REAL is set
NAT is non empty non trivial epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal limit_ordinal V34() cardinal limit_cardinal countable denumerable Element of bool REAL
bool REAL is set
COMPLEX is set
1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
[:1,1:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:1,1:] is V34() V38() countable set
[:[:1,1:],1:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:[:1,1:],1:] is V34() V38() countable set
omega is non empty non trivial epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal limit_ordinal V34() cardinal limit_cardinal countable denumerable set
bool omega is non trivial V34() set
bool NAT is non trivial V34() set
RAT is set
INT is set
{} is empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V11() V12() integer Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined Function-like one-to-one constant functional Function-yielding V33() V34() V35() V38() cardinal {} -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like FinSequence-membered Cardinal-yielding countable ext-real V115() set
2 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
9 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
Segm 9 is countable Element of bool omega
SCM-Data-Loc is non empty set
SCM-Memory is non empty set
{NAT} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{NAT} \/ SCM-Data-Loc is non empty set
bool SCM-Memory is set
[:SCM-Memory,2:] is Relation-like set
bool [:SCM-Memory,2:] is set
SCM-OK is non empty Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined 2 -valued Function-like total quasi_total Element of bool [:SCM-Memory,2:]
SCM-VAL is Relation-like 2 -defined Function-like total set
<%NAT,INT%> is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V34() 2 -element countable V115() set
SCM-OK * SCM-VAL is Relation-like non-empty SCM-Memory -defined SCM-Memory -defined Function-like set
product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL) is non empty functional with_common_domain product-like set
SCM-Instr is non empty Relation-like V116() V117() V118() V120() set
Funcs ((product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL))) is non empty functional set
[:SCM-Instr,(Funcs ((product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)))):] is Relation-like set
bool [:SCM-Instr,(Funcs ((product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)))):] is set
K470() is V133(2) L8(2)
the U5 of K470() is non empty Relation-like V116() V117() V118() V120() set
the U1 of K470() is set
K452(2,K470()) is Relation-like the U1 of K470() -defined Function-like total set
SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc is non empty set
INT \ NAT is Element of bool INT
bool INT is set
3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
0 is empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V11() V12() integer Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined Function-like one-to-one constant functional Function-yielding V33() V34() V35() V38() cardinal {} -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like FinSequence-membered Cardinal-yielding countable ext-real V115() Element of NAT
SCM-Data-Loc is non empty Element of bool SCM-Memory
(SCM-OK * SCM-VAL) . NAT is set
proj1 (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL) is set
INT * is non empty functional FinSequence-membered FinSequenceSet of INT
{{}} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{{}},omega:] is non trivial Relation-like V34() set
omega \/ [:{{}},omega:] is non empty set
[{},{}] is non natural V26() set
{{},{}} is non empty functional V34() V38() countable set
{{{},{}},{{}}} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
{[{},{}]} is non empty trivial Relation-like Function-like constant V34() 1 -element countable set
(omega \/ [:{{}},omega:]) \ {[{},{}]} is Element of bool (omega \/ [:{{}},omega:])
bool (omega \/ [:{{}},omega:]) is set
SCM+FSA-Instr is non empty Relation-like V116() V117() V118() V120() set
13 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
Segm 13 is countable Element of bool omega
10 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
{9,10} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
{ [b1,{},<*b2,b4,b3*>] where b1 is Element of Segm 13, b2, b3 is Element of SCM-Data-Loc , b4 is Element of SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc : b1 in {9,10} } is set
SCM-Instr \/ { [b1,{},<*b2,b4,b3*>] where b1 is Element of Segm 13, b2, b3 is Element of SCM-Data-Loc , b4 is Element of SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc : b1 in {9,10} } is non empty set
11 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
12 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
{11,12} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
{ [b1,{},<*b2,b3*>] where b1 is Element of Segm 13, b2 is Element of SCM-Data-Loc , b3 is Element of SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc : b1 in {11,12} } is set
(SCM-Instr \/ { [b1,{},<*b2,b4,b3*>] where b1 is Element of Segm 13, b2, b3 is Element of SCM-Data-Loc , b4 is Element of SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc : b1 in {9,10} } ) \/ { [b1,{},<*b2,b3*>] where b1 is Element of Segm 13, b2 is Element of SCM-Data-Loc , b3 is Element of SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc : b1 in {11,12} } is non empty set
8 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real positive Element of NAT
SCM-Memory \/ SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc is non empty set
() is set
bool () is set
() is non empty Element of bool ()
() is non empty Element of bool ()
() --> 2 is non empty Relation-like non-empty () -defined NAT -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Cardinal-yielding Element of bool [:(),NAT:]
[:(),NAT:] is non trivial Relation-like V34() set
bool [:(),NAT:] is non trivial V34() set
{2} is non empty trivial V34() V38() 1 -element countable set
[:(),{2}:] is Relation-like set
(() --> 2) +* SCM-OK is Relation-like Function-like set
[:(),3:] is Relation-like set
bool [:(),3:] is set
proj2 ((() --> 2) +* SCM-OK) is set
proj2 (() --> 2) is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable V108() set
proj2 SCM-OK is non empty set
{2} \/ (proj2 SCM-OK) is non empty set
2 \/ {2} is non empty V34() countable set
succ 2 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of omega
proj1 ((() --> 2) +* SCM-OK) is set
proj1 (() --> 2) is non empty set
proj1 SCM-OK is non empty set
(proj1 (() --> 2)) \/ (proj1 SCM-OK) is non empty set
() \/ (proj1 SCM-OK) is non empty set
() \/ SCM-Memory is non empty set
() is non empty Relation-like () -defined 3 -valued Function-like total quasi_total Element of bool [:(),3:]
