:: SCMFSA9A semantic presentation

REAL is non empty V2() V32() V79() set
NAT is non empty V2() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal V32() countable denumerable V79() Element of K6(REAL)
K6(REAL) is non empty V79() cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
SCM+FSA is V58() with_non-empty_values IC-Ins-separated strict V105(3) with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V161(3) AMI-Struct over 3
3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
the U1 of SCM+FSA is non empty set
COMPLEX is non empty V2() V32() V79() set
NAT is non empty V2() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal V32() countable denumerable V79() set
K6(NAT) is non empty V79() cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
K6(NAT) is non empty V79() cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
9 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Segm 9 is countable Element of K6(NAT)
Int-Locations is non empty set
K236() is set
K6(K236()) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
2 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
K7(K236(),2) is Relation-like set
K6(K7(K236(),2)) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
K238() is Relation-like K236() -defined 2 -valued Function-like total V29(K236(),2) Element of K6(K7(K236(),2))
K239() is non empty Relation-like 2 -defined Function-like total set
K238() (#) K239() is Relation-like K236() -defined Function-like total set
product (K238() (#) K239()) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K230() is non empty set
K127((product (K238() (#) K239())),(product (K238() (#) K239()))) is non empty functional set
K7(K230(),K127((product (K238() (#) K239())),(product (K238() (#) K239())))) is Relation-like set
K6(K7(K230(),K127((product (K238() (#) K239())),(product (K238() (#) K239()))))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA) is non empty V79() cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like standard-ins V87() J/A-independent V90() set
INT is non empty V2() V32() V79() set
the_Values_of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like total set
the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined 3 -valued Function-like total V29( the U1 of SCM+FSA,3) Element of K6(K7( the U1 of SCM+FSA,3))
K7( the U1 of SCM+FSA,3) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the U1 of SCM+FSA,3)) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the ValuesF of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like 3 -defined Function-like total set
the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like total set
Int-Locations is non empty Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
K6(Int-Locations) is non empty V79() cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
K7(NAT,K6(NAT)) is Relation-like set
K6(K7(NAT,K6(NAT))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
FinPartSt SCM+FSA is non empty functional Element of K6((sproduct (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)))
sproduct (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) is non empty functional set
K6((sproduct (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))) is non empty V79() cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
{ b1 where b1 is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible Element of sproduct (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) : b1 is V32() } is set
K7((FinPartSt SCM+FSA),(FinPartSt SCM+FSA)) is Relation-like set
K6(K7((FinPartSt SCM+FSA),(FinPartSt SCM+FSA))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) is non empty functional with_common_domain product-like set
K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))) is Relation-like set
K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
RAT is non empty V2() V32() V79() set
K548() is V58() with_non-empty_values IC-Ins-separated strict strict V105(2) AMI-Struct over 2
the InstructionsF of K548() is non empty Relation-like standard-ins V87() J/A-independent V90() set
the U1 of K548() is non empty set
the_Values_of K548() is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding the U1 of K548() -defined Function-like total set
the Object-Kind of K548() is non empty Relation-like the U1 of K548() -defined 2 -valued Function-like total V29( the U1 of K548(),2) Element of K6(K7( the U1 of K548(),2))
K7( the U1 of K548(),2) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the U1 of K548(),2)) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the ValuesF of K548() is non empty Relation-like 2 -defined Function-like total set
the Object-Kind of K548() (#) the ValuesF of K548() is non empty Relation-like the U1 of K548() -defined Function-like total set
Fin Int-Locations is non empty cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
FinSeq-Locations is non empty V2() V32() V79() Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
Fin FinSeq-Locations is non empty cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
K6(FinSeq-Locations) is non empty V79() cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
{} is empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V11() V12() integer Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined Function-like one-to-one constant functional V32() V33() V36() V40() V41() V42() Function-yielding V52() Cardinal-yielding countable V85() ext-real non positive non negative set
0 is empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V11() V12() integer Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined Function-like one-to-one constant functional V32() V33() V36() V40() V41() V42() Function-yielding V52() Cardinal-yielding countable V85() ext-real non positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc 1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
IC is V65( SCM+FSA ) Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
halt SCM+FSA is ins-loc-free V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
halt the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA is ins-loc-free with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
intloc 0 is V77() read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
UsedIntLoc (halt SCM+FSA) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin Int-Locations)) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin Int-Locations))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin FinSeq-Locations)) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin FinSeq-Locations))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Stop SCM+FSA is non empty V2() T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like constant V32() countable V85() non halt-free V94( SCM+FSA ) V95( SCM+FSA ) keeping_0 good V163(3, SCM+FSA ) paraclosed parahalting set
K292((halt SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (halt SCM+FSA) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} is non empty functional V32() V36() with_common_domain countable set
{0} --> (halt SCM+FSA) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(halt SCM+FSA)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(halt SCM+FSA)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(halt SCM+FSA)}))
{(halt SCM+FSA)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(halt SCM+FSA)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(halt SCM+FSA)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Goto 0 is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
6 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
goto 0 is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
goto 2 is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
5 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
goto 3 is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Start-At (0,SCM+FSA) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
(IC ) .--> 0 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(IC )} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() Function-yielding V52() countable set
{(IC )} is non empty V32() countable set
{(IC )} --> 0 is non empty Relation-like {(IC )} -defined NAT -valued {0} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(IC )},{0}) V32() Function-yielding V52() countable Element of K6(K7({(IC )},{0}))
K7({(IC )},{0}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(IC )},{0})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
D is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
SAt is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
D .--> SAt is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {D} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{D} is non empty V32() countable set
{D} --> SAt is non empty Relation-like {D} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {SAt} -valued Function-like constant total V29({D},{SAt}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({D},{SAt}))
{SAt} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({D},{SAt}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({D},{SAt})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
UsedIntLoc (D .--> SAt) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc SAt is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
s is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin Int-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin Int-Locations)))
(D .--> SAt) (#) s is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union ((D .--> SAt) (#) s) is set
dom s is non empty set
{D} --> SAt is non empty Relation-like {D} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like constant total V29({D}, the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({D}, the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA))
K7({D}, the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) is Relation-like set
K6(K7({D}, the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA)) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
s * ({D} --> SAt) is non empty Relation-like {D} -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like total V29({D}, Fin Int-Locations) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({D},(Fin Int-Locations)))
K7({D},(Fin Int-Locations)) is Relation-like set
K6(K7({D},(Fin Int-Locations))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
rng (s * ({D} --> SAt)) is non empty V32() countable set
union (rng (s * ({D} --> SAt))) is set
s . SAt is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
{D} --> (s . SAt) is non empty Relation-like {D} -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like constant total V29({D}, Fin Int-Locations) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({D},(Fin Int-Locations)))
{(s . SAt)} is non empty V32() V36() countable set
K7({D},{(s . SAt)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
rng ({D} --> (s . SAt)) is non empty V2() V32() countable set
union (rng ({D} --> (s . SAt))) is set
union {(s . SAt)} is V32() countable set
{(UsedIntLoc SAt)} is non empty V32() V36() countable set
union {(UsedIntLoc SAt)} is V32() countable set
D is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
SAt is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
D .--> SAt is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {D} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{D} is non empty V32() countable set
{D} --> SAt is non empty Relation-like {D} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {SAt} -valued Function-like constant total V29({D},{SAt}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({D},{SAt}))
{SAt} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({D},{SAt}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({D},{SAt})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
UsedInt*Loc (D .--> SAt) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc SAt is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
s is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin FinSeq-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin FinSeq-Locations)))
(D .--> SAt) (#) s is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union ((D .--> SAt) (#) s) is set
dom s is non empty set
{D} --> SAt is non empty Relation-like {D} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like constant total V29({D}, the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({D}, the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA))
K7({D}, the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) is Relation-like set
K6(K7({D}, the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA)) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
s * ({D} --> SAt) is non empty Relation-like {D} -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like total V29({D}, Fin FinSeq-Locations) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({D},(Fin FinSeq-Locations)))
K7({D},(Fin FinSeq-Locations)) is Relation-like set
K6(K7({D},(Fin FinSeq-Locations))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
rng (s * ({D} --> SAt)) is non empty V32() countable set
union (rng (s * ({D} --> SAt))) is set
s . SAt is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
{D} --> (s . SAt) is non empty Relation-like {D} -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like constant total V29({D}, Fin FinSeq-Locations) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({D},(Fin FinSeq-Locations)))
{(s . SAt)} is non empty V32() V36() countable set
K7({D},{(s . SAt)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
rng ({D} --> (s . SAt)) is non empty V2() V32() countable set
union (rng ({D} --> (s . SAt))) is set
union {(s . SAt)} is V32() countable set
{(UsedInt*Loc SAt)} is non empty V32() V36() countable set
union {(UsedInt*Loc SAt)} is V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc (Stop SCM+FSA) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc (Stop SCM+FSA) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc (halt SCM+FSA) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
D is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Goto D is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
UsedIntLoc (Goto D) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
goto D is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
0 .--> (goto D) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (goto D) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto D)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(goto D)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(goto D)}))
{(goto D)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(goto D)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(goto D)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
UsedIntLoc (goto D) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
D is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Goto D is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
UsedInt*Loc (Goto D) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
goto D is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
0 .--> (goto D) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (goto D) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto D)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(goto D)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(goto D)}))
{(goto D)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(goto D)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(goto D)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
UsedInt*Loc (goto D) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
Int-Locations \/ FinSeq-Locations is non empty Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
{p} is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedIntLoc s is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
{p} \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
if=0 (p,s,N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
UsedIntLoc (if=0 (p,s,N)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc N is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
({p} \/ (UsedIntLoc s)) \/ (UsedIntLoc N) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
card N is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom N is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card N) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
p =0_goto ((card N) + 3) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card s) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Goto ((card s) + 1) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
K320(SCM+FSA,(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))}))
{(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))) ";" N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (N,(card (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (N,(card (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (N,(card (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))),(card (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) +* (Reloc (N,(card (Macro (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))),(card ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) +* (Reloc ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (s,(card (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (s,(card (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (s,(card (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))),(card (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) +* (Reloc (s,(card (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))),(card ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
UsedIntLoc (((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc ((((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)) \/ {} is V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc (((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc (Goto ((card s) + 1)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
((UsedIntLoc ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ {} is V32() countable set
((UsedIntLoc ((p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ {}) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
(UsedIntLoc (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))) \/ (UsedIntLoc N) is V32() countable set
((UsedIntLoc (p =0_goto ((card N) + 3))) \/ (UsedIntLoc N)) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is V32() countable set
{p} \/ (UsedIntLoc N) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
({p} \/ (UsedIntLoc N)) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
p is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedInt*Loc p is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedInt*Loc s is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc p) \/ (UsedInt*Loc s) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
