:: On the Many Sorted Closure Operator and the Many Sorted Closure System
:: by Artur Korni{\l}owicz
:: Received February 7, 1996
:: Copyright (c) 1996-2024 Association of Mizar Users

scheme :: CLOSURE1:sch 1
MSSUBSET{ F1() -> set , F2() -> V8() ManySortedSet of F1(), F3() -> ManySortedSet of F1(), P1[ set ] } :
( ( for X being ManySortedSet of F1() holds
( X in F2() iff ( X in F3() & P1[X] ) ) ) implies F2() c= F3() )
proof end;

theorem Th1: :: CLOSURE1:1
for X being non empty set
for x, y being set st x c= y holds
{ t where t is Element of X : y c= t } c= { z where z is Element of X : x c= z }
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:2
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I st ex A being ManySortedSet of I st A in M holds
M is V8() ;

let I be set ;
let F be ManySortedFunction of I;
let A be ManySortedSet of I;
cluster F .. A -> I -defined total for I -defined Function;
for b1 being I -defined Function st b1 = F .. A holds
b1 is total

Lm1: now :: thesis: for I being set
for A, B being V8() ManySortedSet of I
for F being ManySortedFunction of A,B
for X being Element of A holds F .. X is Element of B
let I be set ; :: thesis: for A, B being V8() ManySortedSet of I
for F being ManySortedFunction of A,B
for X being Element of A holds F .. X is Element of B

let A, B be V8() ManySortedSet of I; :: thesis: for F being ManySortedFunction of A,B
for X being Element of A holds F .. X is Element of B

let F be ManySortedFunction of A,B; :: thesis: for X being Element of A holds F .. X is Element of B
let X be Element of A; :: thesis: F .. X is Element of B
thus F .. X is Element of B :: thesis: verum
let i be object ; :: according to PBOOLE:def 14 :: thesis: ( not i in I or (F .. X) . i is Element of B . i )
assume A1: i in I ; :: thesis: (F .. X) . i is Element of B . i
reconsider g = F . i as Function ;
( g is Function of (A . i),(B . i) & X . i is Element of A . i ) by A1, PBOOLE:def 14, PBOOLE:def 15;
then ( dom F = I & g . (X . i) in B . i ) by A1, FUNCT_2:5, PARTFUN1:def 2;
hence (F .. X) . i is Element of B . i by A1, PRALG_1:def 20; :: thesis: verum

let I be set ;
let A, B be V8() ManySortedSet of I;
let F be ManySortedFunction of A,B;
let X be Element of A;
:: original: ..
redefine func F .. X -> Element of B;
F .. X is Element of B
by Lm1;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:3
for I being set
for A, X being ManySortedSet of I
for B being V8() ManySortedSet of I
for F being ManySortedFunction of A,B st X in A holds
F .. X in B
proof end;

theorem Th4: :: CLOSURE1:4
for I being set
for F, G being ManySortedFunction of I
for A being ManySortedSet of I st A in doms G holds
F .. (G .. A) = (F ** G) .. A
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:5
for I being set
for F being ManySortedFunction of I st F is "1-1" holds
for A, B being ManySortedSet of I st A in doms F & B in doms F & F .. A = F .. B holds
A = B
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:6
for I being set
for F being ManySortedFunction of I st doms F is V8() & ( for A, B being ManySortedSet of I st A in doms F & B in doms F & F .. A = F .. B holds
A = B ) holds
F is "1-1"
proof end;

theorem Th7: :: CLOSURE1:7
for I being set
for A, B being V8() ManySortedSet of I
for F, G being ManySortedFunction of A,B st ( for M being ManySortedSet of I st M in A holds
F .. M = G .. M ) holds
F = G
proof end;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
cluster Relation-like V9() I -defined Function-like total V45() for Element of bool M;
ex b1 being Element of bool M st
( b1 is V9() & b1 is V45() )
proof end;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
mode MSSetOp of M is ManySortedFunction of bool M, bool M;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
let O be MSSetOp of M;
let X be Element of bool M;
:: original: ..
redefine func O .. X -> Element of bool M;
O .. X is Element of bool M
by Lm1;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
let IT be MSSetOp of M;
attr IT is reflexive means :Def1: :: CLOSURE1:def 1
for X being Element of bool M holds X c= IT .. X;
attr IT is monotonic means :: CLOSURE1:def 2
for X, Y being Element of bool M st X c= Y holds
IT .. X c= IT .. Y;
attr IT is idempotent means :: CLOSURE1:def 3
for X being Element of bool M holds IT .. X = IT .. (IT .. X);
attr IT is topological means :: CLOSURE1:def 4
for X, Y being Element of bool M holds IT .. (X (\/) Y) = (IT .. X) (\/) (IT .. Y);

