REAL is V4() V45() set
NAT is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal V45() cardinal limit_cardinal countable denumerable Element of K32(REAL)
K32(REAL) is V45() set
K531() is V81() with_non-empty_values IC-Ins-separated strict V163(2) AMI-Struct over 2
2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
SCM-Memory is set
K561(NAT,SCM-Memory) is Element of SCM-Memory
K410() is V4() set
SCM-OK is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined 2 -valued Function-like total V29( SCM-Memory ,2) Element of K32(K33(SCM-Memory,2))
K33(SCM-Memory,2) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(SCM-Memory,2)) is set
SCM-VAL is V4() Relation-like 2 -defined Function-like total set
SCM-Exec is V4() Relation-like K410() -defined K162((product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL))) -valued Function-like total V29(K410(),K162((product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)))) Element of K32(K33(K410(),K162((product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)))))
SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL is Relation-like SCM-Memory -defined Function-like total set
product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL))) is V4() functional set
K33(K410(),K162((product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K410(),K162((product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL)),(product (SCM-OK (#) SCM-VAL))))) is set
AMI-Struct(# SCM-Memory,K561(NAT,SCM-Memory),K410(),SCM-OK,SCM-VAL,SCM-Exec #) is strict AMI-Struct over 2
the carrier of K531() is V4() set
the_Values_of K531() is V4() Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding the carrier of K531() -defined Function-like total set
the Object-Kind of K531() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of K531() -defined 2 -valued Function-like total V29( the carrier of K531(),2) Element of K32(K33( the carrier of K531(),2))
K33( the carrier of K531(),2) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the carrier of K531(),2)) is set
the ValuesF of K531() is V4() Relation-like 2 -defined Function-like total set
the Object-Kind of K531() (#) the ValuesF of K531() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of K531() -defined Function-like total set
COMPLEX is V4() V45() set
NAT is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal V45() cardinal limit_cardinal countable denumerable set
K32(NAT) is V45() set
K32(NAT) is V45() set
K33(NAT,REAL) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(NAT,REAL)) is V45() set
K32(K32(REAL)) is V45() set
RAT is V4() V45() set
K32(RAT) is V45() set
ExtREAL is V4() set
INT is V4() V45() set
K33(REAL,REAL) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(REAL,REAL)) is V45() set
K397() is V81() V109() L8()
the carrier of K397() is V4() set
9 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Segm 9 is countable Element of K32(NAT)
K409() is set
K32(SCM-Memory) is set
the InstructionsF of K531() is V4() Relation-like standard-ins V145() V146() V148() set
SCMPDS is V81() with_non-empty_values IC-Ins-separated strict strict V163(2) AMI-Struct over 2
the carrier of SCMPDS is V4() set
the InstructionsF of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like standard-ins V145() V146() V148() set
the_Values_of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like total set
the Object-Kind of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined 2 -valued Function-like total V29( the carrier of SCMPDS,2) Element of K32(K33( the carrier of SCMPDS,2))
K33( the carrier of SCMPDS,2) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the carrier of SCMPDS,2)) is set
the ValuesF of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like 2 -defined Function-like total set
the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like total set
K33(COMPLEX,COMPLEX) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(COMPLEX,COMPLEX)) is V45() set
K33(K33(COMPLEX,COMPLEX),COMPLEX) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(K33(COMPLEX,COMPLEX),COMPLEX)) is V45() set
K33(K33(REAL,REAL),REAL) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(K33(REAL,REAL),REAL)) is V45() set
K33(RAT,RAT) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(RAT,RAT)) is V45() set
K33(K33(RAT,RAT),RAT) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(K33(RAT,RAT),RAT)) is V45() set
K33(INT,INT) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(INT,INT)) is V45() set
K33(K33(INT,INT),INT) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(K33(INT,INT),INT)) is V45() set
K33(NAT,NAT) is Relation-like V45() set
K33(K33(NAT,NAT),NAT) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33(K33(NAT,NAT),NAT)) is V45() set
0 is V4() Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined RAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant functional epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V35() V36() V37() V38() V45() cardinal 0 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like FinSequence-membered Cardinal-yielding countable V143() set
1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
0 is V4() Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined RAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant functional epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V35() V36() V37() V38() V45() cardinal 0 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like FinSequence-membered Cardinal-yielding countable V143() Element of NAT
14 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
IC is V88( SCMPDS ) Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
halt SCMPDS is V162(2, SCMPDS ) parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
halt the InstructionsF of SCMPDS is V147( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS) Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
4 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
5 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
6 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
{0,4,5,6,14} is countable Element of K32(NAT)
product (the_Values_of SCMPDS) is V4() functional with_common_domain product-like set
K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT) is Relation-like V45() set
K32(K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT)) is V45() set
<*> REAL is V4() Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined REAL -valued RAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant functional epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V35() V36() V37() V38() V45() cardinal 0 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like FinSequence-membered Cardinal-yielding countable V143() FinSequence of REAL
K362((<*> REAL)) is V24() V25() ext-real Element of REAL
Fib 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Fib 1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
{0} is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain countable Element of K32(NAT)
A is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
D is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
A ';' D is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
a1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(A ';' D) ';' a1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((A ';' D) ';' a1) . 0 is set
((A ';' D) ';' a1) . 1 is set
D ';' a1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
A ';' (D ';' a1) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
Load A is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(Load A) ';' (D ';' a1) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
dom (Load A) is V4() V5() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal 1 -element V56() countable V74() set
(Load A) . 0 is set
Load D is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
dom (Load D) is V4() V5() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal 1 -element V56() countable V74() set
card (D ';' a1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (D ';' a1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
card a1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom a1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card a1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card (Load A) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
0 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((Load A) ';' (D ';' a1)) . (0 + 1) is set
(D ';' a1) . 0 is set
(Load D) ';' a1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((Load D) ';' a1) . 0 is set
(Load D) . 0 is set
A is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
D is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
a1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)
a1 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a1 . D is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)
a1 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a1 . D is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (a1 . A) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (a1 . D) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs (a1 . A)),(abs (a1 . D))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)
a1 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a1 . D is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a1 is V4() Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCMPDS) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCMPDS), NAT ) V35() V36() V37() V38() Element of K32(K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT))
a2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
a1 . a2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)
a1 . a3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
j1 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 . D is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (j1 . A) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (j1 . D) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs (j1 . A)),(abs (j1 . D))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
a1 . a2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a2 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a2 . D is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (a2 . A) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (a2 . D) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs (a2 . A)),(abs (a2 . D))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
a3 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a3 . D is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (a3 . A) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (a3 . D) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs (a3 . A)),(abs (a3 . D))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
A is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
D is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)
D . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
D is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)
D . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
- (D . A) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
D is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)
D . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
D is V4() Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCMPDS) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCMPDS), NAT ) V35() V36() V37() V38() Element of K32(K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT))
a1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
D . a1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)
D . a2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
a3 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
- (a3 . A) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
D . a1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a1 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
- (a1 . A) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
a2 . A is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
- (a2 . A) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
SCM-Data-Loc is Element of K32(SCM-Memory)
F2() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F5() is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
F2() . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(F2() . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()))) is set
F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
F3() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),F3(),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),F3(),F2())) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
(IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),F3(),F2())) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),F3(),F2())))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(a3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a3 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize a3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
a3 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
a3 . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3)) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a3 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a3 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j1 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
j1 . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (F4(),j2,j1)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
DataLoc ((j1 . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(j1 . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((j1 . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((j1 . F5()) + F6()))) is set
WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(WB) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB . (DataLoc ((j1 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
H1( Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1))) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
WB . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB . (DataLoc ((j1 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),WH,WB) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec (F4(),WH,WB)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F1(WB) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize (IExec (F4(),WH,WB)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),WH,WB)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),WH,WB)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 . (DataLoc ((j1 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,(Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
F1(F2()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(a3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
a3 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j1,a3)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos 1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,1) is set
intpos 2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,2) is set
intpos 3 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,3) is set
GBP is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
intpos 0 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(0) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,0) is set
GBP := 0 is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*GBP,0*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*GBP,0*>) is set
(intpos 1) := 0 is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 1),0*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 1),0*>) is set
(GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
- j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
(intpos 2) := (- j1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 2),(- j1)*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 2),(- j1)*>) is set
((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
j2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(intpos 3) := (j2 + 1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 3),(j2 + 1)*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 3),(j2 + 1)*>) is set
(((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j1))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j2 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
AddTo (GBP,2,1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
8 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
<*GBP,2,1*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(8,0,<*GBP,2,1*>) is set
(AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
AddTo (GBP,3,1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*GBP,3,1*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(8,0,<*GBP,3,1*>) is set
((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j1))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j2 + 1))) ';' (while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
j1 is V4() Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCMPDS) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCMPDS), NAT ) V35() V36() V37() V38() Element of K32(K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT))
j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
j1 . j2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
WH is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
j2 . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
j2 . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
j2 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos j3 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(j3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,j3) is set
j2 . (intpos j3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
- j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
j4 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
while<0 (WB,j3,j3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2)) . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len WB is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
(IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(j2 . WB) + j3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((j2 . WB) + j3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((j2 . WB) + j3))) is set
i3 is V4() Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCMPDS) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCMPDS), NAT ) V35() V36() V37() V38() Element of K32(K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT))
j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j1 . (intpos j3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1 . (intpos j3)) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i3,j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
- (j1 . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j1 . (intpos j3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1 . (intpos j3)) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len IF is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(j4 + 1) + (len IF) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
IF is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len IF is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(j4 + 1) + (len IF) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (j3,j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (j3,j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
WB is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos WB is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(WB) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,WB) is set
j1 . (intpos WB) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . (intpos WB) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len WH is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(j4 + 1) + (len WH) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
0 + j3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + j3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + j3)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + j3)) is set
(IExec (j3,j2,j1)) . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((j1 . (intpos j3)) + j2) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (j3,j2,j1)) . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (j3,j2,j1)) . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len WB is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(j4 + 1) + (len WB) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Sum WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(IExec (j3,j2,j1)) . (intpos j3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1 . (intpos j3)) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1))) . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i3,(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(i3,j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WH is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len WH is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(j4 + 1) + (len WH) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(i3,j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
- (j1 . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
- (j1 . (intpos j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1))) . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i3,(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
- ((Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1))) . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
- ((j1 . (intpos j3)) + 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(- (j1 . (intpos j3))) - 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i3,j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(i3,(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(i3,j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(i3,(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1))) . (intpos j3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1))) . (intpos j3)) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1))) . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1))) . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos WH is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(WH) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,WH) is set
(Initialize (IExec (j3,j2,j1))) . (intpos WH) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (j3,j2,j1)) . (intpos WH) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . (intpos WH) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec (j3,j2,j1)) . (intpos j3)) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j2 . (intpos j3)) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(j1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,j1) is set
j2 . (intpos j1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(j4 + 1) + (len j1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(i3,(Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2))) . (intpos j3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2))) . (intpos j3)) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2))) . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2))) . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(j4 + 1) + (len j1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j1 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2)) . (intpos (0 + j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2)) . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((while<0 (WB,j3,j3)),j1,j2))) . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len j2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(j4 + 1) + (len j2) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
dom WB is countable V74() Element of K32(NAT)
WB . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j4 + IF is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos (j4 + IF) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((j4 + IF)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(j4 + IF)) is set
j2 . (intpos (j4 + IF)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IF is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len IF is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 . (intpos j3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j2 . (intpos j3)) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Sum IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
j2 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j4 + 1) + (len IF) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(i3,j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 . (DataLoc ((j2 . WB),j3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
j3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j3 . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j3 . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize j3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
j3 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),j1,(Initialize j3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j3 . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j3 . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j3 . (intpos 2)) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos j4 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(j4) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,j4) is set
j3 . (intpos j4) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j3 . (intpos 1)) + (j3 . (intpos j4)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0))) . (Initialize j3) is set
(Initialize j3) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize j3) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((Initialize j3) . GBP) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Initialize j3) . GBP) + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
DataLoc (((Initialize j3) . GBP),1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K4(1,(abs (((Initialize j3) . GBP) + 1))) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . GBP) + 2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . GBP) + 2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
DataLoc (((Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . GBP),2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K4(1,(abs (((Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . GBP) + 2))) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,1)),(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,2,1)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) . (Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,1)),(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize j3) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
0 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 1)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 1)) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Initialize j3) . (intpos 3)),0) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Initialize j3) . (intpos 3)) + 0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Initialize j3) . (intpos 3)) + 0) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Initialize j3) . (intpos 3)) + 0))) is set
(Initialize j3) . (DataLoc (((Initialize j3) . (intpos 3)),0)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((Initialize j3) . (intpos 1)) + ((Initialize j3) . (DataLoc (((Initialize j3) . (intpos 3)),0))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos (j4 + 0) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((j4 + 0)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(j4 + 0)) is set
(Initialize j3) . (intpos (j4 + 0)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((Initialize j3) . (intpos 1)) + ((Initialize j3) . (intpos (j4 + 0))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
0 + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 2)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 2)) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize j3) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,1)),(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . GBP),3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . GBP) + 3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . GBP) + 3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . GBP) + 3))) is set
0 + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 3)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 3)) is set
(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,1)),(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,1)),(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,1)),(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,3,1)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,3,1))) . (IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,1)),(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,1)),(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,1)),(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,1)),(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos i3 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(i3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,i3) is set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . (intpos i3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,1)),(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))))) . (intpos i3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))),j1,(Initialize j3))) . (intpos i3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,1)),(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))))) . (intpos i3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)),(Initialize j3))) . (intpos i3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize j3) . (intpos i3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j3 . (intpos i3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j2 . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
j2 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec ((while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))))),j1,(Initialize j2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
- j3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
j4 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
WB is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len WB is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
i1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Initialize i1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i1 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i1 . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i1 . (intpos 2)) + j3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum i3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
(j4 + 1) + (len i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
i1 . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),i2,i1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),i2,i1)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),i2,i1)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i1 . (intpos 2)) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((i1 . (intpos 2)) + j3) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),i2,i1)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),i2,i1)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(len i3) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j1 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(j4 + 1) + (len j1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Sum j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
((j4 + 1) + (len i3)) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j4 + (len j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 . (len j1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
j1 . k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
<*IF*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V35() V36() V37() V39() V40() V41() V42() V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
i3 ^ <*IF*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
(i3 ^ <*IF*>) . k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Seg (len i3) is V45() len i3 -element countable Element of K32(NAT)
dom i3 is countable V74() Element of K32(NAT)
j1 . k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 + k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos (j4 + k1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((j4 + k1)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(j4 + k1)) is set
j2 . (intpos (j4 + k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 . k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
<*IF*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V35() V36() V37() V39() V40() V41() V42() V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
i3 ^ <*IF*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
(i3 ^ <*IF*>) . k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
<*IF*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V35() V36() V37() V39() V40() V41() V42() V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
i3 ^ <*IF*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
<*IF*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V35() V36() V37() V39() V40() V41() V42() V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
i3 ^ <*IF*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len (i3 ^ <*IF*>) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (j4 + (len j1)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((j4 + (len j1))) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(j4 + (len j1))) is set
j2 . (intpos (j4 + (len j1))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
intpos ((j4 + 1) + (len i3)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(((j4 + 1) + (len i3))) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,((j4 + 1) + (len i3))) is set
i1 . (intpos ((j4 + 1) + (len i3))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i1 . (intpos 1)) + (j1 . (len j1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(j1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,j1) is set
(IExec ((((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))),i2,i1)) . (intpos j1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 . (intpos j1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . (intpos j1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j4 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(j3,j4) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- j3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
(intpos 2) := (- j3) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 2),(- j3)*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 2),(- j3)*>) is set
((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
j4 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(intpos 3) := (j4 + 1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 3),(j4 + 1)*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 3),(j4 + 1)*>) is set
(((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))) ';' (while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
IExec ((j3,j4),j1,j2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((j3,j4),j1,j2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len WB is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
Initialize j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
j2 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Exec ((GBP := 0),(Initialize j2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (GBP := 0) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (GBP := 0)) . (Initialize j2) is set
P is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
3 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j4 + P is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos (j4 + P) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((j4 + P)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(j4 + P)) is set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))) . (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))) is set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((intpos 2) := (- j3)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 2) := (- j3)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) . (IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2))) is set