result is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
if=0 (result,p,s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
UsedInt*Loc (if=0 (result,p,s)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card s) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
result =0_goto ((card s) + 3) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
card p is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom p is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card p) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Goto ((card p) + 1) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
K320(SCM+FSA,(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))}))
{(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))) ";" s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (s,(card (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (s,(card (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (s,(card (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)))))),(card (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)))))) +* (Reloc (s,(card (Macro (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto ((card p) + 1)),(card ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto ((card p) + 1)),(card ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto ((card p) + 1)),(card ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)))),(card ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)))) +* (Reloc ((Goto ((card p) + 1)),(card ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (p,(card (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (p,(card (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (p,(card (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1)))))),(card (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1)))))) +* (Reloc (p,(card (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p)))),(card ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p)))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
UsedInt*Loc (((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc ((((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) ";" p)) \/ {} is V32() countable set
UsedInt*Loc (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc (((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) ";" (Goto ((card p) + 1)))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc p) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc (Goto ((card p) + 1)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Goto ((card p) + 1))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
((UsedInt*Loc ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Goto ((card p) + 1)))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc p) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)) \/ {} is V32() countable set
((UsedInt*Loc ((result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) ";" s)) \/ {}) \/ (UsedInt*Loc p) is V32() countable set
UsedInt*Loc (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3)) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
(UsedInt*Loc (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc s) is V32() countable set
((UsedInt*Loc (result =0_goto ((card s) + 3))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc s)) \/ (UsedInt*Loc p) is V32() countable set
{} \/ (UsedInt*Loc s) is V32() countable set
({} \/ (UsedInt*Loc s)) \/ (UsedInt*Loc p) is V32() countable set
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
{p} is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedIntLoc s is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
{p} \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
if>0 (p,s,N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
UsedIntLoc (if>0 (p,s,N)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc N is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
({p} \/ (UsedIntLoc s)) \/ (UsedIntLoc N) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
card N is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom N is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card N) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
p >0_goto ((card N) + 3) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card s) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Goto ((card s) + 1) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
K320(SCM+FSA,(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))}))
{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) ";" N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (N,(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (N,(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (N,(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))),(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) +* (Reloc (N,(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) +* (Reloc ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (s,(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (s,(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (s,(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))),(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) +* (Reloc (s,(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
UsedIntLoc (((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)) \/ {} is V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc (Goto ((card s) + 1)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
((UsedIntLoc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ {} is V32() countable set
((UsedIntLoc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ {}) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
(UsedIntLoc (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) \/ (UsedIntLoc N) is V32() countable set
((UsedIntLoc (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) \/ (UsedIntLoc N)) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is V32() countable set
{p} \/ (UsedIntLoc N) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
({p} \/ (UsedIntLoc N)) \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedInt*Loc s is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
if>0 (p,s,N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
UsedInt*Loc (if>0 (p,s,N)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc N is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc s) \/ (UsedInt*Loc N) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
card N is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom N is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card N) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
p >0_goto ((card N) + 3) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card s) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Goto ((card s) + 1) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
K320(SCM+FSA,(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))}))
{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) ";" N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (N,(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (N,(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (N,(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))),(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) +* (Reloc (N,(card (Macro (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) +* (Reloc ((Goto ((card s) + 1)),(card ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (s,(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (s,(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (s,(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))),(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) +* (Reloc (s,(card (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
UsedInt*Loc (((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc ((((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) ";" s)) \/ {} is V32() countable set
UsedInt*Loc (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc (((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) ";" (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc s) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc (Goto ((card s) + 1)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Goto ((card s) + 1))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
((UsedInt*Loc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Goto ((card s) + 1)))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc s) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ {} is V32() countable set
((UsedInt*Loc ((p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) ";" N)) \/ {}) \/ (UsedInt*Loc s) is V32() countable set
UsedInt*Loc (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3)) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
(UsedInt*Loc (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc N) is V32() countable set
((UsedInt*Loc (p >0_goto ((card N) + 3))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc N)) \/ (UsedInt*Loc s) is V32() countable set
{} \/ (UsedInt*Loc N) is V32() countable set
({} \/ (UsedInt*Loc N)) \/ (UsedInt*Loc s) is V32() countable set
N is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
card result is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom result is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card result) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
result ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(result,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop result) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop result)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop result)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop result)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop result)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop result)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop result))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop result)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop result))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card result)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card result)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card result))),(card result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop result))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card result))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if=0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
dom (if=0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(if=0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . ((card result) + 4) is set
0 + ((card result) + 4) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
goto (0 + ((card result) + 4)) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
card (Stop SCM+FSA) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty V2() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
K320(SCM+FSA,(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))}))
{(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free good set
stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))),(card (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
card (result ";" (Goto 0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (result ";" (Goto 0)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))),(card ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) +* (Reloc ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (result,(card (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (result,(card (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (result,(card (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))),(card (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) +* (Reloc (result,(card (((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free good set
stop (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() V95( SCM+FSA ) set
K282((Goto 0),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Goto 0) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Goto 0) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Goto 0))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Goto 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Goto 0)))),(card (Goto 0))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0)))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Goto 0)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
card ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card (Goto 0)) + (card (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))),(card ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) +* (Reloc ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((result ";" (Goto 0)),(card (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((result ";" (Goto 0)),(card (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((result ";" (Goto 0)),(card (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))),(card (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) +* (Reloc ((result ";" (Goto 0)),(card (((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))),(card ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))),(card (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) +* (Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
card (if=0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) + (card ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(card (if=0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)))) - (card ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(card result) + 6 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card result) + 6) - 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
0 .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(Goto 0) . 0 is set
{ (b1 + ((card result) + 4)) where b1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT : b1 in dom ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) } is set
Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
dom (Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) is non empty V32() countable V140() set
(Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) /. ((card result) + 4) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) . (0 + ((card result) + 4)) is set
((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) . 0 is set
(card result) + (card (Goto 0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(card result) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + (card (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + (card (Stop SCM+FSA))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card result) + 4) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))),((card result) + 4)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))),((card result) + 4)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Directed ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) set
Directed (((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result),(card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free set
goto (card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) is Relation-like Function-like set
dom (Directed ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom (Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) is V32() countable V140() set
(dom (Directed ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) \/ (dom (Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)))) is non empty V32() countable set
(dom ((((Macro (N =0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) \/ (dom (Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)))) is non empty V32() countable set
(Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) . ((card result) + 4) is set
IncAddr ((goto 0),((card result) + 4)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
s ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(s,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop s) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop s)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop s)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s))),(card s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
UsedIntLoc (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(card s) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{((card s) + 4)} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
{((card s) + 4)} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
rem2 is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin Int-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin Int-Locations)))
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2 is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) is set
dom rem2 is non empty set
dom ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) is V32() countable V140() set
rng ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable set
dom (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is V2() V32() countable V140() set
dom (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable V140() set
(dom (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)))) \/ (dom (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable set
rng (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty V32() countable set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2 is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
dom (((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) is V32() countable V140() set
aux is set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux is set
rem2 . ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux) is set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux is set
rem2 . (((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux) is set
(((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux is set
rem2 . ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux) is set
0 + ((card s) + 4) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
goto (0 + ((card s) + 4)) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
rem2 . (goto (0 + ((card s) + 4))) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
UsedIntLoc (goto (0 + ((card s) + 4))) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
UsedIntLoc (goto 0) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
rem2 . (goto 0) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
(((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) . aux is set
rem2 . ((((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) . aux) is set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux is set
rem2 . (((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux) is set
(((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
aux is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin Int-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin Int-Locations)))