{NAT} \/ SCM-Data-Loc is non empty set
{NAT} \/ () is non empty set
({NAT} \/ ()) \/ () is non empty set
<%NAT,INT,(INT *)%> is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V34() 3 -element countable V115() set
() is Relation-like 3 -defined Function-like total set
s is set
{NAT} \/ SCM-Data-Loc is non empty set
{0} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{0},NAT:] is non trivial Relation-like V34() set
NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:] is non empty set
[0,0] is non natural V26() set
{0,0} is non empty functional V34() V38() countable set
{{0,0},{0}} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
{[0,0]} is non empty trivial Relation-like Function-like constant V34() 1 -element countable set
(NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:]) \ {[0,0]} is Element of bool (NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:])
bool (NAT \/ [:{0},NAT:]) is set
t is set
u is set
[t,u] is non natural V26() set
{t,u} is non empty V34() countable set
{t} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{{t,u},{t}} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
t is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
[1,t] is non natural V26() set
{1,t} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
{1} is non empty trivial V34() V38() 1 -element countable set
{{1,t},{1}} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
t is set
u is set
[t,u] is non natural V26() set
{t,u} is non empty V34() countable set
{t} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{{t,u},{t}} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
mk is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
[1,mk] is non natural V26() set
{1,mk} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
{1} is non empty trivial V34() V38() 1 -element countable set
{{1,mk},{1}} is non empty V34() V38() countable set
proj1 SCM-OK is non empty set
proj1 () is non empty set
proj1 (() --> 2) is non empty set
(proj1 (() --> 2)) \/ (proj1 SCM-OK) is non empty set
() . NAT is set
((() --> 2) +* SCM-OK) . NAT is set
SCM-OK . NAT is set
() * () is Relation-like () -defined Function-like set
(() * ()) . NAT is set
() . (() . NAT) is set
s is Element of ()
() . s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal Element of 3
((() --> 2) +* SCM-OK) . s is set
SCM-OK . s is set
s is Element of ()
(() * ()) . s is set
() . s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal Element of 3
() . (() . s) is set
() . 1 is set
s is Element of ()
() . s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal Element of 3
((() --> 2) +* SCM-OK) . s is set
(() --> 2) . s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
s is Element of ()
(() * ()) . s is set
() . s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal Element of 3
() . (() . s) is set
() . 2 is set
len <%NAT,INT,(INT *)%> is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
proj1 <%NAT,INT,(INT *)%> is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal 3 -element countable ext-real set
proj2 () is non empty set
proj1 () is set
proj1 (() * ()) is set
t is set
(() * ()) . t is set
product (() * ()) is non empty functional with_common_domain product-like set
s is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
s | SCM-Memory is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of sproduct (() * ())
sproduct (() * ()) is non empty functional set
proj1 (s | SCM-Memory) is set
proj1 s is set
(proj1 s) /\ SCM-Memory is set
() /\ SCM-Memory is set
u is set
{NAT} \/ SCM-Data-Loc is non empty set
(s | SCM-Memory) . u is set
s . u is set
mk is Element of ()
s . mk is set
pi ((product (() * ())),mk) is set
(SCM-OK * SCM-VAL) . u is set
(s | SCM-Memory) . u is set
s . u is set
mk is Element of ()
pi ((product (() * ())),mk) is set
(() * ()) . mk is set
s . mk is set
(SCM-OK * SCM-VAL) . u is set
s is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
t is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
s +* t is Relation-like Function-like set
proj1 t is set
mk is set
{NAT} \/ SCM-Data-Loc is non empty set
fx is Element of SCM-Memory
t . fx is set
pi ((product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)),fx) is set
(SCM-OK * SCM-VAL) . fx is set
t . mk is set
u is Relation-like non-empty () -defined Function-like total set
u . mk is set
fx is Element of SCM-Memory
t . fx is set
pi ((product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)),fx) is set
(SCM-OK * SCM-VAL) . fx is set
(() * ()) . mk is set
t . mk is set
u is Relation-like non-empty () -defined Function-like total set
u . mk is set
u is Relation-like non-empty () -defined Function-like total set
u is Relation-like non-empty () -defined Function-like total set
s is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
t is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real set
NAT .--> t is Relation-like {NAT} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() Cardinal-yielding countable set
{NAT} --> t is non empty Relation-like {NAT} -defined {t} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() Cardinal-yielding countable Element of bool [:{NAT},{t}:]
{t} is non empty trivial V34() V38() 1 -element countable set
[:{NAT},{t}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{NAT},{t}:] is V34() V38() countable set
s +* (NAT .--> t) is Relation-like Function-like set
u is set
proj1 (NAT .--> t) is V34() countable set
(s +* (NAT .--> t)) . NAT is set
(NAT .--> t) . NAT is set
(s +* (NAT .--> t)) . u is set
(() * ()) . u is set
proj1 (NAT .--> t) is V34() countable set
(s +* (NAT .--> t)) . u is set
s . u is set
(() * ()) . u is set
proj1 s is set
proj1 (s +* (NAT .--> t)) is set
proj1 (NAT .--> t) is V34() countable set
() \/ (proj1 (NAT .--> t)) is non empty set
() \/ {NAT} is non empty set
s is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
t is Element of ()
u is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
t .--> u is Relation-like () -defined {t} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{t} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{t} --> u is non empty Relation-like {t} -defined {u} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{t},{u}:]
{u} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{t},{u}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{t},{u}:] is V34() V38() countable set
s +* (t .--> u) is Relation-like Function-like set
mk is set
proj1 (t .--> u) is V34() countable set
(s +* (t .--> u)) . t is set
(t .--> u) . t is set
(s +* (t .--> u)) . mk is set
(() * ()) . mk is set
proj1 (t .--> u) is V34() countable set
(s +* (t .--> u)) . mk is set
s . mk is set
(() * ()) . mk is set
proj1 s is set
proj1 (s +* (t .--> u)) is set
proj1 (t .--> u) is V34() countable set