:: deftheorem Def1 defines reflexive CLOSURE1:def 1 :
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for IT being MSSetOp of M holds
( IT is reflexive iff for X being Element of bool M holds X c= IT .. X );

:: deftheorem defines monotonic CLOSURE1:def 2 :
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for IT being MSSetOp of M holds
( IT is monotonic iff for X, Y being Element of bool M st X c= Y holds
IT .. X c= IT .. Y );

:: deftheorem defines idempotent CLOSURE1:def 3 :
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for IT being MSSetOp of M holds
( IT is idempotent iff for X being Element of bool M holds IT .. X = IT .. (IT .. X) );

:: deftheorem defines topological CLOSURE1:def 4 :
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for IT being MSSetOp of M holds
( IT is topological iff for X, Y being Element of bool M holds IT .. (X (\/) Y) = (IT .. X) (\/) (IT .. Y) );

theorem Th8: :: CLOSURE1:8
for I being set
for M being V8() ManySortedSet of I
for X being Element of M holds X = (id M) .. X
proof end;

theorem Th9: :: CLOSURE1:9
for I being set
for M being V8() ManySortedSet of I
for X, Y being Element of M st X c= Y holds
(id M) .. X c= (id M) .. Y
proof end;

theorem Th10: :: CLOSURE1:10
for I being set
for M being V8() ManySortedSet of I
for X, Y being Element of M st X (\/) Y is Element of M holds
(id M) .. (X (\/) Y) = ((id M) .. X) (\/) ((id M) .. Y)
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:11
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for X being Element of bool M
for i, x being set st i in I & x in ((id (bool M)) .. X) . i holds
ex Y being V45() Element of bool M st
( Y c= X & x in ((id (bool M)) .. Y) . i )
proof end;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
cluster Relation-like I -defined Function-like total Function-yielding V25() reflexive monotonic idempotent topological for ManySortedFunction of bool M, bool M;
ex b1 being MSSetOp of M st
( b1 is reflexive & b1 is monotonic & b1 is idempotent & b1 is topological )
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:12
for I being set
for A being ManySortedSet of I holds id (bool A) is reflexive MSSetOp of A
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:13
for I being set
for A being ManySortedSet of I holds id (bool A) is monotonic MSSetOp of A
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:14
for I being set
for A being ManySortedSet of I holds id (bool A) is idempotent MSSetOp of A
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:15
for I being set
for A being ManySortedSet of I holds id (bool A) is topological MSSetOp of A
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:16
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for P being MSSetOp of M
for E being Element of bool M st E = M & P is reflexive holds
E = P .. E
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:17
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for P being MSSetOp of M st P is reflexive & ( for X being Element of bool M holds P .. X c= X ) holds
P is idempotent
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:18
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for P being MSSetOp of M
for E, T being Element of bool M st P is monotonic holds
P .. (E (/\) T) c= (P .. E) (/\) (P .. T)
proof end;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
cluster topological -> monotonic for ManySortedFunction of bool M, bool M;
for b1 being MSSetOp of M st b1 is topological holds
b1 is monotonic
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:19
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for P being MSSetOp of M
for E, T being Element of bool M st P is topological holds
(P .. E) (\) (P .. T) c= P .. (E (\) T)
proof end;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
let R, P be MSSetOp of M;
:: original: **
redefine func P ** R -> MSSetOp of M;
P ** R is MSSetOp of M
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:20
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for P, R being MSSetOp of M st P is reflexive & R is reflexive holds
P ** R is reflexive
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:21
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for P, R being MSSetOp of M st P is monotonic & R is monotonic holds
P ** R is monotonic
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:22
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for P, R being MSSetOp of M st P is idempotent & R is idempotent & P ** R = R ** P holds
P ** R is idempotent
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:23
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for P, R being MSSetOp of M st P is topological & R is topological holds
P ** R is topological
proof end;