(Exec (((intpos 2) := (- j3)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((intpos 1) := 0),(Exec ((GBP := 0),(Initialize j2)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 1) := 0) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 1) := 0)) . (Exec ((GBP := 0),(Initialize j2))) is set
(Exec (((intpos 1) := 0),(Exec ((GBP := 0),(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((GBP := 0),(Initialize j2))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize j2) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB . P is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
P is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB . P is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 + P is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos (j4 + P) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((j4 + P)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(j4 + P)) is set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos (j4 + P)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((GBP := 0),(Initialize j2))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 1) := 0),(Exec ((GBP := 0),(Initialize j2))))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 2) := (- j3)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 1) := 0),(Exec ((GBP := 0),(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 2) := (- j3)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 2) := (- j3)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))),j1,(Initialize j2))))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))))),j1,(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2))))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec ((while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))))),j1,(Initialize (Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))))),j1,(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))),j1,(Initialize j2)))))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j4 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(j3,j4) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- j3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
(intpos 2) := (- j3) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 2),(- j3)*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 2),(- j3)*>) is set
((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
j4 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(intpos 3) := (j4 + 1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 3),(j4 + 1)*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 3),(j4 + 1)*>) is set
(((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := (- j3))) ';' ((intpos 3) := (j4 + 1))) ';' (while<0 (GBP,2,(((AddTo (GBP,1,(intpos 3),0)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,1))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,1))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
IExec ((j3,j4),j1,j2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((j3,j4),j1,j2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len WB is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Sum WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real Element of INT
WH is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V35() V36() V37() V45() FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable FinSequence of INT
len i2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize WH is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
WH +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i2 . i3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 + i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos (j4 + i3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((j4 + i3)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(j4 + i3)) is set
(Initialize WH) . (intpos (j4 + i3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH . (intpos (j4 + i3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
F2() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F5() is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
F2() . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(F2() . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()))) is set
F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
F3() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),F3(),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),F3(),F2())) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
(IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),F3(),F2())) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),F3(),F2())))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(j3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize j3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j3 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j3 . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3)) . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j3 . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j4 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(j4) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j4 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),WB,j4) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
j4 . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (F4(),WB,j4)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec (F4(),WB,j4)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),WB,j4)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
DataLoc ((j4 . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(j4 . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((j4 . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((j4 . F5()) + F6()))) is set
i1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i1 . (DataLoc ((j4 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),WB,j4)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
H1( Initialize (IExec (F4(),WB,j4))) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
i1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i1 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 . (DataLoc ((j4 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),i2,i1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec (F4(),i2,i1)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F1(i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize (IExec (F4(),i2,i1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),i2,i1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),i2,i1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j4 . (DataLoc ((j4 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,(Initialize (IExec (F4(),WB,j4)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(Initialize (IExec (F4(),WB,j4))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j4 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(j4) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j4 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),WB,j4)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
F1(F2()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(j3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j3 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j4 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (F5(),F6(),F4())),j4,j3)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(intpos 2) := 1 is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 2),1*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 2),1*>) is set
((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
j1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(intpos 3) := j1 is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 3),j1*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 3),j1*>) is set
(((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := j1) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
(GBP,4) := (GBP,2) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
(GBP,1) := (GBP,4) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
- 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*GBP,3,(- 1)*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(8,0,<*GBP,3,(- 1)*>) is set
((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := j1)) ';' (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
j4 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
j2 . j4 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
j2 . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
j2 . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos i2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(i2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,i2) is set
j2 . (intpos i2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
while>0 (j4,i2,j3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2)) . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2)) . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (i1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
(IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(j2 . j4) + i2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((j2 . j4) + i2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((j2 . j4) + i2))) is set
IF is V4() Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCMPDS) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCMPDS), NAT ) V35() V36() V37() V38() Element of K32(K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT))
k1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
k1 . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IF,k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
k2 . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IF,k2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
k1 . (intpos i2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(k1 . (intpos i2)) + k2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib k2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k2 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (k2 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
k1 . (intpos i2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 . j4 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (j3,k2,k1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (j3,k2,k1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
GA is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(k1 . (intpos i2)) + GA is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib GA is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
GA + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (GA + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
GA is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(k1 . (intpos i2)) + GA is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib GA is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
GA + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (GA + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
0 + i2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + i2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + i2)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + i2)) is set
(IExec (j3,k2,k1)) . j4 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (j3,k2,k1)) . (intpos i2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(k1 . (intpos i2)) - 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1))) . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IF,(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
P is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(k1 . (intpos i2)) + P is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib P is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
P + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (P + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1))) . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IF,(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1))) . (intpos i2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1))) . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1))) . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
1 + 0 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
P is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1))) . (intpos i2)) + P is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib P is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
P + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (P + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
((k1 . (intpos i2)) - 1) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(((k1 . (intpos i2)) - 1) + 1) + GA is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1))) . (intpos i2)) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(((Initialize (IExec (j3,k2,k1))) . (intpos i2)) + 1) + GA is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (j3,k2,k1)) . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (j3,k2,k1)) . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(GA + 1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib ((GA + 1) + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 is V4() Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined RAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant functional epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V35() V36() V37() V38() V45() cardinal 0 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like FinSequence-membered Cardinal-yielding countable V143() Element of NAT
(j2 . (intpos i2)) + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (k1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,(Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2))) . (intpos i2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2))) . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2))) . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2))) . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2)) . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2)) . (intpos (0 + i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2))) . (intpos i2)) + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (k1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2))) . (intpos i2)) + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (k1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
((Initialize (IExec ((while>0 (j4,i2,j3)),j1,j2))) . (intpos i2)) + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (k1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
k1 . (intpos i2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(k1 . (intpos i2)) + k2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 . WB is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib k2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 . WH is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k2 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (k2 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IF,k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 . (DataLoc ((j2 . j4),i2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),i1,i3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),i1,i3)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i3 . (intpos 1)) + (i3 . (intpos 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i3 . (intpos 3)) - 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((GBP,4) := (GBP,2))) . i3 is set
intpos 4 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540(4) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,4) is set
DataLoc ((i3 . GBP),4) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i3 . GBP) + 4 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i3 . GBP) + 4) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i3 . GBP) + 4))) is set
0 + 4 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 4) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 4)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 4)) is set
(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . (intpos 4) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((i3 . GBP),2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i3 . GBP) + 2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i3 . GBP) + 2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i3 . GBP) + 2))) is set
i3 . (DataLoc ((i3 . GBP),2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
0 + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 2)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 2)) is set
i3 . (intpos (0 + 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP),2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP) + 2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP) + 2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP) + 2))) is set
(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1)),(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) . (Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1)),(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP),1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 1))) is set
0 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 1)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 1)) is set
(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 4) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1)),(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)))) . (intpos 4) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((GBP,1) := (GBP,4)),(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) . (IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) is set
(Exec (((GBP,1) := (GBP,4)),(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP),4) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 4 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 4) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 4))) is set
(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . (DataLoc (((IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . GBP),4)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,1) := (GBP,4)),(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . GBP),3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . GBP) + 3))) is set