() \/ (proj1 (t .--> u)) is non empty set
() \/ {t} is non empty set
s is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
t is Element of ()
u is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
t .--> u is Relation-like () -defined {t} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{t} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{t} --> u is non empty Relation-like {t} -defined {u} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{t},{u}:]
{u} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{t},{u}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{t},{u}:] is V34() V38() countable set
s +* (t .--> u) is Relation-like Function-like set
mk is set
proj1 (t .--> u) is V34() countable set
(s +* (t .--> u)) . t is set
(t .--> u) . t is Relation-like Function-like set
(s +* (t .--> u)) . mk is set
(() * ()) . mk is set
proj1 (t .--> u) is V34() countable set
(s +* (t .--> u)) . mk is set
s . mk is set
(() * ()) . mk is set
proj1 s is set
proj1 (s +* (t .--> u)) is set
proj1 (t .--> u) is V34() countable set
() \/ (proj1 (t .--> u)) is non empty set
() \/ {t} is non empty set
s is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
t is Element of ()
s . t is set
pi ((product (() * ())),t) is set
(() * ()) . t is set
s is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
t is Element of ()
s . t is set
pi ((product (() * ())),t) is set
(() * ()) . t is set
s is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
s . NAT is set
pi ((product (() * ())),NAT) is set
t is Element of ()
(() * ()) . t is set
s is Element of SCM+FSA-Instr
s `1_3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real set
K90(s) is set
K90(K90(s)) is set
t is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
t | SCM-Memory is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of sproduct (() * ())
sproduct (() * ()) is non empty functional set
s int_addr2 is Element of SCM-Data-Loc
t . (s int_addr2) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
abs (t . (s int_addr2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
s coll_addr1 is Element of SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc
(t,(s coll_addr1)) is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
s int_addr1 is Element of SCM-Data-Loc
(t) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
t . NAT is set
succ (t) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of omega
t . (s int_addr1) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
s int_addr3 is Element of SCM-Data-Loc
s coll_addr2 is Element of SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc
(t,(s coll_addr2)) is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len (t,(s coll_addr2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
(t,(s int_addr3),(len (t,(s coll_addr2)))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr3) .--> (len (t,(s coll_addr2))) is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr3)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one V34() Cardinal-yielding countable set
{(s int_addr3)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s int_addr3)} --> (len (t,(s coll_addr2))) is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr3)} -defined NAT -valued {(len (t,(s coll_addr2)))} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() Cardinal-yielding countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr3)},{(len (t,(s coll_addr2)))}:]
{(len (t,(s coll_addr2)))} is non empty trivial V34() V38() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr3)},{(len (t,(s coll_addr2)))}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr3)},{(len (t,(s coll_addr2)))}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr3) .--> (len (t,(s coll_addr2)))) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr3),(len (t,(s coll_addr2)))),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
NAT .--> (succ (t)) is Relation-like {NAT} -defined omega -valued Function-like one-to-one V34() Cardinal-yielding countable set
{NAT} --> (succ (t)) is non empty Relation-like non-empty {NAT} -defined omega -valued {(succ (t))} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() Cardinal-yielding countable Element of bool [:{NAT},{(succ (t))}:]
{(succ (t))} is non empty trivial V34() V38() 1 -element countable set
[:{NAT},{(succ (t))}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{NAT},{(succ (t))}:] is V34() V38() countable set
(t,(s int_addr3),(len (t,(s coll_addr2)))) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
t . (s int_addr3) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
abs (t . (s int_addr3)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
s int_addr is Element of SCM-Data-Loc
u is Element of SCM-Instr
mk is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
SCM-Exec-Res (u,mk) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (u,mk)) is Relation-like Function-like set
fx is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
k is Element of SCM-Instr
f is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
y is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
SCM-Exec-Res (k,f) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (k,f)) is Relation-like Function-like set
u is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. u is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
mk is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s int_addr1),mk) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> mk is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr1)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s int_addr1)} --> mk is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr1)} -defined {mk} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{mk}:]
{mk} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr1)},{mk}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{mk}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr1) .--> mk) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr1),mk),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),mk) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
y is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. k is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
fx is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),y) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> y is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr1)} --> y is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr1)} -defined {y} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{y}:]
{y} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr1)},{y}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{y}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr1) .--> y) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr1),y),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),y) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