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) aux is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union (((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) aux) is set
next is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
rem2 . next is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
aux . next is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
I3i0 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
UsedIntLoc I3i0 is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
s ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(s,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop s) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop s)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop s)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s))),(card s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
UsedInt*Loc (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(card s) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{((card s) + 4)} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
{((card s) + 4)} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
UsedInt*Loc ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
rem2 is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin FinSeq-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin FinSeq-Locations)))
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2 is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) is set
dom rem2 is non empty set
dom ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) is V32() countable V140() set
rng ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable set
dom (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is V2() V32() countable V140() set
dom (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable V140() set
(dom (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)))) \/ (dom (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable set
rng (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty V32() countable set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2 is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
dom (((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) is V32() countable V140() set
aux is set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux is set
rem2 . ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux) is set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux is set
rem2 . (((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux) is set
(((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux is set
rem2 . ((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux) is set
0 + ((card s) + 4) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
goto (0 + ((card s) + 4)) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
rem2 . (goto (0 + ((card s) + 4))) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
UsedInt*Loc (goto (0 + ((card s) + 4))) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
UsedInt*Loc (goto 0) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
rem2 . (goto 0) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
(((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) . aux is set
rem2 . ((((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) . aux) is set
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux is set
rem2 . (((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux) is set
(((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
aux is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin FinSeq-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin FinSeq-Locations)))
((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) aux is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union (((if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) aux) is set
next is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
rem2 . next is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
aux . next is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
I3i0 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
UsedInt*Loc I3i0 is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
{p} is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while=0 (p,s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedIntLoc (while=0 (p,s)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc s is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
{p} \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
s ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(s,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop s) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop s)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop s)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s))),(card s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
(card s) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{((card s) + 4)} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
{((card s) + 4)} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc (s ";" (Goto 0)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
{p} \/ (UsedIntLoc (s ";" (Goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
({p} \/ (UsedIntLoc (s ";" (Goto 0)))) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc (Goto 0) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc s) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto 0)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
{p} \/ ((UsedIntLoc s) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
({p} \/ ((UsedIntLoc s) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto 0)))) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc s) \/ {} is V32() countable set
{p} \/ ((UsedIntLoc s) \/ {}) is non empty V32() countable set
({p} \/ ((UsedIntLoc s) \/ {})) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable set
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while=0 (p,s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedInt*Loc (while=0 (p,s)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc s is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
s ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(s,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop s) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop s)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop s)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s))),(card s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
(card s) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{((card s) + 4)} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
{((card s) + 4)} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
UsedInt*Loc (if=0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc (s ";" (Goto 0)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc (s ";" (Goto 0))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc (Goto 0) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc s) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Goto 0)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
((UsedInt*Loc s) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Goto 0))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc s) \/ {} is V32() countable set
K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT) is Relation-like set
K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT)) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
aux is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
aux . ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
next + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
aux . ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(I3i0 + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 + (1 + 1) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(I3i0 + 1) + 0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3I2) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
I3I2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3I2) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan ((((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan ((((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0)),((LifeSpan ((((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1))))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2 + ((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1))))) + 3) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
IC ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)) . (IC ) is set
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3i0 + 1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(I3I2 + ((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1))))) + 3))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
I is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(I3i0 + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3i0 + 1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3i1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
I is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
I + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . n is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . n))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . n)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . n)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . n)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
n + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),i1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IC ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . (IC ) is set
t is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
i1 + t is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),i1)),t) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t))) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) . (IC ) is set
dom (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . 1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
It is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),It) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
It is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . It is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
SWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),SWt) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
next + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
It is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),It) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
It is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . It is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
SWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
PWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),PWt) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
PWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),PWt) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
f is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
PWt + f is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) . (IC ) is set
dom (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
SWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
k + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
au is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . au is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . au) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . au) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . au))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . au)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . au)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . au)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
au + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),au1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . au) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IC ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) . (IC ) is set
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),au1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),au1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
ne1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
au1 + ne1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
re1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt)),re1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
au1 + ((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt)))) + 3) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
SWt + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (SWt + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
k is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
c36 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),c36) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) . (IC ) is set
dom (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
SWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while=0 (s,N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
result is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
result . s is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
LifeSpan (p,result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
DataPart result is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
Data-Locations is Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
result | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p +* (while=0 (s,N)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s =0_goto 4 is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Initialize result is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
result +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
dom (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable set
(Initialize result) . s is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
dom (while=0 (s,N)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . 1 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while=0 (s,N)) . 1 is set
IC (Initialize result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Initialize result) . (IC ) is set
IC (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Initialize result)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . (IC (Initialize result)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . 0 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while=0 (s,N)) . 0 is set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),(0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0)))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) is non empty functional set
the Execution of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))))
K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),0)) is set
Following ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result))),(Initialize result)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result)))) . (Initialize result) is set
Exec ((s =0_goto 4),(Initialize result)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (s =0_goto 4) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (s =0_goto 4)) . (Initialize result) is set
card N is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom N is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card N) + 5 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),4) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . 2 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while=0 (s,N)) . 2 is set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . 3 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while=0 (s,N)) . 3 is set
goto ((card N) + 5) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . ((card N) + 5) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while=0 (s,N)) . ((card N) + 5) is set
Exec ((goto ((card N) + 5)),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto ((card N) + 5)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto ((card N) + 5))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)) is set
I3 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Exec ((goto ((card N) + 5)),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)))) . I3 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)) . I3 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
i2 is FinSeq-Location
(Exec ((goto ((card N) + 5)),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)))) . i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)) . i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
Exec ((goto 2),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 2) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 2)) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)) is set
I3 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Exec ((goto 2),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)))) . I3 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)) . I3 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
i2 is FinSeq-Location
(Exec ((goto 2),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)))) . i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)) . i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
succ 0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),(1 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),1)) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
2 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),(2 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)) is set
Exec ((goto 3),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 3) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 3)) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
3 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),(3 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),3)) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),4)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),4)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),4))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (s,N))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),4))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),4))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
I3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput (p,result,I3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr (p,(Comput (p,result,I3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput (p,result,I3)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput (p,result,I3)) . (IC ) is set
p /. (IC (Comput (p,result,I3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
I3 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Exec ((s =0_goto 4),(Initialize result))) . I3 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialize result) . I3 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
i2 is FinSeq-Location
(Exec ((s =0_goto 4),(Initialize result))) . i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Initialize result) . i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