0 + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 3)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 3)) is set
(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1)),(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP),1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP) + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP) + 1))) is set
(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . (DataLoc (((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP),1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . (intpos 2)) + ((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . (DataLoc (((Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)) . GBP),1))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i3 . (intpos 2)) + (i3 . (intpos 1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,1) := (GBP,4)),(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))),(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))) . (IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))),(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))),(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1)),(Exec (((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)),i3)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,1) := (GBP,4)),(IExec ((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))),i1,i3)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))),(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))),(IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec (((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))),i1,i3)) . (intpos 3)) + (- 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i2 . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i2 . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i2 . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i2 . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))),i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))),i1,i2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))),i1,i2)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Fib i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i3 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (i3 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j2 . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(j2 . (intpos 3)) + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib k1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (k1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),IF,j2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),IF,j2)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),IF,j2)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j2 . (intpos 3)) - 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),IF,j2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))),IF,j2)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j2 . (intpos 1)) + (j2 . (intpos 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(k1 + 1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib ((k1 + 1) + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(intpos 3) := i3 is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 3),i3*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 3),i3*>) is set
(((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)) ';' (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
IExec ((i3),i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((i3),i1,i2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IExec ((i3),i1,i2)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (i3 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Exec ((GBP := 0),i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (GBP := 0) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (GBP := 0)) . i2 is set
Initialize i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
i2 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Exec ((GBP := 0),i2)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),i1,i2)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((intpos 1) := 0),(Exec ((GBP := 0),i2))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 1) := 0) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 1) := 0)) . (Exec ((GBP := 0),i2)) is set
(Exec (((intpos 1) := 0),(Exec ((GBP := 0),i2)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((intpos 2) := 1),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),i1,i2))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 2) := 1) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 2) := 1)) . (IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),i1,i2)) is set
(Exec (((intpos 2) := 1),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),i1,i2)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),i1,i2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 1) := 0),(Exec ((GBP := 0),i2)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 2) := 1),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),i1,i2)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((intpos 3) := i3),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 3) := i3) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((intpos 3) := i3)) . (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2)) is set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := i3),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 2) := 1),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)),i1,i2)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := i3),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := i3),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((intpos 3) := i3),(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)),i1,i2)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
stop (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
i1 +* (stop (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
dom (stop (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))))))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
t0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))))),(Initialize (Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)))),t0) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))))),(Initialize (Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)))),t0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))))),(Initialize (Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)))),t0)) . (IC ) is set
stop (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
i1 +* (stop (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1))))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec ((while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))),i1,(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))),i1,(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))),i1,(Initialize (IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)),i1,i2))))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(intpos 3) := i3 is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(intpos 3),i3*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 2 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(2,0,<*(intpos 3),i3*>) is set
(((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
((((GBP := 0) ';' ((intpos 1) := 0)) ';' ((intpos 2) := 1)) ';' ((intpos 3) := i3)) ';' (while>0 (GBP,3,(((((GBP,4) := (GBP,2)) ';' (AddTo (GBP,2,GBP,1))) ';' ((GBP,1) := (GBP,4))) ';' (AddTo (GBP,3,(- 1)))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
IExec ((i3),i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((i3),i1,i2)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Fib i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IExec ((i3),i1,i2)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Fib (i3 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Initialize j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
j1 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i1,i2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i1,i2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i1,i2,2*>) is set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
i1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i1,i2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i1,i2,2*>) is set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card (i1,i2,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (i1,i2,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card ((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom ((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card ((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3)) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card (((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card (((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)))) + (card i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((card (((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)))) + (card i3)) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
2 + (card i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(2 + (card i3)) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
i1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i1,i2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i1,i2,2*>) is set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
stop (i1,i2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(i1,i2,i3) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card (stop (i1,i2,i3)) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (stop (i1,i2,i3)) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 4 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card (i1,i2,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (i1,i2,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card (i1,i2,i3)) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(card i3) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((card i3) + 3) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
i1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card j1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom j1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card j1) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(i1,i2,j1) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i1,i2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i1,i2,2*>) is set
(card j1) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card j1) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card j1) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card j1) + 2)*>) is set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card j1) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card j1) + 2))) ';' j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card j1) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card j1) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card j1) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card j1) + 2))*>) is set
((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card j1) + 2))) ';' j1) ';' (goto (- ((card j1) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
dom (i1,i2,j1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
card (i1,i2,j1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
i1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i1,i2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i1,i2,2*>) is set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
dom (i1,i2,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
i1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i1,i2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i1,i2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i1,i2,2*>) is set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2,i3) . 0 is set
(i1,i2,i3) . 1 is set
(i1,i2,i3) . ((card i3) + 2) is set
i3 ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' (i3 ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card ((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom ((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
card (((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card (((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)))) + (card i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
i1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i1,i2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i1,i2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i1,i2,2*>) is set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i1,i2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (((goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' ((goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i1,i2) <>0_goto 2) ';' ((goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3)) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((i2 . j1),j2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i2 . j1) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i2 . j1) + j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i2 . j1) + j2))) is set
i2 . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),j2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1,j2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(j1,j2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*j1,j2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*j1,j2,2*>) is set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
stop (j1,j2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(j1,j2,i3) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
Initialize i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
i2 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
dom (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() set
(Initialize i2) . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Initialize i2) . j1),j2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Initialize i2) . j1) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Initialize i2) . j1) + j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Initialize i2) . j1) + j2))) is set
(Initialize i2) . (DataLoc (((Initialize i2) . j1),j2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize i2) . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),j2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IC (Initialize i2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize i2) . (IC ) is set
(goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (((goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
0 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),(0 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Following ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)) . (IC ) is set
(i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))) /. (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))))) . (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)) is set
Following ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))) /. (IC (Initialize i2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2))),(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2)))) . (Initialize i2) is set
Exec (((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2),(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2)) . (Initialize i2) is set
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) . (IC ) is set
succ (IC (Initialize i2)) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable set
dom (j1,j2,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
dom (stop (j1,j2,i3)) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))) . 1 is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(stop (j1,j2,i3)) . 1 is set
(j1,j2,i3) . 1 is set
card (j1,j2,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(card i3) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))) /. (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))) . (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),(1 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Following ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))))) . (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) is set
Exec ((goto ((card i3) + 2)),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (goto ((card i3) + 2))) . (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) is set
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),2)) . (IC ) is set
ICplusConst ((Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)),((card i3) + 2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
((card i3) + 2) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
2 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(card i3) + (2 + 1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))) /. (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),2))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))) . (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),2))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))) . ((card i3) + 3) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(stop (j1,j2,i3)) . ((card i3) + 3) is set
CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),2))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
t3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3)) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3)) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,j2,i3))),(Initialize i2),t3)) . (IC ) is set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
i2 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable (card i3) + 3 -started set
K528((IC ),((card i3) + 3)) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K519(K1((IC )),((card i3) + 3)) is V4() Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(((card i3) + 3)) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))))
K1(((card i3) + 3)) is V4() V5() 1 -element V56() V57() set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3)))) is set
i2 +* (Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total (card i3) + 3 -started set