u is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
dom (t,(s coll_addr1)) is V34() countable Element of bool NAT
u .--> (t . (s int_addr1)) is Relation-like NAT -defined {u} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{u} is non empty trivial V34() V38() 1 -element countable set
{u} --> (t . (s int_addr1)) is non empty Relation-like {u} -defined {(t . (s int_addr1))} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{u},{(t . (s int_addr1))}:]
{(t . (s int_addr1))} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{u},{(t . (s int_addr1))}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{u},{(t . (s int_addr1))}:] is V34() V38() countable set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) +* (u .--> (t . (s int_addr1))) is Relation-like Function-like V34() countable set
proj1 ((t,(s coll_addr1)) +* (u .--> (t . (s int_addr1)))) is V34() countable set
proj1 (u .--> (t . (s int_addr1))) is V34() countable set
(dom (t,(s coll_addr1))) \/ (proj1 (u .--> (t . (s int_addr1)))) is V34() countable set
(dom (t,(s coll_addr1))) \/ {u} is non empty V34() countable set
len (t,(s coll_addr1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
Seg (len (t,(s coll_addr1))) is V34() len (t,(s coll_addr1)) -element countable Element of bool NAT
proj2 (u .--> (t . (s int_addr1))) is V34() countable set
proj2 (t,(s coll_addr1)) is V34() countable set
fx is Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
proj2 fx is V34() countable set
(proj2 (t,(s coll_addr1))) \/ (proj2 (u .--> (t . (s int_addr1)))) is V34() countable set
y is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
(t,(s coll_addr1),y) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr1) .--> y is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} --> y is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr1)} -defined {y} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{y}:]
{y} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr1)},{y}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{y}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr1) .--> y) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr1),y),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),y) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
f is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
Replace ((t,(s coll_addr1)),k,(t . (s int_addr1))) is Relation-like Function-like set
k is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),f) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr1) .--> f is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} --> f is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr1)} -defined {f} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{f}:]
{f} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr1)},{f}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{f}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr1) .--> f) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr1),f),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),f) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
u is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
dom (t,(s coll_addr1)) is V34() countable Element of bool NAT
mk is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
(t,(s coll_addr1),mk) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr1) .--> mk is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} --> mk is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr1)} -defined {mk} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{mk}:]
{mk} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr1)},{mk}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{mk}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr1) .--> mk) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr1),mk),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),mk) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
y is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
Replace ((t,(s coll_addr1)),k,(t . (s int_addr1))) is Relation-like Function-like set
fx is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),y) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr1) .--> y is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} --> y is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr1)} -defined {y} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{y}:]
{y} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr1)},{y}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{y}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr1) .--> y) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr1),y),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),y) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
u is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
dom (t,(s coll_addr1)) is V34() countable Element of bool NAT
{0} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
u is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
u |-> 0 is Relation-like NAT -defined NAT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable Element of u -tuples_on NAT
u -tuples_on NAT is FinSequenceSet of NAT
Seg u is V34() u -element countable Element of bool NAT
(Seg u) --> 0 is Relation-like Seg u -defined NAT -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() Cardinal-yielding countable Element of bool [:(Seg u),NAT:]
[:(Seg u),NAT:] is Relation-like set
bool [:(Seg u),NAT:] is set
[:(Seg u),{0}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
proj2 (u |-> 0) is V34() countable set
mk is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
(t,(s coll_addr2),mk) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr2) .--> mk is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr2)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} --> mk is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr2)} -defined {mk} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{mk}:]
{mk} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr2)},{mk}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{mk}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr2) .--> mk) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr2),mk),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),mk) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
y is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
k |-> 0 is Relation-like NAT -defined NAT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable Element of k -tuples_on NAT
k -tuples_on NAT is FinSequenceSet of NAT