Lm2: now :: thesis: for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for i being set
for a being ManySortedSet of I
for b being Element of bool (M . i) st a = (EmptyMS I) +* (i .--> b) holds
a in bool M
let I be set ; :: thesis: for M being ManySortedSet of I
for i being set
for a being ManySortedSet of I
for b being Element of bool (M . i) st a = (EmptyMS I) +* (i .--> b) holds
a in bool M

let M be ManySortedSet of I; :: thesis: for i being set
for a being ManySortedSet of I
for b being Element of bool (M . i) st a = (EmptyMS I) +* (i .--> b) holds
a in bool M

let i be set ; :: thesis: for a being ManySortedSet of I
for b being Element of bool (M . i) st a = (EmptyMS I) +* (i .--> b) holds
a in bool M

let a be ManySortedSet of I; :: thesis: for b being Element of bool (M . i) st a = (EmptyMS I) +* (i .--> b) holds
a in bool M

let b be Element of bool (M . i); :: thesis: ( a = (EmptyMS I) +* (i .--> b) implies a in bool M )
assume A1: a = (EmptyMS I) +* (i .--> b) ; :: thesis: a in bool M
A2: dom (i .--> b) = {i} ;
EmptyMS I c= M by MBOOLEAN:5;
then A3: EmptyMS I in bool M by MBOOLEAN:1;
thus a in bool M :: thesis: verum
let j be object ; :: according to PBOOLE:def 1 :: thesis: ( not j in I or a . j in (bool M) . j )
assume A4: j in I ; :: thesis: a . j in (bool M) . j
i in {i} by TARSKI:def 1;
then A5: a . i = (i .--> b) . i by A1, A2, FUNCT_4:13
.= b by FUNCOP_1:72 ;
now :: thesis: ( ( j = i & a . j in (bool M) . j ) or ( j <> i & a . j in (bool M) . j ) )
per cases ( j = i or j <> i ) ;
case A6: j = i ; :: thesis: a . j in (bool M) . j
then b in bool (M . j) ;
hence a . j in (bool M) . j by A4, A5, A6, MBOOLEAN:def 1; :: thesis: verum
case j <> i ; :: thesis: a . j in (bool M) . j
then not j in dom (i .--> b) by TARSKI:def 1;
then a . j = (EmptyMS I) . j by A1, FUNCT_4:11;
hence a . j in (bool M) . j by A3, A4; :: thesis: verum
hence a . j in (bool M) . j ; :: thesis: verum

theorem Th24: :: CLOSURE1:24
for i, I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for f being Function
for P being MSSetOp of M st P is reflexive & i in I & f = P . i holds
for x being Element of bool (M . i) holds x c= f . x
proof end;

theorem Th25: :: CLOSURE1:25
for i, I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for f being Function
for P being MSSetOp of M st P is monotonic & i in I & f = P . i holds
for x, y being Element of bool (M . i) st x c= y holds
f . x c= f . y
proof end;

theorem Th26: :: CLOSURE1:26
for i, I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for f being Function
for P being MSSetOp of M st P is idempotent & i in I & f = P . i holds
for x being Element of bool (M . i) holds f . x = f . (f . x)
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:27
for i, I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for f being Function
for P being MSSetOp of M st P is topological & i in I & f = P . i holds
for x, y being Element of bool (M . i) holds f . (x \/ y) = (f . x) \/ (f . y)
proof end;

let S be 1-sorted ;
attr c2 is strict ;
struct MSClosureStr over S -> many-sorted over S;
aggr MSClosureStr(# Sorts, Family #) -> MSClosureStr over S;
sel Family c2 -> MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of c2;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let IT be MSClosureStr over S;
attr IT is additive means :Def5: :: CLOSURE1:def 5
the Family of IT is additive ;
attr IT is absolutely-additive means :Def6: :: CLOSURE1:def 6
the Family of IT is absolutely-additive ;
attr IT is multiplicative means :Def7: :: CLOSURE1:def 7
the Family of IT is multiplicative ;
attr IT is absolutely-multiplicative means :Def8: :: CLOSURE1:def 8
the Family of IT is absolutely-multiplicative ;
attr IT is properly-upper-bound means :Def9: :: CLOSURE1:def 9
the Family of IT is properly-upper-bound ;
attr IT is properly-lower-bound means :Def10: :: CLOSURE1:def 10
the Family of IT is properly-lower-bound ;

:: deftheorem Def5 defines additive CLOSURE1:def 5 :
for S being 1-sorted
for IT being MSClosureStr over S holds
( IT is additive iff the Family of IT is additive );