j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((i2 . j1),IF) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i2 . j1) + IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i2 . j1) + IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i2 . j1) + IF))) is set
i2 . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),IF)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1,IF,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(j1,IF) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*j1,IF,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*j1,IF,2*>) is set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
IExec ((j1,IF,i3),i1,(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
stop (j1,IF,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(j1,IF,i3) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Initialize i2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize i2) . (IC ) is set
dom (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() set
(goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2) ';' (((goto ((card i3) + 2)) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
0 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),(0 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Following ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)) . (IC ) is set
(i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))) /. (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0))))) . (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),0)) is set
Following ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))) /. (IC (Initialize i2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2))),(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2)))) . (Initialize i2) is set
Exec (((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2),(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2)) . (Initialize i2) is set
dom (j1,IF,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
dom (stop (j1,IF,i3)) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))) . 1 is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(stop (j1,IF,i3)) . 1 is set
(j1,IF,i3) . 1 is set
(Initialize i2) . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Initialize i2) . j1),IF) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Initialize i2) . j1) + IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Initialize i2) . j1) + IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Initialize i2) . j1) + IF))) is set
(Initialize i2) . (DataLoc (((Initialize i2) . j1),IF)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize i2) . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),IF)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) . (IC ) is set
succ (IC (Initialize i2)) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable set
(i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))) /. (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))) . (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),(1 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Following ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))))) . (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) is set
Exec ((goto ((card i3) + 2)),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (goto ((card i3) + 2))) . (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) is set
IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),2)) . (IC ) is set
ICplusConst ((Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)),((card i3) + 2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
((card i3) + 2) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
2 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(card i3) + (2 + 1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))) /. (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),2))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))) . (IC (Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),2))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
card (j1,IF,i3) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))) . ((card i3) + 3) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(stop (j1,IF,i3)) . ((card i3) + 3) is set
CurInstr ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),2))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Result ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
dom (Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS)) is V4() set
{(IC )} is V4() V5() 1 -element Element of K32( the carrier of SCMPDS)
K32( the carrier of SCMPDS) is set
u is set
dom (IExec ((j1,IF,i3),i1,(Initialize i2))) is V4() set
(IExec ((j1,IF,i3),i1,(Initialize i2))) . u is set
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),2)) . u is set
(Comput ((i1 +* (stop (j1,IF,i3))),(Initialize i2),1)) . u is set
(Initialize i2) . u is set
i2 . u is set
(i2 +* (Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS))) . u is set
(IExec ((j1,IF,i3),i1,(Initialize i2))) . u is set
(i2 +* (Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS))) . u is set
dom (i2 +* (Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS))) is V4() set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
i2 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((i2 . j1),j2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i2 . j1) + j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i2 . j1) + j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i2 . j1) + j2))) is set
i2 . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),j2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1,j2,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(j1,j2) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*j1,j2,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*j1,j2,2*>) is set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((j1,j2) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
IExec ((j1,j2,i3),i1,(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (IExec ((j1,j2,i3),i1,(Initialize i2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IExec ((j1,j2,i3),i1,(Initialize i2))) . (IC ) is set
Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable (card i3) + 3 -started set
K528((IC ),((card i3) + 3)) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K519(K1((IC )),((card i3) + 3)) is V4() Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(((card i3) + 3)) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))))
K1(((card i3) + 3)) is V4() V5() 1 -element V56() V57() set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3)))) is set
i2 +* (Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total (card i3) + 3 -started set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
i2 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((i2 . j1),IF) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i2 . j1) + IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i2 . j1) + IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i2 . j1) + IF))) is set
i2 . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),IF)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1,IF,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(j1,IF) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*j1,IF,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*j1,IF,2*>) is set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((j1,IF) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
IExec ((j1,IF,i3),i1,(Initialize i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((j1,IF,i3),i1,(Initialize i2))) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(card i3) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable (card i3) + 3 -started set
K528((IC ),((card i3) + 3)) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K519(K1((IC )),((card i3) + 3)) is V4() Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(((card i3) + 3)) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))))
K1(((card i3) + 3)) is V4() V5() 1 -element V56() V57() set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(((card i3) + 3)))) is set
i2 +* (Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total (card i3) + 3 -started set
dom (Start-At (((card i3) + 3),SCMPDS)) is V4() set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
Shift (i1,2) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like V45() countable set
i2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i2,i3,i1) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i2,i3) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i2,i3,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i2,i3,2*>) is set
card i1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i1) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i1) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i1) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i1) + 2)*>) is set
((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i1) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i1) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i1) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i1) + 2))*>) is set
((((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1) ';' (goto (- ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card (((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
Load (goto (- ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
((((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1) ';' (Load (goto (- ((card i1) + 2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
i2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() shiftable set
(i2,i3,i1) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i2,i3) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i2,i3,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i2,i3,2*>) is set
card i1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i1) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i1) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i1) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i1) + 2)*>) is set
((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i1) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i1) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i1) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i1) + 2))*>) is set
((((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1) ';' (goto (- ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
card ((((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom ((((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
card (((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card (((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2)))) + (card i1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
2 + (card i1) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Load ((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
Load (goto ((card i1) + 2)) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(Load ((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2)) ';' (Load (goto ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((Load ((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2)) ';' (Load (goto ((card i1) + 2)))) ';' i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(card ((((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1)) + (- ((card i1) + 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
(i2,i3,i1) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(i2,i3) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*i2,i3,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*i2,i3,2*>) is set
card i1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i1) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i1) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i1) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i1) + 2)*>) is set
((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i1) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i1) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i1) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i1) + 2))*>) is set
((((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i1) + 2))) ';' i1) ';' (goto (- ((card i1) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
j1 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
(((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' j1) ';' i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
j2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
((((i2,i3) <>0_goto 2) ';' j1) ';' i1) ';' j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
F2() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F5() is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
F2() . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(F2() . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()))) is set
F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
(F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
(F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*F5(),F6(),2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*F5(),F6(),2*>) is set
card F4() is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom F4() is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card F4()) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card F4()) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card F4()) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card F4()) + 2)*>) is set
((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2))) ';' F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card F4()) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card F4()) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card F4()) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card F4()) + 2))*>) is set
((((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2))) ';' F4()) ';' (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
F3() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Initialize F2() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
F2() +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
stop (F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(F5(),F6(),F4()) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
stop F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
F4() ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
k2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k2 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Initialize WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
WB +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize WB)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
WB . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),WH,WB) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec (F4(),WH,WB)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
dom (stop (F5(),F6(),F4())) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(goto ((card F4()) + 2)) ';' F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((goto ((card F4()) + 2)) ';' F4()) ';' (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (((goto ((card F4()) + 2)) ';' F4()) ';' (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
dom (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() set
WH +* (stop F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4())) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Initialize WB) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize WB) . (IC ) is set
(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(card F4()) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
Shift (F4(),2) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like V45() countable set
0 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(0 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Following ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0)) . (IC ) is set
(WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0)))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0))))) . (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),0)) is set
Following ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Initialize WB)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB))),(Initialize WB)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB)))) . (Initialize WB) is set
Exec (((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2),(Initialize WB)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2)) . (Initialize WB) is set
bj is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(Initialize WB) . bj is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)) . bj is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataPart (Initialize WB) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
NonZero SCMPDS is Element of K32( the carrier of SCMPDS)
K32( the carrier of SCMPDS) is set
(Initialize WB) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
(WH +* (stop F4())) +* (stop F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialize WB) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize WB) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec (F4(),WH,(Initialize WB)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Result ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec (F4(),WH,(Initialize WB))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),WH,(Initialize WB))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize WB) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Initialize WB) . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Initialize WB) . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Initialize WB) . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Initialize WB) . F5()) + F6()))) is set
(Initialize WB) . (DataLoc (((Initialize WB) . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize WB) . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)) . (IC ) is set
ICplusConst ((Initialize WB),2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