Comput (p,result,1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (p,result,2) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,2)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,2)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Exec ((goto 3),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)))) . I3 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)) . I3 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
i2 is FinSeq-Location
(Exec ((goto 3),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)))) . i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (s,N))),(Initialize result),2)) . i2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
Comput (p,result,3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,3)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,3)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (p,result,4) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,4)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,4)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput (p,result,I3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,I3)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,I3)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
CurInstr (p,(Comput (p,result,I3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput (p,result,I3)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput (p,result,I3)) . (IC ) is set
p /. (IC (Comput (p,result,I3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialize s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
Data-Locations is Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
1 + I3i0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0)) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0))) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(1 + I3i0) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1))) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1)))) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
1 + (I3i0 + 1) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1)))) . (IC ) is set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
N =0_goto 4 is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
dom (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable set
IC (Initialize s) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Initialize s) . (IC ) is set
IC (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) . (IC ) is set
(Initialize s) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
card result is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom result is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card result) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Initialize s)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) . (IC (Initialize s)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
dom (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) . 0 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while=0 (N,result)) . 0 is set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) is non empty functional set
the Execution of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))))
K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)) is set
Following ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))),(Initialize s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)))) . (Initialize s) is set
Exec ((N =0_goto 4),(Initialize s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (N =0_goto 4) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (N =0_goto 4)) . (Initialize s) is set
I3I2 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) . I3I2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialize s) . I3I2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I is FinSeq-Location
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) . I is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Initialize s) . I is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialize s) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize s) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) . (IC ) is set
1 + 0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0)) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0))) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) . (IC ) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1) + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
goto ((card result) + 4) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Following ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) is set
Exec ((goto ((card result) + 4)),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto ((card result) + 4)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto ((card result) + 4))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) is set
i1 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . i1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) . i1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
t is FinSeq-Location
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . t is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) . t is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) . ((card result) + 4) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while=0 (N,result)) . ((card result) + 4) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Following ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) is set
Exec ((goto 0),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 0) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 0)) . (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) is set
i1 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1) + 1))) . i1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . i1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
t is FinSeq-Location
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1) + 1))) . t is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . t is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
Data-Locations is Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
DataPart (Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
Data-Locations is Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
IExec (result,(p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec (result,(p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec (result,(p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
DataPart (Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Initialize (Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Result (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
next + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
Data-Locations is Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
Data-Locations is Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Initialize (Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec (result,(p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec (result,(p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec (result,(p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Result (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))))) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
N is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart N is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
Data-Locations is Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
N | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
result is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart result is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
result | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
i0 is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
rem2 is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while=0 (i0,rem2) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3I2I1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3I2I1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2 is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2 is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) . i0 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) . i0 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while=0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while=0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((s +* (while=0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . 0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . 0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . 0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . 0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
Data-Locations is Element of K6( the U1 of SCM+FSA)
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
I3i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3I2I0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(I3I2I0 + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + (1 + 1) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(I3I2I0 + 1) + 0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),n) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),n) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1))))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
n + ((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1))))) + 3) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
IC ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) . (IC ) is set
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3I2I0 + 1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(I3I2I0 + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3I2I0 + 1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3I2I1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
dom (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable set
0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . (0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3I2I0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Initialize s) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize s) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart s is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
s | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(Initialize s) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
n + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while=0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
I3 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
t is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),t) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IC ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) . (IC ) is set
IC (Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) . (IC ) is set
IC (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) . (IC ) is set
DataPart (Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
t + q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),t)),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q))) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while=0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
rem2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
aux is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . aux is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . aux) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . aux) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . aux) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart s is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
s | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
IExec ((while=0 (N,result)),p,s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec ((while=0 (N,result)),p,s)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec ((while=0 (N,result)),p,s)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Initialized s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialized s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized s) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized s) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialized s) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized s) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialized s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while=0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
IExec ((while=0 (N,result)),p,s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec ((while=0 (N,result)),p,s)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec ((while=0 (N,result)),p,s)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
(p,(Initialized s),N,result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . (p,(Initialized s),N,result) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . (p,(Initialized s),N,result)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . (p,(Initialized s),N,result)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p +* (while=0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialized s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized s) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result ((p +* (while=0 (N,result))),(s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . I3i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . I3i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . I3i0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile=0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . I3i0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
N is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
card result is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom result is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card result) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
result ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(result,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop result) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop result)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop result)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop result)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop result)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop result)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop result))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop result)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop result))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card result)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card result)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card result))),(card result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop result))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card result))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if>0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
dom (if>0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(if>0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . ((card result) + 4) is set
0 + ((card result) + 4) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
goto (0 + ((card result) + 4)) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
card (Stop SCM+FSA) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty V2() epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
K320(SCM+FSA,(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))}))
{(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free good set
stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))),(card (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
card (result ";" (Goto 0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (result ";" (Goto 0)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) good set
((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))),(card ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) +* (Reloc ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc (result,(card (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr (result,(card (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (result,(card (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))),(card (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) +* (Reloc (result,(card (((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free good set
stop (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() V95( SCM+FSA ) set
K282((Goto 0),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Goto 0) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Goto 0) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Goto 0))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Goto 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Goto 0)))),(card (Goto 0))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Goto 0)))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (Goto 0)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
card ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card (Goto 0)) + (card (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))),(card ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) +* (Reloc ((Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)),(card ((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((result ";" (Goto 0)),(card (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((result ";" (Goto 0)),(card (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((result ";" (Goto 0)),(card (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))),(card (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) +* (Reloc ((result ";" (Goto 0)),(card (((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))),(card ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card ((((N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" (result ";" (Goto 0)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))),(card (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))) +* (Reloc ((Stop SCM+FSA),(card (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" (Goto 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) ";" ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) +* (Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
card (if>0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) + (card ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(card (if>0 (N,(result ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)))) - (card ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA))) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(card result) + 6 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card result) + 6) - 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
0 .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(Goto 0) . 0 is set
{ (b1 + ((card result) + 4)) where b1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT : b1 in dom ((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) } is set
Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
dom (Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) is non empty V32() countable V140() set
(Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) /. ((card result) + 4) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) . (0 + ((card result) + 4)) is set
((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) . 0 is set
(card result) + (card (Goto 0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(card result) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + (card (Stop SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + (card (Stop SCM+FSA))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card result) + 4) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))),((card result) + 4)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Shift (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))),((card result) + 4)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Directed ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free V95( SCM+FSA ) set
Directed (((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result),(card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() halt-free set
goto (card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)))) is Relation-like Function-like set
dom (Directed ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom (Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) is V32() countable V140() set
(dom (Directed ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result))) \/ (dom (Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)))) is non empty V32() countable set
(dom ((((Macro (N >0_goto ((card (Stop SCM+FSA)) + 3))) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)) ";" (Goto ((card (result ";" (Goto 0))) + 1))) ";" result)) \/ (dom (Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4)))) is non empty V32() countable set
(Reloc (((Goto 0) ";" (Stop SCM+FSA)),((card result) + 4))) . ((card result) + 4) is set
IncAddr ((goto 0),((card result) + 4)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
s ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(s,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop s) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop s)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop s)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s))),(card s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
UsedIntLoc (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(card s) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{((card s) + 4)} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
{((card s) + 4)} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
rem2 is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin Int-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin Int-Locations)))
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2 is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) is set
dom rem2 is non empty set
dom ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) is V32() countable V140() set
rng ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable set
dom (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is V2() V32() countable V140() set
dom (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable V140() set
(dom (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)))) \/ (dom (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable set
rng (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty V32() countable set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2 is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
dom (((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) is V32() countable V140() set
aux is set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux is set
rem2 . ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux) is set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux is set
rem2 . (((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux) is set
(((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux is set
rem2 . ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux) is set
0 + ((card s) + 4) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
goto (0 + ((card s) + 4)) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
rem2 . (goto (0 + ((card s) + 4))) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
UsedIntLoc (goto (0 + ((card s) + 4))) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
UsedIntLoc (goto 0) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
rem2 . (goto 0) is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
(((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) . aux is set
rem2 . ((((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) . aux) is set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux is set
rem2 . (((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux) is set
(((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
aux is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin Int-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin Int-Locations)))
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) aux is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin Int-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union (((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) aux) is set
next is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
rem2 . next is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
aux . next is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
I3i0 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
UsedIntLoc I3i0 is V32() countable Element of Fin Int-Locations
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
s ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(s,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop s) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop s)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop s)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s))),(card s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
UsedInt*Loc (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(card s) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{((card s) + 4)} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
{((card s) + 4)} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
UsedInt*Loc ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
rem2 is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin FinSeq-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin FinSeq-Locations)))
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2 is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) is set
dom rem2 is non empty set
dom ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) is V32() countable V140() set
rng ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable set
dom (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is V2() V32() countable V140() set
dom (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable V140() set
(dom (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)))) \/ (dom (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable set
rng (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is non empty V32() countable set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2 is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
dom (((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) is V32() countable V140() set
aux is set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux is set
rem2 . ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux) is set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux is set
rem2 . (((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux) is set
(((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux is set
rem2 . ((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) . aux) is set
0 + ((card s) + 4) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
goto (0 + ((card s) + 4)) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
rem2 . (goto (0 + ((card s) + 4))) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
UsedInt*Loc (goto (0 + ((card s) + 4))) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
UsedInt*Loc (goto 0) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
rem2 . (goto 0) is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
(((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) . aux is set
rem2 . ((((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) . aux) is set
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux is set
rem2 . (((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) . aux) is set
(((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) rem2) . aux is set
aux is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA, Fin FinSeq-Locations) Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,(Fin FinSeq-Locations)))
((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) aux is Relation-like NAT -defined Fin FinSeq-Locations -valued Function-like V32() countable set
Union (((if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0))) (#) aux) is set
next is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
rem2 . next is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
aux . next is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
I3i0 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
UsedInt*Loc I3i0 is V32() countable Element of Fin FinSeq-Locations
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
{p} is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while>0 (p,s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedIntLoc (while>0 (p,s)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc s is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
{p} \/ (UsedIntLoc s) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
s ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(s,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop s) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop s)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop s)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s))),(card s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
(card s) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{((card s) + 4)} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
{((card s) + 4)} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
UsedIntLoc (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc (s ";" (Goto 0)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
{p} \/ (UsedIntLoc (s ";" (Goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
({p} \/ (UsedIntLoc (s ";" (Goto 0)))) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
UsedIntLoc (Goto 0) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc s) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto 0)) is V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
{p} \/ ((UsedIntLoc s) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto 0))) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
({p} \/ ((UsedIntLoc s) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Goto 0)))) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
(UsedIntLoc s) \/ {} is V32() countable set
{p} \/ ((UsedIntLoc s) \/ {}) is non empty V32() countable set
({p} \/ ((UsedIntLoc s) \/ {})) \/ (UsedIntLoc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable set
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while>0 (p,s) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
UsedInt*Loc (while>0 (p,s)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc s is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
s ";" (Goto 0) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop s is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(s,(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop s) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop s)),(card (CutLastLoc (stop s)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop s)) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop s))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card s is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom s is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s)) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Goto 0),(card s))),(card s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop s))) +* (Reloc ((Goto 0),(card s))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free set
(card s) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{((card s) + 4)} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
{((card s) + 4)} --> (goto 0) is non empty Relation-like {((card s) + 4)} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(goto 0)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}))
{(goto 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({((card s) + 4)},{(goto 0)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
(if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) +* (((card s) + 4) .--> (goto 0)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
UsedInt*Loc (if>0 (p,(s ";" (Goto 0)),(Stop SCM+FSA))) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc (s ";" (Goto 0)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc (s ";" (Goto 0))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
UsedInt*Loc (Goto 0) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc s) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Goto 0)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
((UsedInt*Loc s) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Goto 0))) \/ (UsedInt*Loc (Stop SCM+FSA)) is V32() countable Element of K6(FinSeq-Locations)
(UsedInt*Loc s) \/ {} is V32() countable set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
aux is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
aux . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
next + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
aux . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(I3i0 + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 + (1 + 1) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(I3i0 + 1) + 0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3I2) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
I3I2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3I2) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i0)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1))))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2 + ((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1))))) + 3) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
IC ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i0 + 1)) . (IC ) is set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3i0 + 1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(I3i0 + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3i0 + 1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3i1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
I is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
I + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
n + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),i1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IC ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . (IC ) is set
t is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next),t))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
i1 + t is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),i1)),t) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t))) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(i1 + t)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) . (IC ) is set
dom (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
It is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),It) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
It is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . It is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
SWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),SWt) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
next + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
It is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),It) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
It is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . It is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
SWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
PWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),PWt) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
PWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),PWt) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
f is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
PWt + f is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) . (IC ) is set
dom (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
SWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
k + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
au is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . au is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . au) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . au) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . au))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . au)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . au)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . au)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
au + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),au1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . au) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IC ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) . (IC ) is set
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),au1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),au1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
ne1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
au1 + ne1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
re1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt)),re1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
au1 + ((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt)))) + 3) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
SWt + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (SWt + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
k is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
c36 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),c36) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . SWt) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),q)) . (IC ) is set
dom (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
SWt is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
dom (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while>0 (s,N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
result is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
result . s is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
LifeSpan (p,result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