:: deftheorem Def6 defines absolutely-additive CLOSURE1:def 6 :
for S being 1-sorted
for IT being MSClosureStr over S holds
( IT is absolutely-additive iff the Family of IT is absolutely-additive );

:: deftheorem Def7 defines multiplicative CLOSURE1:def 7 :
for S being 1-sorted
for IT being MSClosureStr over S holds
( IT is multiplicative iff the Family of IT is multiplicative );

:: deftheorem Def8 defines absolutely-multiplicative CLOSURE1:def 8 :
for S being 1-sorted
for IT being MSClosureStr over S holds
( IT is absolutely-multiplicative iff the Family of IT is absolutely-multiplicative );

:: deftheorem Def9 defines properly-upper-bound CLOSURE1:def 9 :
for S being 1-sorted
for IT being MSClosureStr over S holds
( IT is properly-upper-bound iff the Family of IT is properly-upper-bound );

:: deftheorem Def10 defines properly-lower-bound CLOSURE1:def 10 :
for S being 1-sorted
for IT being MSClosureStr over S holds
( IT is properly-lower-bound iff the Family of IT is properly-lower-bound );

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be many-sorted over S;
func MSFull MS -> MSClosureStr over S equals :: CLOSURE1:def 11
MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,(bool the Sorts of MS) #);
MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,(bool the Sorts of MS) #) is MSClosureStr over S

:: deftheorem defines MSFull CLOSURE1:def 11 :
for S being 1-sorted
for MS being many-sorted over S holds MSFull MS = MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,(bool the Sorts of MS) #);

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be many-sorted over S;
cluster MSFull MS -> strict additive absolutely-additive multiplicative absolutely-multiplicative properly-upper-bound properly-lower-bound ;
( MSFull MS is strict & MSFull MS is additive & MSFull MS is absolutely-additive & MSFull MS is multiplicative & MSFull MS is absolutely-multiplicative & MSFull MS is properly-upper-bound & MSFull MS is properly-lower-bound )

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be non-empty many-sorted over S;
cluster MSFull MS -> non-empty ;
MSFull MS is non-empty

let S be 1-sorted ;
cluster non-empty strict additive absolutely-additive multiplicative absolutely-multiplicative properly-upper-bound properly-lower-bound for MSClosureStr over S;
ex b1 being MSClosureStr over S st
( b1 is strict & b1 is non-empty & b1 is additive & b1 is absolutely-additive & b1 is multiplicative & b1 is absolutely-multiplicative & b1 is properly-upper-bound & b1 is properly-lower-bound )
proof end;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let CS be additive MSClosureStr over S;
cluster the Family of CS -> additive ;
the Family of CS is additive
by Def5;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let CS be absolutely-additive MSClosureStr over S;
cluster the Family of CS -> absolutely-additive ;
the Family of CS is absolutely-additive
by Def6;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let CS be multiplicative MSClosureStr over S;
cluster the Family of CS -> multiplicative ;
the Family of CS is multiplicative
by Def7;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let CS be absolutely-multiplicative MSClosureStr over S;
cluster the Family of CS -> absolutely-multiplicative ;
the Family of CS is absolutely-multiplicative
by Def8;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let CS be properly-upper-bound MSClosureStr over S;
cluster the Family of CS -> properly-upper-bound ;
the Family of CS is properly-upper-bound
by Def9;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let CS be properly-lower-bound MSClosureStr over S;
cluster the Family of CS -> properly-lower-bound ;
the Family of CS is properly-lower-bound
by Def10;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let M be V8() ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
let F be MSSubsetFamily of M;
cluster MSClosureStr(# M,F #) -> non-empty ;
MSClosureStr(# M,F #) is non-empty

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be many-sorted over S;
let F be additive MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of MS;
cluster MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) -> additive ;
MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) is additive

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be many-sorted over S;
let F be absolutely-additive MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of MS;
cluster MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) -> absolutely-additive ;
MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) is absolutely-additive

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be many-sorted over S;
let F be multiplicative MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of MS;
cluster MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) -> multiplicative ;
MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) is multiplicative

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be many-sorted over S;
let F be absolutely-multiplicative MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of MS;
cluster MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) -> absolutely-multiplicative ;
MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) is absolutely-multiplicative