fx is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),y) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr2) .--> y is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr2)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} --> y is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr2)} -defined {y} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{y}:]
{y} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr2)},{y}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{y}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr2) .--> y) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr2),y),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),y) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
u is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s int_addr),u) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr) .--> u is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s int_addr)} --> u is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr)} -defined {u} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr)},{u}:]
{u} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr)},{u}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr)},{u}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr) .--> u) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr),u),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr),u) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
fx is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
mk is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr),fx) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr) .--> fx is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr)} --> fx is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr)} -defined {fx} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr)},{fx}:]
{fx} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr)},{fx}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr)},{fx}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr) .--> fx) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr),fx),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr),fx) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
fx is Element of SCM-Instr
y is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
u is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
SCM-Exec-Res (fx,y) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (fx,y)) is Relation-like Function-like set
k is Element of SCM-Instr
f is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
mk is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
SCM-Exec-Res (k,f) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (k,f)) is Relation-like Function-like set
c12 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c11 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. c12 is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
k is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c11) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> c11 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr1)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s int_addr1)} --> c11 is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr1)} -defined {c11} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c11}:]
{c11} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr1)},{c11}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c11}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr1) .--> c11) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr1),c11),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c11) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c14 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c13 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. c14 is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
c10 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c13) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> c13 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr1)} --> c13 is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr1)} -defined {c13} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c13}:]
{c13} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr1)},{c13}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c13}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr1) .--> c13) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr1),c13),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c13) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c18 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c17 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
Replace ((t,(s coll_addr1)),c18,(t . (s int_addr1))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c15 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),c17) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr1) .--> c17 is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} --> c17 is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr1)} -defined {c17} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{c17}:]
{c17} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr1)},{c17}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{c17}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr1) .--> c17) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr1),c17),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),c17) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c20 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c19 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
Replace ((t,(s coll_addr1)),c20,(t . (s int_addr1))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c16 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),c19) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr1) .--> c19 is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} --> c19 is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr1)} -defined {c19} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{c19}:]
{c19} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr1)},{c19}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{c19}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr1) .--> c19) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr1),c19),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),c19) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c21 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
c22 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
c26 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c25 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
c26 |-> 0 is Relation-like NAT -defined NAT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable Element of c26 -tuples_on NAT
c26 -tuples_on NAT is FinSequenceSet of NAT