0 + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))))) . (IC ) is set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))) . (IC ) is set
(WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1)))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) . (IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1)))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1)))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) . ((card F4()) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(F5(),F6(),F4()) . ((card F4()) + 2) is set
Following ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1)))))) . (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))) is set
Exec ((goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2)))) . (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))) is set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))) . (IC ) is set
0 - ((card F4()) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
ICplusConst ((Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))),(0 - ((card F4()) + 2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4())) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Comput ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))))) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))))) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))))) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))))) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
DataPart (Result ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Result ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
DataPart (IExec (F4(),WH,(Initialize WB))) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(IExec (F4(),WH,(Initialize WB))) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
InsCode (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of InsCodes the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
InsCodes the InstructionsF of SCMPDS is V4() set
Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),WH,(Initialize WB))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
F1((Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB),(LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Result ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1)))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1)))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
bj is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput (((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))))),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput (((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))))),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput (((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1))))),bj)) . (IC ) is set
bj is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) . (IC ) is set
EP is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
EP + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
nn is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB),nn) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB),nn)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB),nn)) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB),nn))) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),nn) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),nn)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),1)),nn)) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) . (IC ) is set
nn is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
nn + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (stop F4()) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
card (stop F4()) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(card F4()) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((card F4()) + 1) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(card F4()) + 4 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card (stop (F5(),F6(),F4())) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) . (IC ) is set
bj is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
EP is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1) + EP is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
nn is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput (((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),(((LifeSpan ((WH +* (stop F4())),(Initialize WB))) + 1) + 1)))),nn) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((WH +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize WB),bj)) . (IC ) is set
bj is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Initialize WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
WB +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize WB)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
F1(F2()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Initialize WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
WB +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize WB)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
(Initialize WB) . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Initialize WB is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
WB +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize WB)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
WB . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
WH is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
F2() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F5() is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
F2() . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(F2() . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()))) is set
F2() . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
(F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
(F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*F5(),F6(),2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*F5(),F6(),2*>) is set
card F4() is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom F4() is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card F4()) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card F4()) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card F4()) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card F4()) + 2)*>) is set
((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2))) ';' F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card F4()) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card F4()) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card F4()) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card F4()) + 2))*>) is set
((((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2))) ';' F4()) ';' (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
F3() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),F3(),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
(IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),F3(),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize F2() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F2() +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
stop (F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(F5(),F6(),F4()) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4())) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
stop F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
F4() ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
F3() +* (stop F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(F3() +* (stop F4())) +* (stop F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC F2() is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
F2() . (IC ) is set
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2()))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(goto ((card F4()) + 2)) ';' F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((goto ((card F4()) + 2)) ';' F4()) ';' (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (((goto ((card F4()) + 2)) ';' F4()) ';' (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(card F4()) + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1) + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Result ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
m0 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(m0) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
m0 . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
m0 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
m0 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
m0 . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Es is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),Es,m0) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec (F4(),Es,m0)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F1(m0) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize (IExec (F4(),Es,m0)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),Es,m0)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),Es,m0)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
0 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(0 + 1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Following ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0)) . (IC ) is set
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0)))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0))))) . (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),0)) is set
Following ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2()) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC F2()) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Exec ((CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2())),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2())) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2()))) . F2() is set
Exec (((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2)) . F2() is set
Shift (F4(),2) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like V45() countable set
m0 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
F2() . m0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)) . m0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataPart F2() is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
NonZero SCMPDS is Element of K32( the carrier of SCMPDS)
K32( the carrier of SCMPDS) is set
F2() | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)) . (IC ) is set
ICplusConst (F2(),2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
0 + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())))) . (IC ) is set
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1))) . (IC ) is set
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1)))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) . (IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1)))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1)))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) . ((card F4()) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(F5(),F6(),F4()) . ((card F4()) + 2) is set
Following ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1))))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1))))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1)))))) . (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1))) is set
Exec ((goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2)))) . (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1))) is set
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1) + 1))) . (IC ) is set
0 - ((card F4()) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
ICplusConst ((Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1))),(0 - ((card F4()) + 2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
IC (Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2(),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2()))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2(),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())))) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2(),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())))) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())))) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())))) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
m0 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
dom (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() set
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),1)),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())))) . m0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2(),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())))) . m0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Result ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) . m0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())) . m0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1) + 1))) . m0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . m0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataPart (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1) + 1))) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 1) + 1))) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
DataPart (Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible data-only set
(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) | (NonZero SCMPDS) is Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined NonZero SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible set
LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())) . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())) . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())) . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())) . F5()) + F6()))) is set
(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . F5()) + F6()))) is set
nn is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(nn) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
nn . (DataLoc (((Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
nn is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
nn . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
nn . (DataLoc (((Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
nn is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),nn,nn) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec (F4(),nn,nn)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F1(nn) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize (IExec (F4(),nn,nn)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),nn,nn)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),nn,nn)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize (Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2)))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2)))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
nn is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2) + nn is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2) + (LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2) + (LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))))))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2) + (LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())))))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2) + (LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())))))))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())))))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))))))) . (IC ) is set
CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2) + (LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))))))))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(((LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop F4())),F2())) + 2) + (LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))))))))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())))))))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())))))))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
nn is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2(),(LifeSpan ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2()))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),nn) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
CurInstr ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),nn))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),nn)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),nn)) . (IC ) is set
(F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))) /. (IC (Comput ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2()))),nn))) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Result ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Result ((F3() +* (stop (F5(),F6(),F4()))),(Initialize (IExec (F4(),F3(),F2())))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
F2() is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F5() is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
F2() . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(F2() . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((F2() . F5()) + F6()))) is set
F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
(F5(),F6(),F4()) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
(F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*F5(),F6(),2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*F5(),F6(),2*>) is set
card F4() is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom F4() is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card F4()) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card F4()) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card F4()) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card F4()) + 2)*>) is set
((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2))) ';' F4() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card F4()) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card F4()) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card F4()) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card F4()) + 2))*>) is set
((((F5(),F6()) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card F4()) + 2))) ';' F4()) ';' (goto (- ((card F4()) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
