatStr ;
ex b1 being AltCatStr st
( not b1 is empty & b1 is reflexive )
proof end;

Lm1: for E1, E2 being strict AltCatStr st the carrier of E1 is empty & the carrier of E2 is empty holds
E1 = E2

proof end;

func the_empty_category -> strict AltCatStr means :Def10: :: ALTCAT_2:def 10
the carrier of it is empty ;
ex b1 being strict AltCatStr st the carrier of b1 is empty
proof end;
for b1, b2 being strict AltCatStr st the carrier of b1 is empty & the carrier of b2 is empty holds
b1 = b2
by Lm1;

:: deftheorem Def10 defines the_empty_category ALTCAT_2:def 10 :
for b1 being strict AltCatStr holds
( b1 = the_empty_category iff the carrier of b1 is empty );

cluster the_empty_category -> empty strict ;
the_empty_category is empty
by Def10;

cluster empty strict for AltCatStr ;
ex b1 being AltCatStr st
( b1 is empty & b1 is strict )
proof end;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:19
for E being empty strict AltCatStr holds E = the_empty_category by Lm1;

:: Semadeni Wiweger 1.6.1 str. 24
let C be AltCatStr ;
mode SubCatStr of C -> AltCatStr means :Def11: :: ALTCAT_2:def 11
( the carrier of it c= the carrier of C & the Arrows of it cc= the Arrows of C & the Comp of it cc= the Comp of C );
ex b1 being AltCatStr st
( the carrier of b1 c= the carrier of C & the Arrows of b1 cc= the Arrows of C & the Comp of b1 cc= the Comp of C )

:: deftheorem Def11 defines SubCatStr ALTCAT_2:def 11 :
for C, b2 being AltCatStr holds
( b2 is SubCatStr of C iff ( the carrier of b2 c= the carrier of C & the Arrows of b2 cc= the Arrows of C & the Comp of b2 cc= the Comp of C ) );

theorem Th20: :: ALTCAT_2:20
for C being AltCatStr holds C is SubCatStr of C
proof end;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:21
for C1, C2, C3 being AltCatStr st C1 is SubCatStr of C2 & C2 is SubCatStr of C3 holds
C1 is SubCatStr of C3
proof end;

theorem Th22: :: ALTCAT_2:22
for C1, C2 being AltCatStr st C1 is SubCatStr of C2 & C2 is SubCatStr of C1 holds
AltCatStr(# the carrier of C1, the Arrows of C1, the Comp of C1 #) = AltCatStr(# the carrier of C2, the Arrows of C2, the Comp of C2 #)
proof end;

let C be AltCatStr ;
cluster strict for SubCatStr of C;
ex b1 being SubCatStr of C st b1 is strict
proof end;

let C be non empty AltCatStr ;
let o be Object of C;
func ObCat o -> strict SubCatStr of C means :Def12: :: ALTCAT_2:def 12
( the carrier of it = {o} & the Arrows of it = (o,o) :-> <^o,o^> & the Comp of it = [o,o,o] .--> ( the Comp of C . (o,o,o)) );
ex b1 being strict SubCatStr of C st
( the carrier of b1 = {o} & the Arrows of b1 = (o,o) :-> <^o,o^> & the Comp of b1 = [o,o,o] .--> ( the Comp of C . (o,o,o)) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being strict SubCatStr of C st the carrier of b1 = {o} & the Arrows of b1 = (o,o) :-> <^o,o^> & the Comp of b1 = [o,o,o] .--> ( the Comp of C . (o,o,o)) & the carrier of b2 = {o} & the Arrows of b2 = (o,o) :-> <^o,o^> & the Comp of b2 = [o,o,o] .--> ( the Comp of C . (o,o,o)) holds
b1 = b2

:: deftheorem Def12 defines ObCat ALTCAT_2:def 12 :
for C being non empty AltCatStr
for o being Object of C
for b3 being strict SubCatStr of C holds
( b3 = ObCat o iff ( the carrier of b3 = {o} & the Arrows of b3 = (o,o) :-> <^o,o^> & the Comp of b3 = [o,o,o] .--> ( the Comp of C . (o,o,o)) ) );

theorem Th23: :: ALTCAT_2:23
for C being non empty AltCatStr
for o being Object of C
for o9 being Object of (ObCat o) holds o9 = o
proof end;

let C be non empty AltCatStr ;
let o be Object of C;
cluster ObCat o -> non empty transitive strict ;
( ObCat o is transitive & not ObCat o is empty )
proof end;

let C be non empty AltCatStr ;
cluster non empty transitive strict for SubCatStr of C;
ex b1 being SubCatStr of C st
( b1 is transitive & not b1 is empty & b1 is strict )
proof end;

theorem Th24: :: ALTCAT_2:24
for C being non empty transitive AltCatStr
for D1, D2 being non empty transitive SubCatStr of C st the carrier of D1 c= the carrier of D2 & the Arrows of D1 cc= the Arrows of D2 holds
D1 is SubCatStr of D2
proof end;

let C be AltCatStr ;
let D be SubCatStr of C;
attr D is full means :Def13: :: ALTCAT_2:def 13
the Arrows of D = the Arrows of C || the carrier of D;

:: deftheorem Def13 defines full ALTCAT_2:def 13 :
for C being AltCatStr
for D being SubCatStr of C holds
( D is full iff the Arrows of D = the Arrows of C || the carrier of D );

let C be non empty with_units AltCatStr ;
let D be SubCatStr of C;
attr D is id-inheriting means :Def14: :: ALTCAT_2:def 14
for o being Object of D
for o9 being Object of C st o = o9 holds
idm o9 in <^o,o^> if not D is empty
otherwise verum;