c23 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),c25) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr2) .--> c25 is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr2)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} --> c25 is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr2)} -defined {c25} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{c25}:]
{c25} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr2)},{c25}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{c25}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr2) .--> c25) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr2),c25),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),c25) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c28 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c27 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
c28 |-> 0 is Relation-like NAT -defined NAT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable Element of c28 -tuples_on NAT
c28 -tuples_on NAT is FinSequenceSet of NAT
c24 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),c27) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr2) .--> c27 is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr2)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} --> c27 is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr2)} -defined {c27} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{c27}:]
{c27} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr2)},{c27}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{c27}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr2) .--> c27) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr2),c27),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),c27) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c31 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
c29 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr),c31) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr) .--> c31 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s int_addr)} --> c31 is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr)} -defined {c31} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr)},{c31}:]
{c31} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr)},{c31}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr)},{c31}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr) .--> c31) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr),c31),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr),c31) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c32 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
c30 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr),c32) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr) .--> c32 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr)} --> c32 is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr)} -defined {c32} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr)},{c32}:]
{c32} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr)},{c32}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr)},{c32}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr) .--> c32) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr),c32),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr),c32) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c33 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
c34 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
mk is Element of SCM-Instr
fx is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
u is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
SCM-Exec-Res (mk,fx) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (mk,fx)) is Relation-like Function-like set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
y is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. k is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
(t,(s int_addr1),y) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> y is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr1)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s int_addr1)} --> y is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr1)} -defined {y} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{y}:]
{y} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr1)},{y}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{y}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr1) .--> y) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr1),y),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),y) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
k is Element of SCM-Instr
c10 is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
f is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
SCM-Exec-Res (k,c10) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (k,c10)) is Relation-like Function-like set
c12 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c11 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
Replace ((t,(s coll_addr1)),c12,(t . (s int_addr1))) is Relation-like Function-like set
(t,(s coll_addr1),c11) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr1) .--> c11 is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} --> c11 is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr1)} -defined {c11} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{c11}:]
{c11} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr1)},{c11}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{c11}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr1) .--> c11) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr1),c11),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),c11) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c14 is Element of SCM-Instr
c15 is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
c13 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
SCM-Exec-Res (c14,c15) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (c14,c15)) is Relation-like Function-like set
c17 is Element of SCM-Instr
c18 is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
c16 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
SCM-Exec-Res (c17,c18) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (c17,c18)) is Relation-like Function-like set
c20 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c19 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
c20 |-> 0 is Relation-like NAT -defined NAT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable Element of c20 -tuples_on NAT
c20 -tuples_on NAT is FinSequenceSet of NAT
(t,(s coll_addr2),c19) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr2) .--> c19 is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr2)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} --> c19 is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr2)} -defined {c19} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{c19}:]