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be many-sorted over S;
let F be properly-upper-bound MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of MS;
cluster MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) -> properly-upper-bound ;
MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) is properly-upper-bound

let S be 1-sorted ;
let MS be many-sorted over S;
let F be properly-lower-bound MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of MS;
cluster MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) -> properly-lower-bound ;
MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of MS,F #) is properly-lower-bound

let S be 1-sorted ;
cluster absolutely-additive -> additive for MSClosureStr over S;
for b1 being MSClosureStr over S st b1 is absolutely-additive holds
b1 is additive

let S be 1-sorted ;
cluster absolutely-multiplicative -> multiplicative for MSClosureStr over S;
for b1 being MSClosureStr over S st b1 is absolutely-multiplicative holds
b1 is multiplicative

let S be 1-sorted ;
cluster absolutely-multiplicative -> properly-upper-bound for MSClosureStr over S;
for b1 being MSClosureStr over S st b1 is absolutely-multiplicative holds
b1 is properly-upper-bound

let S be 1-sorted ;
cluster absolutely-additive -> properly-lower-bound for MSClosureStr over S;
for b1 being MSClosureStr over S st b1 is absolutely-additive holds
b1 is properly-lower-bound

let S be 1-sorted ;
mode MSClosureSystem of S is absolutely-multiplicative MSClosureStr over S;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
mode MSClosureOperator of M is reflexive monotonic idempotent MSSetOp of M;

let I be set ;
let M be ManySortedSet of I;
let F be ManySortedFunction of M,M;
func MSFixPoints F -> ManySortedSubset of M means :Def12: :: CLOSURE1:def 12
for x being set
for i being object st i in I holds
( x in it . i iff ex f being Function st
( f = F . i & x in dom f & f . x = x ) );
ex b1 being ManySortedSubset of M st
for x being set
for i being object st i in I holds
( x in b1 . i iff ex f being Function st
( f = F . i & x in dom f & f . x = x ) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being ManySortedSubset of M st ( for x being set
for i being object st i in I holds
( x in b1 . i iff ex f being Function st
( f = F . i & x in dom f & f . x = x ) ) ) & ( for x being set
for i being object st i in I holds
( x in b2 . i iff ex f being Function st
( f = F . i & x in dom f & f . x = x ) ) ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def12 defines MSFixPoints CLOSURE1:def 12 :
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for F being ManySortedFunction of M,M
for b4 being ManySortedSubset of M holds
( b4 = MSFixPoints F iff for x being set
for i being object st i in I holds
( x in b4 . i iff ex f being Function st
( f = F . i & x in dom f & f . x = x ) ) );

let I be set ;
let M be V9() ManySortedSet of I;
let F be ManySortedFunction of M,M;
cluster MSFixPoints F -> V9() ;
MSFixPoints F is empty-yielding
proof end;

theorem Th28: :: CLOSURE1:28
for I being set
for A, M being ManySortedSet of I
for F being ManySortedFunction of M,M holds
( ( A in M & F .. A = A ) iff A in MSFixPoints F )
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:29
for I being set
for A being ManySortedSet of I holds MSFixPoints (id A) = A
proof end;

theorem Th30: :: CLOSURE1:30
for S being 1-sorted
for A being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
for J being reflexive monotonic MSSetOp of A
for D being MSSubsetFamily of A st D = MSFixPoints J holds
MSClosureStr(# A,D #) is MSClosureSystem of S
proof end;

theorem Th31: :: CLOSURE1:31
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for D being properly-upper-bound MSSubsetFamily of M
for X being Element of bool M ex SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of M st
for Y being ManySortedSet of I holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in D & X c= Y ) )
proof end;

theorem Th32: :: CLOSURE1:32
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for D being properly-upper-bound MSSubsetFamily of M
for X being Element of bool M
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of M st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of I holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
for i being set
for Di being non empty set st i in I & Di = D . i holds
SF . i = { z where z is Element of Di : X . i c= z }
proof end;

theorem Th33: :: CLOSURE1:33
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for D being properly-upper-bound MSSubsetFamily of M ex J being MSSetOp of M st
for X being Element of bool M
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of M st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of I holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
J .. X = meet SF
proof end;

theorem Th34: :: CLOSURE1:34
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for D being properly-upper-bound MSSubsetFamily of M
for A being Element of bool M
for J being MSSetOp of M st A in D & ( for X being Element of bool M
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of M st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of I holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
J .. X = meet SF ) holds
J .. A = A
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:35
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for D being absolutely-multiplicative MSSubsetFamily of M
for A being Element of bool M
for J being MSSetOp of M st J .. A = A & ( for X being Element of bool M
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of M st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of I holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
J .. X = meet SF ) holds
A in D
proof end;