:: deftheorem Def14 defines id-inheriting ALTCAT_2:def 14 :
for C being non empty with_units AltCatStr
for D being SubCatStr of C holds
( ( not D is empty implies ( D is id-inheriting iff for o being Object of D
for o9 being Object of C st o = o9 holds
idm o9 in <^o,o^> ) ) & ( D is empty implies ( D is id-inheriting iff verum ) ) );

let C be AltCatStr ;
cluster strict full for SubCatStr of C;
ex b1 being SubCatStr of C st
( b1 is full & b1 is strict )
proof end;

let C be non empty AltCatStr ;
cluster non empty strict full for SubCatStr of C;
ex b1 being SubCatStr of C st
( b1 is full & not b1 is empty & b1 is strict )
proof end;

let C be category;
let o be Object of C;
cluster ObCat o -> strict full id-inheriting ;
( ObCat o is full & ObCat o is id-inheriting )
proof end;

let C be category;
cluster non empty strict full id-inheriting for SubCatStr of C;
ex b1 being SubCatStr of C st
( b1 is full & b1 is id-inheriting & not b1 is empty & b1 is strict )
proof end;

theorem Th25: :: ALTCAT_2:25
for C being non empty transitive AltCatStr
for D being SubCatStr of C st the carrier of D = the carrier of C & the Arrows of D = the Arrows of C holds
AltCatStr(# the carrier of D, the Arrows of D, the Comp of D #) = AltCatStr(# the carrier of C, the Arrows of C, the Comp of C #)
proof end;

theorem Th26: :: ALTCAT_2:26
for C being non empty transitive AltCatStr
for D1, D2 being non empty transitive SubCatStr of C st the carrier of D1 = the carrier of D2 & the Arrows of D1 = the Arrows of D2 holds
AltCatStr(# the carrier of D1, the Arrows of D1, the Comp of D1 #) = AltCatStr(# the carrier of D2, the Arrows of D2, the Comp of D2 #)
proof end;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:27
for C being non empty transitive AltCatStr
for D being full SubCatStr of C st the carrier of D = the carrier of C holds
AltCatStr(# the carrier of D, the Arrows of D, the Comp of D #) = AltCatStr(# the carrier of C, the Arrows of C, the Comp of C #)
proof end;

theorem Th28: :: ALTCAT_2:28
for C being non empty AltCatStr
for D being non empty full SubCatStr of C
for o1, o2 being Object of C
for p1, p2 being Object of D st o1 = p1 & o2 = p2 holds
<^o1,o2^> = <^p1,p2^>
proof end;

theorem Th29: :: ALTCAT_2:29
for C being non empty AltCatStr
for D being non empty SubCatStr of C
for o being Object of D holds o is Object of C
proof end;

let C be non empty transitive AltCatStr ;
cluster non empty full -> transitive for SubCatStr of C;
for b1 being SubCatStr of C st b1 is full & not b1 is empty holds
b1 is transitive
proof end;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:30
for C being non empty transitive AltCatStr
for D1, D2 being non empty full SubCatStr of C st the carrier of D1 = the carrier of D2 holds
AltCatStr(# the carrier of D1, the Arrows of D1, the Comp of D1 #) = AltCatStr(# the carrier of D2, the Arrows of D2, the Comp of D2 #)
proof end;

theorem Th31: :: ALTCAT_2:31
for C being non empty AltCatStr
for D being non empty SubCatStr of C
for o1, o2 being Object of C
for p1, p2 being Object of D st o1 = p1 & o2 = p2 holds
<^p1,p2^> c= <^o1,o2^>
proof end;

theorem Th32: :: ALTCAT_2:32
for C being non empty transitive AltCatStr
for D being non empty transitive SubCatStr of C
for p1, p2, p3 being Object of D st <^p1,p2^> <> {} & <^p2,p3^> <> {} holds
for o1, o2, o3 being Object of C st o1 = p1 & o2 = p2 & o3 = p3 holds
for f being Morphism of o1,o2
for g being Morphism of o2,o3
for ff being Morphism of p1,p2
for gg being Morphism of p2,p3 st f = ff & g = gg holds
g * f = gg * ff
proof end;

let C be non empty transitive associative AltCatStr ;
cluster non empty transitive -> non empty associative for SubCatStr of C;
for b1 being non empty SubCatStr of C st b1 is transitive holds
b1 is associative
proof end;

theorem Th33: :: ALTCAT_2:33
for C being non empty AltCatStr
for D being non empty SubCatStr of C
for o1, o2 being Object of C
for p1, p2 being Object of D st o1 = p1 & o2 = p2 & <^p1,p2^> <> {} holds
for n being Morphism of p1,p2 holds n is Morphism of o1,o2
proof end;

let C be non empty transitive with_units AltCatStr ;
cluster non empty transitive id-inheriting -> non empty with_units for SubCatStr of C;
for b1 being non empty SubCatStr of C st b1 is id-inheriting & b1 is transitive holds
b1 is with_units
proof end;

let C be category;
cluster non empty transitive id-inheriting for SubCatStr of C;
ex b1 being non empty SubCatStr of C st
( b1 is id-inheriting & b1 is transitive )
proof end;

let C be category;
mode subcategory of C is transitive id-inheriting SubCatStr of C;

theorem :: ALTCAT_2:34
for C being category
for D being non empty subcategory of C
for o being Object of D
for o9 being Object of C st o = o9 holds
idm o = idm o9
proof end;