{c19} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr2)},{c19}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{c19}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr2) .--> c19) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr2),c19),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),c19) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c22 is Element of SCM-Instr
c23 is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
c21 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
SCM-Exec-Res (c22,c23) is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like SCM-OK * SCM-VAL -compatible Element of product (SCM-OK * SCM-VAL)
t +* (SCM-Exec-Res (c22,c23)) is Relation-like Function-like set
c24 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s int_addr),c24) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr) .--> c24 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr)} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
{(s int_addr)} --> c24 is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr)} -defined {c24} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr)},{c24}:]
{c24} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr)},{c24}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr)},{c24}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr) .--> c24) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr),c24),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr),c24) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c27 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c26 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. c27 is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
c25 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c26) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> c26 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr1)} --> c26 is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr1)} -defined {c26} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c26}:]
{c26} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr1)},{c26}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c26}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr1) .--> c26) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr1),c26),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c26) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c29 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c28 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
Replace ((t,(s coll_addr1)),c29,(t . (s int_addr1))) is Relation-like Function-like set
(t,(s coll_addr1),c28) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr1) .--> c28 is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr1)} --> c28 is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr1)} -defined {c28} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{c28}:]
{c28} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr1)},{c28}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr1)},{c28}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr1) .--> c28) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr1),c28),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr1),c28) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c32 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c31 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. c32 is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
c30 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c31) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> c31 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr1)} --> c31 is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr1)} -defined {c31} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c31}:]
{c31} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr1)},{c31}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c31}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr1) .--> c31) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr1),c31),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c31) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c35 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c34 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. c35 is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
c33 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c34) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> c34 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like one-to-one V34() countable set
{(s int_addr1)} --> c34 is non empty Relation-like {(s int_addr1)} -defined {c34} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c34}:]
{c34} is non empty trivial V34() 1 -element countable set
[:{(s int_addr1)},{c34}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s int_addr1)},{c34}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s int_addr1) .--> c34) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s int_addr1),c34),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c34) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c37 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c36 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
c37 |-> 0 is Relation-like NAT -defined NAT -valued Function-like V34() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable Element of c37 -tuples_on NAT
c37 -tuples_on NAT is FinSequenceSet of NAT
(t,(s coll_addr2),c36) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s coll_addr2) .--> c36 is Relation-like SCM+FSA-Data*-Loc -defined {(s coll_addr2)} -defined Function-like one-to-one Function-yielding V33() V34() countable set
{(s coll_addr2)} --> c36 is non empty Relation-like {(s coll_addr2)} -defined {c36} -valued Function-like constant total quasi_total Function-yielding V33() V34() countable Element of bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{c36}:]
{c36} is non empty trivial functional V34() V38() 1 -element with_common_domain countable set
[:{(s coll_addr2)},{c36}:] is Relation-like V34() countable set
bool [:{(s coll_addr2)},{c36}:] is V34() V38() countable set
t +* ((s coll_addr2) .--> c36) is Relation-like Function-like set
((t,(s coll_addr2),c36),(succ (t))) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s coll_addr2),c36) +* (NAT .--> (succ (t))) is Relation-like Function-like set
c40 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V34() cardinal countable ext-real Element of NAT
c39 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(t,(s coll_addr1)) /. c40 is V11() V12() integer ext-real Element of INT
c38 is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(t,(s int_addr1),c39) is Relation-like () -defined Function-like () * () -compatible Element of product (() * ())
(s int_addr1) .--> c39 is Relation-like SCM-Data-Loc -defined {(s int_addr1)} -defined Function-like