F3() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),F3(),F2()) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),F3(),F2())) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
(IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),F3(),F2())) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),F3(),F2())))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(i3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i3 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize i3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
DataLoc ((i3 . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i3 . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i3 . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i3 . F5()) + F6()))) is set
i3 . (DataLoc ((i3 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3)) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
i3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i3 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
j1 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
j1 . (DataLoc ((F2() . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (F4(),j2,j1)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
DataLoc ((j1 . F5()),F6()) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(j1 . F5()) + F6() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((j1 . F5()) + F6()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((j1 . F5()) + F6()))) is set
k1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
k1 . (DataLoc ((j1 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
H1( Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1))) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
k1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
k1 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 . (DataLoc ((j1 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (F4(),k2,k1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec (F4(),k2,k1)) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
F1(k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Initialize (IExec (F4(),k2,k1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (F4(),k2,k1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec (F4(),k2,k1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 . (DataLoc ((j1 . F5()),F6())) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,(Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(Initialize (IExec (F4(),j2,j1))) . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(j1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
j1 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j2,j1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
F1(F2()) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1(i3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i3 . F5() is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
F1((Initialize (IExec ((F5(),F6(),F4()),j1,i3)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
IExec (i3,i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec (i3,i1,i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
(IExec (i3,i1,i2)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i2 . j2) - (i2 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (k2,k1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
k2 + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (k2 + k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (k2 + k1))) is set
i2 . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1,k1,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
(j1,k1) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*j1,k1,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*j1,k1,2*>) is set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((j1,k1) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((j1,k1) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((j1,k1) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i2 . j1) + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i2 . j1) + k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i2 . j1) + k1))) is set
i2 . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,(Initialize (IExec (i3,i1,i2)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
WH is V4() Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCMPDS) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCMPDS), NAT ) V35() V36() V37() V38() Element of K32(K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT))
GA is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
GA . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
GA . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (i3,P,GA) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (i3,P,GA)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Q1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Q1 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Q1 . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Q1 . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Q1 . j2) - (Q1 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Q1 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Q1 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Q1 . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Q1 . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Q1 . j2) - (Q1 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
GA . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
GA . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
GA . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(GA . j2) - (Q1 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(GA . j2) - (GA . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
max ((GA . j2),(GA . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
(GA . IF) - (GA . j2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
max ((GA . j2),(GA . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max ((GA . j2),(GA . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max ((GA . j2),(GA . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
(WH,GA) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(WH,(Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (GA . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (GA . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs (GA . j2)),(abs (GA . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
max ((GA . j2),(abs (GA . IF))) is V24() V25() ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . j2)),(abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
abs ((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs ((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2)),(abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
abs ((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs ((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2)),(abs ((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
max (((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2),(abs ((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF))) is V24() V25() ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,P,GA))) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (i3,P,GA)) . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . j2) - ((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t3 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
t3 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t3 . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t3 . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t3 . j2) - (t3 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t3 . j2) - ((IExec (i3,P,GA)) . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
GA is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(WH,GA) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
GA . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
P . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(P . j2) - (P . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
P . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(P . j2) - (P . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
GA . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
GA . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (GA . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (GA . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs (GA . j2)),(abs (GA . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(GA . j2) - (P . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(GA . j2) - (GA . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(GBP,3) := (GBP,1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
(GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1) is No-StopCode shiftable parahalting Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
(if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
(GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
(GBP,3) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*GBP,3,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*GBP,3,2*>) is set
card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2)*>) is set
((GBP,3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((GBP,3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2))) ';' (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2))*>) is set
((((GBP,3) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2))) ';' (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) ';' (goto (- ((card (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) ';' (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) set
() is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
i1 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
i2 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
j1 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
j2 is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IF is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
i2 . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i2 . j2) - (i2 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(i2 . j2) gcd (i2 . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
k2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (k2,k1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
k2 + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (k2 + k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (k2 + k1))) is set
i2 . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(j1,k1,i3) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() halt-free V153( SCMPDS ) shiftable set
(j1,k1) <>0_goto 2 is No-StopCode Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*j1,k1,2*> is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like V45() 3 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(4,0,<*j1,k1,2*>) is set
card i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom i3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card i3) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
goto ((card i3) + 2) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*((card i3) + 2)*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*((card i3) + 2)*>) is set
((j1,k1) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2)) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
(((j1,k1) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
- ((card i3) + 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real non positive set
goto (- ((card i3) + 2)) is Element of the InstructionsF of SCMPDS
<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*> is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined Function-like constant V45() 1 -element FinSequence-like FinSubsequence-like countable set
K15(14,0,<*(- ((card i3) + 2))*>) is set
((((j1,k1) <>0_goto 2) ';' (goto ((card i3) + 2))) ';' i3) ';' (goto (- ((card i3) + 2))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2)) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2)) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(i2 . j1) + k1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((i2 . j1) + k1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((i2 . j1) + k1))) is set
WH is V4() Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCMPDS) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCMPDS), NAT ) V35() V36() V37() V38() Element of K32(K33((product (the_Values_of SCMPDS)),NAT))
s is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
s . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec (i3,t0,s) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
(IExec (i3,t0,s)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
a . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(a . j2) gcd (a . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(a . j2) - (a . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
a . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
a . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(a . j2) gcd (a . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
a . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(a . j2) - (a . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . j2) - (a . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . j2) - (s . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . IF) - (s . j2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2) gcd ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(s . j2) gcd (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
max ((s . j2),(s . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2) gcd ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(s . j2) gcd (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
max ((s . j2),(s . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2) gcd ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(s . j2) gcd (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
max ((s . j2),(s . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2) gcd ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(s . j2) gcd (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
max ((s . j2),(s . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF)) is V24() V25() ext-real set
(WH,s) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(WH,(Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (s . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs (s . j2)),(abs (s . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
max ((s . j2),(abs (s . IF))) is V24() V25() ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . j2)),(abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
abs ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2)),(abs ((Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
abs ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2)),(abs ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
max (((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2),(abs ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF))) is V24() V25() ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec (i3,t0,s))) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (i3,t0,s)) . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2) - ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
u is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
u . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
u . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(u . j2) gcd (u . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
u . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(u . j2) - (u . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . j2) gcd (u . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(a . j2) gcd (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(u . j2) - ((IExec (i3,t0,s)) . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(WH,s) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
s . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
t0 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t0 . j2) gcd (t0 . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
t0 . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t0 . j2) - (t0 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
t0 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t0 . j2) gcd (t0 . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
t0 . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t0 . j2) - (t0 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . j2) - (t0 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . j2) - (s . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (s . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
max ((abs (s . j2)),(abs (s . IF))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
Initialize (IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(WH,(Initialize (IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
s is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
s . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . j2) gcd (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
s . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . j2) - (s . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
s . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . j2) gcd (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
s . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . j2) - (s . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2))) . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2)) . (DataLoc ((i2 . j1),k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2))) . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((j1,k1,i3),i1,i2))) . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
t0 . j2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 . IF is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t0 . j2) gcd (t0 . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
t0 . (DataLoc (k2,k1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t0 . j2) - (t0 . IF) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (s . j2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