theorem Th36: :: CLOSURE1:36
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for D being properly-upper-bound MSSubsetFamily of M
for J being MSSetOp of M st ( for X being Element of bool M
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of M st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of I holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
J .. X = meet SF ) holds
( J is reflexive & J is monotonic )
proof end;

theorem Th37: :: CLOSURE1:37
for I being set
for M being ManySortedSet of I
for D being absolutely-multiplicative MSSubsetFamily of M
for J being MSSetOp of M st ( for X being Element of bool M
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of M st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of I holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
J .. X = meet SF ) holds
J is idempotent
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:38
for S being 1-sorted
for D being MSClosureSystem of S
for J being MSSetOp of the Sorts of D st ( for X being Element of bool the Sorts of D
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of D st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in the Family of D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
J .. X = meet SF ) holds
J is MSClosureOperator of the Sorts of D by Th36, Th37;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let A be ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
let C be MSClosureOperator of A;
func ClOp->ClSys C -> MSClosureSystem of S means :Def13: :: CLOSURE1:def 13
ex D being MSSubsetFamily of A st
( D = MSFixPoints C & it = MSClosureStr(# A,D #) );
ex b1 being MSClosureSystem of S ex D being MSSubsetFamily of A st
( D = MSFixPoints C & b1 = MSClosureStr(# A,D #) )
proof end;
for b1, b2 being MSClosureSystem of S st ex D being MSSubsetFamily of A st
( D = MSFixPoints C & b1 = MSClosureStr(# A,D #) ) & ex D being MSSubsetFamily of A st
( D = MSFixPoints C & b2 = MSClosureStr(# A,D #) ) holds
b1 = b2

:: deftheorem Def13 defines ClOp->ClSys CLOSURE1:def 13 :
for S being 1-sorted
for A being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
for C being MSClosureOperator of A
for b4 being MSClosureSystem of S holds
( b4 = ClOp->ClSys C iff ex D being MSSubsetFamily of A st
( D = MSFixPoints C & b4 = MSClosureStr(# A,D #) ) );

let S be 1-sorted ;
let A be ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
let C be MSClosureOperator of A;
cluster ClOp->ClSys C -> strict ;
ClOp->ClSys C is strict
proof end;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let A be V8() ManySortedSet of the carrier of S;
let C be MSClosureOperator of A;
cluster ClOp->ClSys C -> non-empty ;
ClOp->ClSys C is non-empty
proof end;

let S be 1-sorted ;
let D be MSClosureSystem of S;
func ClSys->ClOp D -> MSClosureOperator of the Sorts of D means :Def14: :: CLOSURE1:def 14
for X being Element of bool the Sorts of D
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of D st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in the Family of D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
it .. X = meet SF;
ex b1 being MSClosureOperator of the Sorts of D st
for X being Element of bool the Sorts of D
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of D st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in the Family of D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
b1 .. X = meet SF
proof end;
for b1, b2 being MSClosureOperator of the Sorts of D st ( for X being Element of bool the Sorts of D
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of D st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in the Family of D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
b1 .. X = meet SF ) & ( for X being Element of bool the Sorts of D
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of D st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in the Family of D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
b2 .. X = meet SF ) holds
b1 = b2
proof end;

:: deftheorem Def14 defines ClSys->ClOp CLOSURE1:def 14 :
for S being 1-sorted
for D being MSClosureSystem of S
for b3 being MSClosureOperator of the Sorts of D holds
( b3 = ClSys->ClOp D iff for X being Element of bool the Sorts of D
for SF being V8() MSSubsetFamily of the Sorts of D st ( for Y being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S holds
( Y in SF iff ( Y in the Family of D & X c= Y ) ) ) holds
b3 .. X = meet SF );

theorem :: CLOSURE1:39
for S being 1-sorted
for A being ManySortedSet of the carrier of S
for J being MSClosureOperator of A holds ClSys->ClOp (ClOp->ClSys J) = J
proof end;

theorem :: CLOSURE1:40
for S being 1-sorted
for D being MSClosureSystem of S holds ClOp->ClSys (ClSys->ClOp D) = MSClosureStr(# the Sorts of D, the Family of D #)
proof end;