DataPart result is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
result | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p +* (while>0 (s,N)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s >0_goto 4 is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
dom (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable set
dom (while>0 (s,N)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . 1 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while>0 (s,N)) . 1 is set
Initialize result is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
result +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
IC result is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
result . (IC ) is set
IC (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) /. (IC result) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . (IC result) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . 0 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while>0 (s,N)) . 0 is set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,(0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0)))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) is non empty functional set
the Execution of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))))
K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,0)) is set
Following ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result)),result) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result))) . result is set
Exec ((s >0_goto 4),result) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (s >0_goto 4) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (s >0_goto 4)) . result is set
card N is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom N is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card N) + 5 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,4) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . 2 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while>0 (s,N)) . 2 is set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . 3 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while>0 (s,N)) . 3 is set
goto ((card N) + 5) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . ((card N) + 5) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while>0 (s,N)) . ((card N) + 5) is set
Exec ((goto ((card N) + 5)),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto ((card N) + 5)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto ((card N) + 5))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)) is set
I3I2I1 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Exec ((goto ((card N) + 5)),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)))) . I3I2I1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)) . I3I2I1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3I2 is FinSeq-Location
(Exec ((goto ((card N) + 5)),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)))) . I3I2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)) . I3I2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
Exec ((goto 2),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 2) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 2)) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)) is set
I3I2I1 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Exec ((goto 2),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)))) . I3I2I1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)) . I3I2I1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3I2 is FinSeq-Location
(Exec ((goto 2),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)))) . I3I2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)) . I3I2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
succ 0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,(1 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,1)) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
2 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,(2 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)) is set
Exec ((goto 3),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 3) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 3)) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
3 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,(3 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,3)) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,4)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,4)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,4))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (s,N))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,4))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,4))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput (p,result,I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr (p,(Comput (p,result,I3I2I1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput (p,result,I3I2I1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput (p,result,I3I2I1)) . (IC ) is set
p /. (IC (Comput (p,result,I3I2I1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
I3I2I1 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Exec ((s >0_goto 4),result)) . I3I2I1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
result . I3I2I1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3I2 is FinSeq-Location
(Exec ((s >0_goto 4),result)) . I3I2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
result . I3I2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
Comput (p,result,1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (p,result,2) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,2)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,2)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I1 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Exec ((goto 3),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)))) . I3I2I1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)) . I3I2I1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3I2 is FinSeq-Location
(Exec ((goto 3),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)))) . I3I2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (s,N))),result,2)) . I3I2 is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
Comput (p,result,3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,3)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,3)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (p,result,4) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,4)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,4)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput (p,result,I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (p,result,I3I2I1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (p,result,I3I2I1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
CurInstr (p,(Comput (p,result,I3I2I1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput (p,result,I3I2I1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput (p,result,I3I2I1)) . (IC ) is set
p /. (IC (Comput (p,result,I3I2I1))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialize s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
1 + I3i0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0)) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0))) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + I3i0))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),I3i0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i0 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(1 + I3i0) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1))) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1)))) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + I3i0) + 1))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(I3i0 + 1))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
1 + (I3i0 + 1) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1)))) . (IC ) is set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (I3i0 + 1)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
N >0_goto 4 is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
dom (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable set
IC (Initialize s) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Initialize s) . (IC ) is set
IC (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) . (IC ) is set
(Initialize s) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
card result is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom result is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(card result) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Initialize s)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) . (IC (Initialize s)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
dom (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) . 0 is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while>0 (N,result)) . 0 is set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Following ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) is non empty functional set
the Execution of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))))
K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),0)) is set
Following ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))),(Initialize s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)))) . (Initialize s) is set
Exec ((N >0_goto 4),(Initialize s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (N >0_goto 4) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (N >0_goto 4)) . (Initialize s) is set
I3I2 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) . I3I2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialize s) . I3I2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I is FinSeq-Location
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) . I is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Initialize s) . I is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialize s) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize s) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),1)) . (IC ) is set
1 + 0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0))) . (IC ) is set
Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0)) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0))) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + 0))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) . (IC ) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))) . (IC ) is set
(IC (Comput ((p +* result),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) + 4 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1) + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
goto ((card result) + 4) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Following ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) is set
Exec ((goto ((card result) + 4)),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s))))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto ((card result) + 4)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto ((card result) + 4))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) is set
i1 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . i1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) . i1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
t is FinSeq-Location
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . t is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))))) . t is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) . ((card result) + 4) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(while>0 (N,result)) . ((card result) + 4) is set
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) . (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Following ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))))) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) is set
Exec ((goto 0),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 0) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (goto 0)) . (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) is set
i1 is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1) + 1))) . i1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . i1 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
t is FinSeq-Location
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1) + 1))) . t is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) . t is Relation-like NAT -defined INT -valued Function-like V32() V40() V41() countable M7( INT )
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),((1 + (LifeSpan ((p +* result),(Initialize s)))) + 1))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
DataPart (Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
i0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (i0 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
DataPart (Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Initialize (Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Result (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
next + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
Initialize (Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Result (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next)))))) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
N is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart N is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
N | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
result is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart result is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
result | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
i0 is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
rem2 is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while>0 (i0,rem2) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3I2I1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3I2I1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2 is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2 is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1) . i0 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1) . i0 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while>0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while>0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),((LifeSpan (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))) + 3))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Comput (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)),(LifeSpan (((s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2))) +* rem2),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3I2I1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3I2I1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . 0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . 0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . 0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . 0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
I3i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3I2I0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(I3I2I0 + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + (1 + 1) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(I3I2I0 + 1) + 0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),n) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),n) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1))))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
n + ((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1))))) + 3) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
IC ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) . (IC ) is set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3I2I0 + 1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(I3I2I0 + 1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3I2I0 + 1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3I2I1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
dom (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty V32() countable set
0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize s))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),I3I2I0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Initialize s) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize s) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart s is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
s | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(Initialize s) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative set
n + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3)))) + 3 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Comput (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3)),((LifeSpan (((p +* (while>0 (N,result))) +* result),(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3)))) + 3)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
I3 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
t is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),t) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IC ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) . (IC ) is set
IC (Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) . (IC ) is set
IC (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) . (IC ) is set
DataPart (Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialize ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q)) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),q))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
t + q is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),t)),q) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
CurInstr ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q))) . (IC ) is set
(p +* (while>0 (N,result))) /. (IC (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(t + q)))) is with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
rem2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
aux is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . aux is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . aux) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . aux) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . aux) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart s is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
s | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
IExec ((while>0 (N,result)),p,s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec ((while>0 (N,result)),p,s)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec ((while>0 (N,result)),p,s)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Initialized s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialized s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized s) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized s) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Result ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialized s) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized s) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialized s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