abs (s . IF) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(abs (s . j2)) gcd (abs (s . IF)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
card ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)))) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card (if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card (if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)))))) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((card (if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)))))) + 1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))) is V4() V5() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal 1 -element V56() countable V74() set
card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))) is V4() V5() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal 1 -element V56() countable V74() set
(card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)))) + (card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)))) + (card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(((card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)))) + (card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) + 2) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((((card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)))) + (card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) + 2) + 1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
1 + (card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(1 + (card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((1 + (card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) + 2) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(((1 + (card (Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) + 2) + 1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
1 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(1 + 1) + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((1 + 1) + 2) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(((1 + 1) + 2) + 1) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
6 + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card () is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom () is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
12 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) + (card (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
card ((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
dom ((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
(card ((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)))) + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
((card ((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)))) + 1) + (card (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
2 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
(2 + 1) + 9 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
GA is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
P is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
P . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),GA,P) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(P . (intpos 1)) - (P . (intpos 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(P . (intpos 2)) - (P . (intpos 1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . (intpos 1)) - ((IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . (intpos 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP),3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 3))) is set
0 + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 3)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 3)) is set
(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) . (IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) is set
(Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP),1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 1))) is set
(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . (DataLoc (((IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . GBP),1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
0 + 1 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 1)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 1)) is set
(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . (intpos (0 + 1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(IExec ((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))),GA,P)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP),3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 3))) is set
Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) . (IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) is set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP),2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP) + 2))) is set
(IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . (DataLoc (((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP),2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . (intpos 3)) - ((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . (DataLoc (((IExec (((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP),2))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((P . GBP),3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(P . GBP) + 3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((P . GBP) + 3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((P . GBP) + 3))) is set
(P . GBP) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((P . GBP) + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
DataLoc ((P . GBP),1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K4(1,(abs ((P . GBP) + 1))) is set
IExec ((Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),GA,P) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)),P) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))) . P is set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)),P)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)),P)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc ((P . GBP),2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
(P . GBP) + 2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs ((P . GBP) + 2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs ((P . GBP) + 2))) is set
P . (DataLoc ((P . GBP),2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(P . (intpos 1)) - (P . (DataLoc ((P . GBP),2))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
0 + 2 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 2)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 2)) is set
P . (intpos (0 + 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(P . (intpos 1)) - (P . (intpos (0 + 2))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),GA,P)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2)),P)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))),GA,P) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))),GA,P)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)),P) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))) . P is set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)),P)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))),GA,P)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)),P)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . (DataLoc ((P . GBP),1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(P . (intpos 2)) - (P . (DataLoc ((P . GBP),1))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P . (intpos (0 + 1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(P . (intpos 2)) - (P . (intpos (0 + 1))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))),GA,P)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1)),P)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
GA is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
s is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
s . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . (intpos 1)) - (s . (intpos 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec ((GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))),GA,s) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))),GA,s)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . (intpos 1)) gcd (s . (intpos 2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(IExec ((GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))),GA,s)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (0,3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
0 + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable set
abs (0 + 3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (0 + 3))) is set
0 + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 3)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 3)) is set
t0 is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
t0 . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 . (DataLoc (0,3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t0 . (intpos 1)) - (t0 . (intpos 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Q0 is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),Q0,t0) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),Q0,t0)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),Q0,t0)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),Q0,t0)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(t0 . (intpos 2)) - (t0 . (intpos 1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),Q0,t0)) . (DataLoc (0,3)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),Q0,t0)) . (intpos 1)) - ((IExec ((((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),Q0,t0)) . (intpos 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
s is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
s . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) ';' (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))))),P,s) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) ';' (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))))),P,s)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(s . (intpos 1)) gcd (s . (intpos 2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(IExec (((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) ';' (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))))),P,s)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize s is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
Start-At (0,SCMPDS) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible V45() countable 0 -started set
K528((IC ),0) is V5() INT -valued V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding set
K1((IC )) is V4() V5() 1 -element set
K519(K1((IC )),0) is V4() Relation-like K1((IC )) -defined INT -valued K1(0) -valued Function-like total V29(K1((IC )),K1(0)) V35() V36() V37() V38() Cardinal-yielding Element of K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)))
K1(0) is V4() V5() functional 1 -element with_common_domain set
K33(K1((IC )),K1(0)) is Relation-like set
K32(K33(K1((IC )),K1(0))) is set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
Exec ((GBP := 0),s) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) is V4() functional set
the Execution of SCMPDS is V4() Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -defined K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) Element of K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))))
K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))) is Relation-like set
K32(K33( the InstructionsF of SCMPDS,K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS))))) is set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (GBP := 0) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (GBP := 0)) . s is set
(Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP),3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP) + 3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP) + 3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP) + 3))) is set
0 + 3 is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real positive non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable Element of NAT
intpos (0 + 3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
K540((0 + 3)) is Int-like Element of the carrier of K531()
K4(1,(0 + 3)) is set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(Exec ((GBP := 0),s))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) . (Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) is set
(Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(Exec ((GBP := 0),s)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(Exec ((GBP := 0),s)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP),1) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP) + 1 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP) + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP) + 1))) is set
(Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . (DataLoc (((Exec ((GBP := 0),s)) . GBP),1)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(Exec ((GBP := 0),s)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((GBP,3) := (GBP,1)),(Exec ((GBP := 0),s)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP),3) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP) + 3 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP) + 3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP) + 3))) is set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
the Execution of SCMPDS . (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K162((product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCMPDS (#) the ValuesF of SCMPDS)))
( the Execution of SCMPDS . (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))) . (IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) is set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)),(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
DataLoc (((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP),2) is Int-like Element of the carrier of SCMPDS
((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP) + 2 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
abs (((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP) + 2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
K4(1,(abs (((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP) + 2))) is set
(IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . (DataLoc (((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP),2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . (intpos 3)) - ((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . (DataLoc (((IExec (((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))),P,s)) . GBP),2))) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) . (intpos 1)) - ((IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) . (intpos 2)) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))) . GBP is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))) . (intpos 3) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
stop (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
P +* (stop (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
dom (stop (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))))) is V4() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal V56() countable V74() set
u is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
Comput ((P +* (stop (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))))),(Initialize (Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)))),u) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((P +* (stop (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))))),(Initialize (Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)))),u)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable Element of NAT
(Comput ((P +* (stop (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))))),(Initialize (Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)))),u)) . (IC ) is set
stop (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
K486(SCMPDS) is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() non halt-free V152( SCMPDS ) V153( SCMPDS ) paraclosed parahalting shiftable set
Load is V4() V5() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like constant T-Sequence-like V45() 1 -element countable V143() V153( SCMPDS ) set
(GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))) ';' K486(SCMPDS) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like T-Sequence-like V45() countable V143() set
P +* (stop (GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))))) is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))) +* (Start-At (0,SCMPDS)) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec ((GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))),P,(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)))) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))),P,(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))))) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
((IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) . (intpos 1)) gcd ((IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s)) . (intpos 2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(IExec ((GBP,3,(((if>0 (GBP,3,(Load (SubFrom (GBP,1,GBP,2))),(Load (SubFrom (GBP,2,GBP,1))))) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2)))),P,(Initialize (IExec ((((GBP := 0) ';' ((GBP,3) := (GBP,1))) ';' (SubFrom (GBP,3,GBP,2))),P,s))))) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total 0 -started set
s . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
s . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
Q0 is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
P is V4() Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCMPDS -valued Function-like total set
IExec ((),P,s) is V4() Relation-like the carrier of SCMPDS -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCMPDS -compatible total set
(IExec ((),P,s)) . (intpos 1) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set
t0 gcd Q0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V24() V25() integer ext-real non negative V45() cardinal countable set
(IExec ((),P,s)) . (intpos 2) is V24() V25() integer ext-real set