IExec ((while>0 (N,result)),p,s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec ((while>0 (N,result)),p,s)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec ((while>0 (N,result)),p,s)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
(p,(Initialized s),N,result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . (p,(Initialized s),N,result) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . (p,(Initialized s),N,result)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . (p,(Initialized s),N,result)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize (Initialized s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized s) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize (Initialized s)))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
Result ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Result ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Result ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialized s))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . I3i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . I3i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . I3i0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,(Initialized s))) . I3i0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
i0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . i0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
next + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (next + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
N is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart N is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
N | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
result is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart result is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
result | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
i0 is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
rem2 is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
aux is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . aux is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . aux) . i0 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
while>0 (i0,rem2) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
s +* (while>0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . aux) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . aux) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . aux is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . aux) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . aux) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . aux) . i0 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
p +* (while>0 (i0,rem2)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialized s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
DataPart (Initialized s) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized s) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart s is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
s | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialized s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
N is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
DataPart (Initialized s) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized s) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart s is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
s | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
(p,s,N,result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
Initialize s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA))))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA))))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 + I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + (I3I2I1 + 1) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 + (I3I2I1 + 1) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + (I3I2I1 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + (I3I2I1 + 1))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + (I3I2I1 + 1))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + (I3I2I1 + 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + (I3I2I1 + 1))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + (I3I2I1 + 1))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1)) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(I3I2I0 + I3I2I1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1)) +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialized ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(I3i1 + I3I2I1) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3i1 + I3I2I1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3i1 + I3I2I1) + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3i1 + I3I2I1) + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec (result,(p +* (while>0 (N,result))),((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + I3I2I1)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3I2I0 + I3I2I1) + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3I2I0 + I3I2I1) + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . ((I3I2I0 + I3I2I1) + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + 0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + 0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + 0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 0) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 0)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 0)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i1 + I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3i1 + I3I2I1)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . 0) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3i1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
s . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
while>0 (N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
p +* (while>0 (N,result)) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
(p,s,N,result) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Initialize s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 (N,result))),(Initialize s))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
next is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . next) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart I3i1 is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
I3i1 | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i1 is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart I3I2I0 is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
I3I2I0 | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart I3I2I1 is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
I3I2I1 | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i1 . I3I2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
DataPart I3I2 is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
I3I2 | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i1 . I is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
DataPart I is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
I | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i1 . I3I2I0 is set
I3i1 . I3I2I1 is set
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . n) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i1 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3I2I0 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i1 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . (I3I2I0 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2I1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3I2 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (N,result,p,s)) . I3I2I0) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
N is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart N is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
N | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
result is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart result is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
result | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
i0 is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
rem2 is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
I3i0 is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
I3i1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
I3i1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3i1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3i1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3i1) . i0 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3i1 + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3i1 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3i1 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3i1 + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . (I3i1 + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . (I3i1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3i1 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3i1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3i1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3i1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,s,result)) . I3i1) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3i1) . i0 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
I3i0 . ((StepWhile>0 (i0,rem2,p,N)) . I3i1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
s is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
SubFrom (s,s) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
p is V77() Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
{p,s} is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
1 -thRWNotIn {p,s} is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
Macro (SubFrom (s,s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,(SubFrom (s,s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (SubFrom (s,s)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (SubFrom (s,s)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(SubFrom (s,s))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(SubFrom (s,s))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(SubFrom (s,s))}))
{(SubFrom (s,s))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(SubFrom (s,s))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(SubFrom (s,s))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(SubFrom (s,s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(SubFrom (s,s))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))}))
{((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(Macro (SubFrom (s,s))) ";" (Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((Macro (SubFrom (s,s))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (s,s)))))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (s,s))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (s,s)))))) +* (Reloc ((Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (s,s)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
2 -thRWNotIn {p,s} is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)}))
{((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" (Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)),(card ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)),(card ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)),(card ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)))))),(card ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)))))) +* (Reloc ((Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)),(card ((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
3 -thRWNotIn {p,s} is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2 is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))}))
{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2)))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2)))) +* (Reloc ((Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))}))
{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))}))
{(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free paraclosed parahalting set
(((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free paraclosed parahalting set
stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))) +* (Reloc ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)) ";" (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))))),(card (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))))),(card (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))))),(card (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p))))),(card (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p))))) +* (Reloc ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(3 -thRWNotIn {p,s})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}),s))),(Macro (AddTo (s,(1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}))))))))),(card (((SubFrom (s,s)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {p,s}) := p))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
p is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
N is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
result is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
s . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(N,result) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
SubFrom (result,result) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
{N,result} is non empty V32() countable Element of K6(Int-Locations)
1 -thRWNotIn {N,result} is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
Macro (SubFrom (result,result)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,(SubFrom (result,result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (SubFrom (result,result)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (SubFrom (result,result)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(SubFrom (result,result))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(SubFrom (result,result))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(SubFrom (result,result))}))
{(SubFrom (result,result))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(SubFrom (result,result))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(SubFrom (result,result))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(SubFrom (result,result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(SubFrom (result,result))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))}))
{((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
(Macro (SubFrom (result,result))) ";" (Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((Macro (SubFrom (result,result))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (result,result)))))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (result,result))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (Macro (SubFrom (result,result)))))) +* (Reloc ((Macro ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),(card (Macro (SubFrom (result,result)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
2 -thRWNotIn {N,result} is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)}))
{((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" (Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),(card ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),(card ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),(card ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)))))),(card ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)))))) +* (Reloc ((Macro ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),(card ((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
3 -thRWNotIn {N,result} is V77() non read-only Element of the U1 of SCM+FSA
(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2 is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))}))
{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2)))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2)))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2)))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2)))) +* (Reloc ((Macro (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),(card ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))}))
{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) is ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) parahalting keeping_0 good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() 1 -element countable V85() set
0 .--> (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is V2() Relation-like NAT -defined {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like one-to-one constant V32() countable set
{0} --> (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is non empty Relation-like {0} -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued {(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))} -valued Function-like constant total V29({0},{(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({0},{(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))}))
{(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))} is non empty V32() countable set
K7({0},{(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({0},{(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
stop K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282(K320(SCM+FSA,(AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
(((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() non halt-free keeping_0 good paraclosed parahalting set
stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
IncAddr ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))) +* (Reloc ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),(card (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable non halt-free set
while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
(((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)) ";" (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() good set
stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
K282((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),(Stop SCM+FSA)) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N))) is T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
card (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable ext-real non negative V140() set
Directed ((CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))),(card (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable halt-free set
goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N))))) is non ins-loc-free V91( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA) V104(3, SCM+FSA ) good with_explicit_jumps IC-relocable V160(3, SCM+FSA ) V162(3, SCM+FSA ) Element of the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA
(CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))) +~ ((halt SCM+FSA),(goto (card (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N))))))) is Relation-like Function-like set
card (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
dom (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)) is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V32() countable V78() ext-real positive non negative V140() set
Reloc ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),(card (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IncAddr ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),(card (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))) is non empty T-Sequence-like Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable V85() set
Shift ((IncAddr ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),(card (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N))))),(card (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
(Directed (CutLastLoc (stop (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N))))) +* (Reloc ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),(card (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N))))) is Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like V32() countable set
IExec ((N,result),p,s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(IExec ((N,result),p,s)) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((N,result),p,s)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc n is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(intloc 0) .--> 1 is V2() Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued Function-like one-to-one constant the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable data-only set
{(intloc 0)} is non empty V32() countable set
{(intloc 0)} --> 1 is non empty Relation-like non-empty non empty-yielding {(intloc 0)} -defined NAT -valued {1} -valued Function-like constant total V29({(intloc 0)},{1}) V32() countable Element of K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1}))
{1} is non empty V32() countable V78() V79() set
K7({(intloc 0)},{1}) is Relation-like V32() countable set
K6(K7({(intloc 0)},{1})) is V32() V36() countable cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
((intloc 0) .--> 1) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible V32() countable 0 -started set
(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -valued Function-like total V29( NAT , product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7(NAT,(product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA))))
p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))) is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
f is non empty Relation-like product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA) -defined NAT -valued Function-like total V29( product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA), NAT ) Element of K6(K7((product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)),NAT))
k is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
k . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
k . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
k . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
k . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(k . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) div 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
au is non empty Relation-like NAT -defined the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -valued Function-like total set
IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),au,k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),au,k)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),au,k)) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),au,k)) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),au,k)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
ne is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc ne is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re * (Fusc ne) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (ne + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au1 * (Fusc (ne + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(re * (Fusc ne)) + (au1 * (Fusc (ne + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)) +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec ((Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) is non empty functional set
the Execution of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))))
K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) . (IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) is set
(Exec ((Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) div ((IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(k . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) div ((IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)) . (3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)))) . (3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) mod ((IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(k . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) mod ((IExec (((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2),au,k)) . (3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(k . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) mod 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
re + au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc re1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (re1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne1 * (Fusc re1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au1 * (Fusc (re1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(ne1 * (Fusc re1)) + (au1 * (Fusc (re1 + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
c34 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
2 * c34 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer even ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(2 * c34) + 0 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((2 * c34) + 0) mod 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
0 mod 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IExec ((Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(IExec ((Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Exec ((AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))) . (Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) is set
(Exec ((AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result)),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
re + au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc re1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (re1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re * (Fusc re1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne1 * (Fusc (re1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(re * (Fusc re1)) + (ne1 * (Fusc (re1 + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
c34 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
2 * c34 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer even ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(2 * c34) + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer non even V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
1 mod 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IExec ((Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(IExec ((Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Exec ((AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) . (Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))) is set
(Exec ((AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,(IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k)))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))),(Initialized (IExec ((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))),au,k))))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(2 * c34) div 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
k + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
au is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc au is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne * (Fusc au) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (au + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re * (Fusc (au + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(ne * (Fusc au)) + (re * (Fusc (au + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) div 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne1 * (Fusc au1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (au1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re1 * (Fusc (au1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(ne1 * (Fusc au1)) + (re1 * (Fusc (au1 + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
(StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . 0 is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . 0) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . 0) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . 0) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . 0) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
k + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (k + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
au * (Fusc k) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne is empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V11() V12() integer Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined Function-like one-to-one constant functional V32() V33() V36() V40() V41() V42() Function-yielding V52() Cardinal-yielding countable V85() ext-real non positive non negative Element of NAT
ne * (Fusc (k + 1)) is empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal T-Sequence-like c=-linear natural V11() V12() integer Relation-like non-empty empty-yielding NAT -defined Function-like one-to-one constant functional V32() V33() V36() V40() V41() V42() Function-yielding V52() Cardinal-yielding countable V85() ext-real non positive non negative Element of NAT
(au * (Fusc k)) + (ne * (Fusc (k + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
Exec (((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N),(IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA) is functional with_common_domain product-like set
K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) is non empty functional set
the Execution of SCM+FSA is non empty Relation-like the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA -defined K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))) -valued Function-like total V29( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) Function-yielding V52() Element of K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))))
K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))) is Relation-like set
K6(K7( the InstructionsF of SCM+FSA,K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA))))) is cup-closed diff-closed preBoolean set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)) . (IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s)) is set
(Exec (((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N),(IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s)))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
Initialized s is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
s +* (Initialize ((intloc 0) .--> 1)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . (SubFrom (result,result)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . (SubFrom (result,result))) . (Initialized s) is set
Exec (((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)),(Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s)))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
the Execution of SCM+FSA . ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)) is Relation-like Function-like Element of K127((product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)),(product ( the Object-Kind of SCM+FSA (#) the ValuesF of SCM+FSA)))
( the Execution of SCM+FSA . ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) . (Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s))) is set
(Exec (((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)),(Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s))))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialized s) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N),(IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s)))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s)) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)),(Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s))))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s))) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialized s) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N),(IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s)))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s)) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0)),(Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s))))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec ((SubFrom (result,result)),(Initialized s))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Initialized s) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((Initialized s) . result) - ((Initialized s) . result) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(Exec (((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N),(IExec (((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))),p,s)))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
f . ((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
k + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
f . ((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
au is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc au is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne * (Fusc au) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (au + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re * (Fusc (au + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(ne * (Fusc au)) + (re * (Fusc (au + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
abs (((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) div 2 is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc au1 is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne1 * (Fusc au1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au1 + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (au1 + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re1 * (Fusc (au1 + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(ne1 * (Fusc au1)) + (re1 * (Fusc (au1 + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (intloc 0) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
DataPart (IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec (((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),(p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
abs (((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . (k + 1)) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result})) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))),(2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Initialize (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))) +* (Start-At (0,SCM+FSA)) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total 0 -started set
LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),(Initialize (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Comput ((p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),(Initialize (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),(Initialize (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (Comput ((p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),(Initialize (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),(Initialize (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))))))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(Comput ((p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),(Initialize (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))),(LifeSpan ((p +* (while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))))))))),(Initialize (Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))))))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
k is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total Element of product (the_Values_of SCM+FSA)
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
DataPart ((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
IExec ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),p,(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))) is non empty Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible total set
DataPart (IExec ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),p,(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible data-only set
(IExec ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),p,(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))) | (Data-Locations ) is Relation-like the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Data-Locations -defined the U1 of SCM+FSA -defined Function-like the_Values_of SCM+FSA -compatible set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . (1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
((StepWhile>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))),p,(Initialized (IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s))))) . k) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
au is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
Fusc au is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
ne * (Fusc au) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
au + 1 is non empty epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer V78() ext-real positive non negative Element of NAT
Fusc (au + 1) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
re * (Fusc (au + 1)) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(ne * (Fusc au)) + (re * (Fusc (au + 1))) is epsilon-transitive epsilon-connected ordinal natural V11() V12() integer ext-real non negative Element of NAT
(IExec ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),p,(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))) . result is V11() V12() integer ext-real set
(IExec ((while>0 ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),((((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := 2) ";" (Divide ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(3 -thRWNotIn {N,result})))) ";" (if=0 ((3 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),(Macro (AddTo ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}),result))),(Macro (AddTo (result,(1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}))))))))),p,(IExec ((((SubFrom (result,result)) ";" ((1 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := (intloc 0))) ";" ((2 -thRWNotIn {N,result}) := N)),p,s)))) . N is V11() V12() integer ext-real set